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Move 186:  Post Gnome Conversations

Orc Caverns--Morning, 8 Eleint 1374 DR

"If a group was arrogant about their ability to deal with illithids,"  Carmeneren told Arachne, "it would not speak well of them in my mind.  But if they later proved themselves worthy, I would help them.  Words mean little.  Actions are what count."

To Jana, the old gnome said, "Yes, we have seen many living prisoners being moved below.  How many they have killed other than the ones we have seen, I cannot say."

When Blacky, and likely some of the others, indicated a complete ignorance about illithids, Carmeneren nodded, "I did not know if you would know of them.  They are one of the dangers you should try to learn about, if you choose to return."  She added, "Since we do not go above, I cannot direct you to the nearest way back.  I would suggest you return the way you came here."

After another moment's pause to see if anyone else had remarks or questions, Carmeneren gestured at the others with her again.  They prepared to leave as she finished with, "As I said before, if any of you choose to return, I will speak with you again then."   With those parting words, the deep gnomes silently disappeared into the darkness of the tunnel.

Echo stared off into space while the gnomes were still there and for some time after they left.  "Do you want me to check those chests for traps so we can open them?" she asked in a dazed voice "or do you just want to take them to open when we get the ones we left in the mines?"

"I'd rather not carry the chests back if we can open the and distribute the contents."
Blacky said

"I'd feel more comfortable if Renn did that thing to look for traps before you actually touched it," Jana said to Echo.

Rennirolas glanced up from his check of Daelen's bandages.  "That is not a spell I had prayed for this morning, but I shall see what I can do," he said.  He knelt before the chests. A short chant and a few gestures later, Renn closely examined the chests.

Throughout the entirety of the group's encounter with the gnomes, Aloysius had remained aloof and (mostly) silent. His stone-faced expression didn't change after the gnomes left as he stood near a wall with his eyes focused on the chamber floor.

Echo told Aloysius, "I'll memorize a spell to detect magic on the stuff the orcs had.  The gods know we're going to need all the help we can get."  She immediately looked embarassed, "I mean, those of us who decide to come back.  Arachne's right.  No one can volunteer anyone else this.  I will come back.  I don't think I have any choice."

She sighed as she opened up her spellbook again.

"I plan to return as well. You are correct, we need all the help we can get and we have much to prepare," Blacky said.

"I'm coming back," Jana affirmed.  "We know there were prisoners taken further below.  I can't not try to help them."

The mage momentarily snapped out of his daze. "Hmm?   Oh . . .yes, of course," he said quietly. He slid down to the floor where he had stood and pulled out his spellbook. After thumbing rather absently through the pages for a moment, he went over and spoke quietly
with Renn.

"I need to seek further guidance," Renn admitted.  "I lean towards returning to aid your cause, but I do not know that if I can turn from mine own path without chastisement from a higher power," he said.  "On our way out though, we should recover those items that have been hidden near the entrance.  For those who do intend to return, the preparations will be costly, I'm sure," he added.

After that, Renn went amongst the wounded, blessing the most seriously injured with his curatives.

After speaking with Renn, Aloysius sat down on the chamber floor and watched as the Fey Warden examined the chests.

"Twelve days . . ." he muttered quietly. "How long will it take for us to return to Milborn?" he asked no one in particular.

Shoulders slumped, he again pulled his legs up to his chest, resting his chin on his knees.

Aloysius studied his spellbook quietly for a while before standing up to stretch. "If time be short, let us make haste," he said quietly. He gathered up his equipment and stood ready to head back towards the surface.

"Does anyone recall with certainty how we got here?" he asked, an edge of concern in his voice.

The one-handed old man has recovered his equipment, and looked a bit more reputable. Olaf was a battered looking man in his early fifties. His body still appeared strong and powerful, but his age was apparent in his wrinkled face and snow-white hair and beard. A jagged scar arced across his forehead, and another ran along the length of his right forearm. His left hand was missing at the wrist; the stump was covered with a leather bracer-like piece. He removed his shirt to change into cleaner clothing, his back and chest were covered with small scars from old arrow and dagger wounds.

Having recovered his gear, Olaf wore servicable chainmail over brown breeches and tunic, and with a tabard embroidered with Tyr's Hammer and scales over the chainmail. His longsword hung from his left hip, warhammer from his right, and a pack is slung across his back.

He spoke, "I am Olaf Ulfson, Sword of Tyr. I have been looking for a former pupil of mine, Falgout, whom I understand you travelled with. Is he well?"

Upon hearing Falgout's name, Aloysius looked uncomfortably at the others, but said nothing.

Arachne sighed.  "All we can hope is that he now rests in the joyful companionship of your god, Tyr," she said.  "Above ground, there is a place called the Green Glade ... I think -- it may be called much worse.  We would call it worse, if we knew exactly what it was that was there.  Something of Ranchefus's, I think.  We fought it -- Falgout and Rumer with more enthusiasm than the rest of us.  They did not come with us when we'd secured our objective -- rescuing Echo -- and were retreating.  I looked in the Glade the next morning (we fought at night) and there was no sign of them."  She looked about to say more, then shook her head.

Olaf looked worried, "The scum showed me a man's hand he was using for a ritual. He claimed it was from a priest of Tyr. It sounds as if Falgout was covering your retreat. Did he act bravely?"

"You are probably right," Arachne agreed.   "And yes, he always acted most bravely."

Olaf nodded, "Then I have more reason to join those who would journey into the depths. Falgout and the innocents deserve to be rescued."

Renn indicated that one of the chests, the unlocked one, was magically warded, but the other was not trapped in any way. The key Azrun found on the chain mail wearing orc opened the lock on the other. Inside was a collection of holy symbols, about 30 all told,
representing various faiths among the human and demihuman gods.

Renn did his best to heal the most wounded, leaving everyone able to travel although it would still be uncomfortable for some.

Echo's attempted to discern magic among the belongings of the orcs and revealed that the three long spears and the single suit of chain mail were enchanted.

"Let us leave this foul place," said Aloysius. "Those who plan on returning . . .," he began, his voice betraying him somewhat, "shall have much to prepare.  Perhaps we can deal with all the chests at the same time once we reach the surface."

Olaf took any of Tyr's Holy symbols among the collection, and carefully counted to see how many and which deities the others belonged to.  Olaf took all the Holy Symbols, and stated his intention of returning them to the appropriate churches.

Jana asked Arachne, "You ready to do that door thing?"  As soon as she was, Jana gathered up her stuff and as much of the other stuff as she could reasonably carry.  "Let's get going.  We don't have time to screw around."  She continued on, mostly muttering to herself, "We'll have to buy what we need then turn right back around.  No time for anything else."

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