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Move 181:  Orcs ,Orcs, Orcs

Orc Caverns--Afternoon, 7 Eleint 1374 DR

Azrun fired a couple of additional shots at the rider, but this time both flew astray. Jana missed the lizard.  Daelen turned his attention from the mounted orc and tried to fight the two orcs with his shield and sword. The orcs were too separated for the multiple attacks to be truly effective and he missed with both. The mounted orc took Daelen's inattention to him as an invitation to attack from behind.  He turned his lizard away from Jana, which effectively saved her from any more harm from the reptile for the moment, and attacked Daelen.  Somehow, he still managed to just barely miss the fighter with his long spear.

Aloysius ran into the fray with Renn and Blacky, stabbing an orc with a dagger.  Blacky took down another orc with his axe.  The orcs dealt no damage to any of the three.

Jana pursued the lizard.

Renn waited as the tumult continued.  When he had the opportunity he began a short chant.  He approached Blacky and touched the warrior's shoulder as he finished his spell.

Aloysius took another stab at the orc he had just wounded.

"I told him that mine would hurt more. Of course he's not feeling anything now.  You guys might want to look around at all the dead orcs and think about it."  Blacky said as he swung at the orcs again, intent on adding to their number on the floor.

"Dammit!". Azrun let loose with another volley of arrows.

Arachne reappeared, coming back around the rock the way she had gone earlier, standing near the passageway.

Azrun fired two more arrows at the rider. One made its mark; the other did not. Jana went after the lizard again, but her sword failed to penetrate the beast's scaly hide. It turned on her again as well, biting her once more.  Daelen continued his sword and shield style attacks on the two orcs, taking one of them down with his blade. The mounted orc stabbed Daelen with the long spear, the point finding its way under his arm and into his side. The orc pulled the weapon away and the fighter fell to the floor, bleeding. As Daelen fell, the light from his sword extinguished, leaving Jana in the dark with the orcish champion, the lizard, and another orc.

Aloysius did not manage to reproduce his dagger hit on the wounded orc.  Blacky took down another; Aloysius and Renn both took wounds from the orc surrounding them. Renn was able to get through to Blacky and cast a spell on him, healing some of his wounds.

It was about then that the sounds of chanting came from the back of the cavern. The light stone in the midst of the battle between Aloysius, Blacky, Renn, and the orcs went out, leaving them in near darkness. The sound of chanting was still heard.

"Thanks." Blacky said after Renn had returned some of his strength.  "We'd better finish this fast." Blacky said swinging at the remaining orcs and attempting to edge toward Azrun and the light.

"Someone had best occupy that caster!" yelled Aloysius, a hint of panic in his voice.

He refocused his attention on the orc in front of him.  "Die, damn your soul!" He took another slash at the creature with his dagger.

Jana growled something unintelligible but doubtless nasty as the light went out.  She gripped her sword a bit tighter and focused on her training as she swung once more at the lizard.

"I'll try," Renn said shortly. He moved forward, trying to see the chanter visually.  Renn sighed as his prayers fell on deaf ears.

Azrun looked at the situation and then to Arachne, "Little gnome, get that doorway thing ready to go. I think we're going to need it really soon." As the lights went out, Azrun picked up his light stone again, "Jana!!! Get out of there!! He can see and you can't!!!" Azrun waited with Arachne  hoping the others would pull back also.
Arachne ducked back behind the rock again. Azrun picked up the light stone.

Not surprisingly, Blacky killed another orc. Aloysius stabbed the one he was fighting again. Renn tried and failed to cast a spell. Both Aloysius and Blacky were wounded again.

The din of melee came from the back of the cave where Jana fought in the darkness. More chants were heard, as well as what sounded like some type of rallying cry. The handful of orcs remaining did seem bolstered by it and began to fight with an even more insane ferocity than before.

The rallying cry broke off with a yelp of surprised pain, although this did not seem to affect the frenzy of the orcs. Suddenly, a sphere of light lit up the back of the cave.

Now visible again, Jana was still fighting a very wounded lizard, although it seemed to have done significant damage to her too. The orcish champion had dismounted, finally allowing everyone to fully appreciate his outstanding size. The brute stood at least seven feet tall, literally head and shoulders above his comrades. He gripped his long spear and went after Jana on foot.  A dwarf, wearing not much more than a loin cloth, had come from somewhere and was going after the lizard with a battle axe. An old man with one hand stood back, slightly away from the battle.

An orc with another long spear, this one with some type of elaborate symbol and feathers attached to it, had made his way into the cavern. He wore a series of charms and a holy symbol. Echo had returned and, it seemed, had attacked him since he had a bloody dagger wound in his back. He turned to engage her, blinking against the unexpected light.

Another orc with a long spear, although the weapon was at his feet, and a holy symbol stood slightly away from them. He seemed to be keeping a careful eye on a third orc who had made his way into the fray since the lights went out. This one wore chain mail and carried a slim longsword that did not seem to reflect the light.

Echo tried to cast a spell at the orc she was facing.

"Oooooh, shit," Jana muttered as the huge orc approached.  He had a good foot on her, maybe a little more.  She shifted to meet his attack, swinging twice with her sword.
Being able to see targets again, Azrun dropped the stone at his feet and readied his bow. He took his time steadying bow before letting an arrow loose at the big orc.
Blacky tried to finish off the two unwounded orcs.

This last wound Aloysius took caused him to let out a pain-filled groan.  Now unsteady on his feet, he tried to finish his orcish opponent before the orc finished him for good.

Renn carefullly tried to get to Daelen's side.

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