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Move 175:  Doors.  Really Big Doors.

Tunnels--6 Eleint 1374 DR

Spending some time in close quarters with the prisoners revealed a few previously unknown goblin facts.  They seemed to have no concept of personal space, and they were filthy little creatures that easily managed to out-stink even the least diligent member of the party in matters of personal hygenine.  In spite of that, the night passed uneventfully.  The night's rest was enough for Jana to finally fully recover from the wounds sustained in the battle in the mines.  As the group set out again, everyone was at full strength.

The day again consisted of nothing other than following the tunnels.  About midway through the day, they came to another split; the lead goblin took them down the left tunnel this time.  The only other creatures they saw were a nest of giant rats, all of which scampered away at the noise the party made.  Eventually, a place to camp was sought, found, scouted, and warded, and another night passed in the tunnels.

Tunnels--Midday, 7 Eleint 1374 DR

About halfway through the next day, the goblins began to act nervously.  Fred continued to lead, until the tunnel ended in a set of huge bronze doors with two large keyholes.  The goblins cowered, whimpered and acted generally pathetic as the group stopped to decide what to do.

Azrun studied the goblins reactions when they reached the doors, "Anybody else find it strange that these guys are scared to death about what's behind those doors. I mean I know they aren't the bravest of races but they really don't like something back there."

Renn nodded.  "They know fear, but perhaps it is the fear of their masters," Rennirolas shrugged as the investigation continued.

Aloysius seemed rather animated as he walked along the dark tunnels.  He continued with his efforts to communicate with Fred, particularly in his endeavor to learn Fred's name.  He shared his rations and water with him and tried to make sure that the other goblins at least got something to drink.

Upon seeing the doors, his mouth dropped as he stared upwards at the size of the portals.    "Shigand's bones!" he said slowly.  "I like not the thought of greeting whate'er may live on the far side of yon portals, 'lest they be of comparable stature."

"Well we didn't come this far to turn around and I'll guess some of our answers lie beyond those doors.  Anyone care to check them first or should we just break them in?" Blacky asked.

"I'd vote for checking them... unless someone though to bring a battering ram." Daelen said, leaning against the tunnel wall and keeping an eye on the goblins.

"Looks like your friend shares your feelings. Maybe one of the goblins can touch the door in case it's trapped."  Daelen said, glancing dubiously at the titanic portal.

The mage continued to stare upwards at the huge doors.  "I shall attempt to discern if there are any arcane wards on the doors," he said finally as he began to cast a short spell.

After casting his spell, Aloysius looked over the doors.  "I can not detect any arcane auras on the doors," he said finally.

"I'll check them for traps and, if they are locked, I'll see if I can open them," Echo offered.  She walked up to the doors and began examining them.

"All right," Arachne said.  "And then I could go have a look on the other side, if we think that would be prudent..."

Aloysius had continued studying the doors until he overheard Arachne's comment.  "This inquiry is primarily for Stargazer's personal enlightenment, small one, but what happens if you attempt to open one of thy portals in a solid wall?  Mayhap we should determine that a space exists behind the wall afore you try that."

Arachne blinked, then smiled.  "You know," she said, "it hadn't even occurred to me that there might be wall behind the doors.  But I'd not been planning to open the portal.  If I had, then anyone could go through and see what's on the other side.  No, I was planning to make myself ectoplasmic and then go _through_ the door to see what I could see."

"Doubts have I that a solid wall be beyond the portals.  I simply feared that, if for some odd reason there was, great harm might result if some care was not used."

He grinned broadly.  "That and I wanted to ask you about your blue portals.  Now, 'ectoplasmic', you say?
 That is also terribly interesting.  Perhaps you could...." He glanced around at the others, the doors, the tunnel wall. "tell me more about that when we have time."

"Ah," Rennirolas nodded. "And when you..assume this form Arachne, you can pass through objects as a ghost?  I can only assume then that you take the appearance of a spirit as well?" Renn stopped, and seemed to search for the right words.  "Still have your form, but thin and misty?"

"Uh huh," Arachne said.  "Why?"

Echo checked the doors.  "No traps that I can find," she said, "They're locked though and I can't unlock them.  Your turn to do your thing," she told Arachne.

"Well," Jana said, stepping forward, "since we can't find any magic on them and we can't find any traps on them, want me to try to open them?"  She waited for objections before attempting to open the doors.

"Why don't we let Arachne see what's on the other side first.  Maybe she can unlock them from there.  Otherwise, we can let Renn do his silence thing and then break them in, I'd prefer not to have to take on the whole stronghold at once if they do need doors this large." Blacky said

Daelen shook his head in amazement. "You'd have to be as strong as a titan to break those doors. I'd bet my shield they're barred too, and if they're barred they probably have a couple of gatekeepers to let people in... I don't suppose anyone's thought of knocking and seeing if anyone answers?  They might be expecting three goblins."

Azrun watched the others as they observed the doors. He shrugged his shoulders and walked up to look them over. He got down on his knees and tried to peer under the door.

Still musing over the doors and Arachne's varied talents, Aloysius interjected.  "Rennirolas, hast thou a spell of silence available to thee?  If Arachne is, for whatever reason, unable to provide passage for the rest of us through yon portals, we may have to resort to physical force to open them."  With this comment he glanced over at the three fighters.

"A silence spell on the doors would prevent the noise from such an endeavor from echoing throughout these tunnels, and providing notice to whomever resides beyond of our arrival."

"That I do Aloysius," Renn nodded.  "I have one spell of silence that Corellon has blessed me with, and if needs be, can beesech him for another."

"I was hoping that we could open the doors nicely," Arachne mused.  "Unlock them and then lift the latch like civilized people.  But if they're more stubborn than that, I _think_ I should be able to manage both a quick look at the other side -- to determine whether we want to bother going on -- and then also create my disorienting doorway long enough for us all to go through.  I am more rested than I was the last time that issue came up.  I think..."  She frowned, trying to remember.

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