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Move 172:  Hanging Out with Goblins

Tunnels beneath the Mines--Night, 4 Eleint 1374 DR

While the group briefly discussed what to do about the goblins, the goblins apparently had other ideas of it.  The sound of running, in the direction away from the group and their light, came from the area where the goblins reportedly were.  This limited the options to try to catch them, either on foot or with spell, or to let them go.

"Azrun!" called Aloysius.  "Bring thy light quickly!"  Aloysius moved to the edge of the illumination.  "If we let them go, they'll just return in greater numbers."

He stood ready to run after the goblins.

Jana, unarmored, set down her shield and mace.  "Obnoxoius, lying little bastards," she growled.  Jana pulled out the light stone and charged down the tunnel, drawing her sword as she ran.

Aloysius ran after her.

"Shit and I was hoping for some sleep." Blacky said as he followed after.

"I'll stay here with Arachne," Echo told everyone running down the tunnel.  "I don't think she can keep up if you run."  She waited for her eyes to adjust to the dark then went to stand by Arachne.

"I don't _want_ to keep up with them," Arachne whispered, when Echo sidled up next to her.  "I didn't think we were down here to kill goblins who come upon us.  Maybe you could go keep Jana from making more enemies -- but I'd be careful.  Very careful.  We ran into some goblins once before.  We shouldn't have started fighting them then, either.  But we did – I still don't know how -- and Pug wound up killed because of it.  A goblin knifed him, just like that."  The gnome shuddered, and then leaned against the side of the tunnel.  "Pug wasn't really a fighter," she mumbled.  "He was a gnome.  Gnomes don't fight --  I guess _some_ gnomes fight, but none that I've hung around with for much time.  I liked Pug.  I don't know --"  She looked at Echo.  "I don't want to think about why he took on that goblin.  I was right there -- I was right there and I couldn't heal him."  She shook her head.  "Ever since it happened, I haven't been able to heal him.  I guess there's nothing coming from this way."  She retreated back toward the camp area.

Jana, followed by Aloysius and Blacky, charged down the tunnel, taking the light.  Arachne, Azrun, Daelen, Echo and Renn remained near the campsite in the dark.

Arachne sighed and took Echo's hand.  Leading her, the gnome moved close to Azrun and then led him as well to Daelen.  "I realize it's pretty dark now and you may not like that," she whispered to the latter.  "If you're going to draw your sword, all I ask is that you give me warning.  OK?"

Renn struggled free of his reverie.  He recovered his sword from where it lay at his side, and knelt on the ground at the campsite.  "There is the lantern, should any require it," he said softly as he listened for signs of battle down the hallway Blacky and Jana ran.

Azrun followed Arachne, "Thank you, little gnome. First thing in the morning, I'll create another light stone."

After a few minutes, the three who had run down the tunnel returned.  They had three stripped-down and tied-up goblins with them.

"Got 'em all," Jana said, still panting a bit.  "Aloysius put 'em to sleep."  She looked at the goblins, fingering the hilt of her sword meaningfully.  "You'll be perfectly safe -- so long as you're useful.  Which means you answer questions."  Jana repeated herself, or tried to, in poorly-accented Elvish, "You safe if you be used.  You say when asked."  She glared at the goblins, waiting to see if one of them could ot would speak Common or Elvish.

"Oh dear," fretted Aloysius.  "Tried did I to speak with the mire goblins in the fey tongue when we met them afore.  They understood it not."

He turned to the others.  "Is anyone fluent in goblin, or mayhap in another tongue with which they may be familiar?"

"Bah, they're probably so stupid they don't even speak goblin. Don't threaten them with a quick and easy death though, better to hand them over to the townsfolk, let them decide what mercy these scum deserve." He leaned his sword against the wall behind him, it's flame going out as his hand left the grip, and resumed putting on his armor. "Meanwhile, it's possible these are only scouts, if more are coming, I'd rather not be caught off guard."

Azrun nodded, "I'll need Jana's light stone for a few minutes, but I should be able to draw something up." He waited for the stone then pulled out his journal and some charcoal and began to sketch.

Jana spoke with Echo for a few moments, obviously distraught in the dim light of the partially-covered light stone.  After a couple of minutes, Jana called out, just loud enough to be heard, "Uhm, Arachne, can I talk to you, please?"  She remained where she was, quite clearly wanting Arachne to come to her.

When Arachne walked over (assuming she did), Jana moved the small group a little further away and covered the light stone enough to make it difficult for those without infravision to see them clearly.

Echo stood where she was by Jana and waited to see if Arachne would come over.  She glanced uncomfortably at the goblins.

Arachne came to Jana.  She offered no reaction regarding the trussed goblins.  "What can I do for you?" she asked the warrior.

Aloysius walked over to where Blacky and Daelen were. "Perhaps we should take some time to secure our prisoners with rope," he suggested.  "We will recommence camping soon, and doubts have I that their clothing makes the most suitable of bonds.  Are either of you proficient with tying rope?"

"I've tied prisoners often enough but I lost my rope."  Daelen said with a shrug while he adjusted the straps on his armor.

"If someone can provide Daelen with some rope, he can tie up the goblins and we can resume camping," suggested Aloysius.  "Azrun can draw the symbol of the orcs for them.  Perhaps if it is obvious that they are familiar with it, we can indicate to them somehow that we want them to take us to the orcs."

He looked down at the ground momentarily.

"If they are not familiar with it . . . well, we can address that quandry when we reach it."

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