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Move 188:  What's Going on Here?

Milborne--Noon, 11 Eleint 1374 DR

The group, minus Jana who headed to Nafton's to check on her horse, followed a bit behind Aloysius to the Baron of Mutton. They met both Aloysius and Garyld standing outside the inn where the older man had stopped the mage to ask what was going on. With them was another man, tall and thin and about of age with Garyld and Olaf, wearing a gauntlet stained deep purple on his right hand. He was dressed in leather armor and over that wore a dark purple cloak. He smiled good-naturedly at the group of strangers but offered no introduction.

Garyld's discussion with Aloysius had not gotten very far when the others approached. A dark expression crossed his face as he noticed the bound captives. He clenched and unclenched his fist as he spoke, "All right, let's here what's going on."

Aloysius’ reply came rapidly and with little thought. "We arrested these orcs as they were involved in the recent disappearances. We decided to let you interrogate them so no one would feel as if we had done your job in its entirety."

Perhaps surprised by his reply, the mage fidgeted and looked down at the ground.

Azrun's jaw dropped at Aloysius's reply. He stared at the mage in disbelief.

Garyld's face turned red and his fist locked in a clench. With a glance at the man standing beside him, he took a deep breath and replied flatly, "Don't let consideration for me stand in your way. By all means, question them yourselves." He nodded at his companion and limped off across the common area towards his carpenter shop.

The smile on the face of the other man disappeared as Garyld walked away. "I
am Darius Carmen, Rider of the South Winds and Lord of Milborne and Western Haranshire." He bowed slightly, his purple cloak swirling about him in the
light breeze. "What reasons do you strangers have for implying that my town
constable is remiss in his duties?" he asked seriously.

"Damn," cursed Aloysius quietly.  He headed off after Garyld without comment.

Olaf said simply, "Unless I am missing something, we have not. These orcs were part of a band working with a Cyricist priest who kidnapped myself and your town's good priest, Samheis. These adevnturers rescued us. We have since learned that many more captives are being help beneath the earth, and we are planning an expedition to rescue them."
Lord Carman threw a confused glance in the direction of Aloysius and Garyld but let it go in light of the new information.   "That sounds like the short version of a long story.   I would like to hear the full account of it, where these orcs and this Cyricist were based and where these goblins came in.   Were they working with the orcs and the priest as well?   We should go somewhere more suitable for discussion."
About that time, Aloysius returned.   The lord gave him an extremely puzzled look and shook his head.   "It can wait until after you eat, of course.   Good Barthlew is not going to allow your captives in his inn, however.   Would you like me to take them into custody?"   After waiting for a response, he instructed everyone to meet him in Garyld's shop after they had their meal.
Aloysius returned, alone, from his effort to retrieve the angry Garyld. The mage's face was blanketed with exasperation.

"Garyld is . . .angered with me," he announced. "And rightly so," he added. "He is an upstanding constable and Stargazer was out of place in saying otherwise."

The mage began to bite at his fingernails. "Can we get something to eat?" he asked in a whiny voice.  "I've had my o'erfill of salted eel."

"Doubts have I that Garyld will welcome me in his shop," said Aloysius. "It is long past time for Stargazer to allow the others to do the speaking and making of decisons. For now, I shall eat and reserve quarters. Praythee, excuse my absence from Garyld's.  More will be accomplished if I attend to other matters."

Echo sighed and pulled her cowl up to hide her expression. "Yes, Lord Carman, I think it would be acceptable if you took our prisoners into custody for now."
Lord Carman put a hand on Aloysius' shoulder to prevent him from walking off again while he was speaking to him.   "No, your absence will not be excused," he said.   "I will speak to Garyld.   I am his lord and he will do as I ask, whether or not he is happy about it.   I want everyone there who was involved in this.   I will send word to Semheis that I expect him there, and if there is anyone else who was there that I do not know of, I expect you to ask them to come as well."
The lord hustled the five captives in the direction of the jail adjacent to Garyld's shop while the group went into the inn.   Grizzler and Snagger were talking at one of the tables.   A few villagers were at the bar or at tables, but the common room was not very crowded so pulling tables together to accomodate the large group was no problem.   Before the serving girl came by to take their orders, Jana rejoined them.
Daelen didn't stay at the inn longer than it took to move the chests.
Jana walked over to Grizzler and Snagger upon her arrival and spoke quietly with them for a moment.
Snagger spoke back to her quietly.
Arachne hustled after Jana, then tried to wait patiently for her turn.   She arrived about the time the dwarf finished speaking.   “Snagger, Lord Darius would like to see everyone who was down in the orc-lair -- um, soon.   Over in Garyld's shop.   As soon as we're not starving.   Sooner than that, I expect, since he is the lord of these lands.   Since you were there, I think you should come, too."

Aloysius settled into a chair next and eagerly looked around for a waitress.

"I'm intent 'pon further inspecting the spell book Echo found later this afternoon," he explained.  "On the 'morrow, I am going to Thurmaster, but should be back in four days time."  He squirmed nervously in his chair.

"If anyone wishes to join me on that journey, I'd welcome the company," he added quietly.  "I shall endeavor to obtain additional incantations from Tauster, if he is inclined to reasonably barter.  Certainly, e'en if I decide not to return to the depths, I shall provide Echo and Azrun with as many spells as I can, as they are at least as capable as I at spell casting."

Echo snorted at this, pulling back the cowl she had covered her head with outside.  "I am hardly as capable at spell casting as you," Echo replied, "though I can not speak for Azrun.  I'll leave the book I've gone through with the two of you when me and Jana go.  There's nothing in it that I want, but I think I marked it well enough you can find things."  She pulled the book out of her pack and put it on the table for Aloysius.

Azrun perked up a bit, "I just dabble a bit. Tauster said I didn't have
the....attention span to be a good mage, plus I really didn't want to be an apprentice for that long. I can let you two look at what I have in my book also. There's not much there but they can do in a pinch."

"Aloysius," she said uncertainly, "I don't want to rush your decision or anything, but I think we need to know as soon as we can who is going and who isn't so we can plan for supplies."  She looked around at everyone else and said, "Everyone's got to speak for themselves in this and I'm not going to think worse of anyone for not going.  But I'd like to hear from each of you if you're going, if you're not, or if you're still deciding.  We need a head count."

"That's cruel," Arachne complained.  "Making me admit publicly just how crazy I am.  I mean -- Carmeneren as much as told me not to come back, because I'm certainly not brave enough for this enterprise.  Nor am I much use to you all.  I can't keep other people from getting killed – I don't even much _like_ being underground.  And yet, in spite of all that, I'm still inclined to go.  It's not the prisoners -- not just the prisoners that are already taken.  It's the whole whatever there, that's hunting -- so, so _extensively._  It's awful!

"Savant Mirage told me I was good -- when she bade me farewell.  That I'm well skilled and that I should use my skills well.  I think this is just the sort of stupid thing she was talking about and I just wish that I could believe her."  She sighed.  "Put me down for faith, hope and gross stupidity -- unless you'd rather not be burdened with me."
"Count me in. I also have been making so more light rocks too. I figured by
the time we leave I can make one for everyone, even those of us who can see
in the dark. I'm not sure how mulitple light stones would work on those
darkness sphere that priest cast. We'll have to see about that when the time
comes." Azrun dug into a pouch and produced 3 light stones and smiled.
Olaf said, "Assuming you will have me, I intend to return into these
"I intend to accompany you. I would like to have Tauster look at the chests
and see he can disarm the traps. I also intend to visit a certain barmaid
before my return to the depths." Blacky said with a smile "Jana, did you
happen to notice any spare horses at the stables, a pack horse perhaps?" He
"No, not a packhorse," Jana said.  "Nafton's got that same old nag back there, but I'm not sure if she could carry those chests.  The other horse is a warhorse, by the looks of him."  She added in a quieter voice, "Hey, Blacky, bring me back a big ol' flask of their white lightning, wouldja?  I think I'm gonna need it."

"You got it." He whispered back

Jana flashed a smile of thanks to Blacky.

Arachne tugged on Jana's sleeve.  "I know you're likely to get mad and tell me to mind my own business," she said softly, "but you really ought to stay away from that white lightning stuff."  Staring carefully at Jana, she added, "You're a warrior and a warrior needs to stay alert and ready.  You're going back down underground in only six days, which would not be much time to shake off the effects of that drink and be ready to protect uh -- the rest of us.  I mean, I _suppose_ I could do my spooky magic to mitigate the effects -- but you don't _like_ my spooky magic..."

"You're right," Jana said, not unkindly, "it isn't any of your business."  She ground her teeth and added, "It won't be a problem.  Don't worry about it."

"Arachne?" interjected Aloysius. "We could certainly employ your talents on our trip to Thurmaster.  If Mage Tauster is to assist us in opening the chests and identifying their contents, he will need to have the proper incantations prepared. Perhaps you could fly
ahead and tell him that we are en route?"

He thought for a moment. "Eric, perhaps we could obtain a cart for our journey? That way, the steed we use, assuming we can locate one, will not be overworked. We have three chests to transport, and that would seem to be quite a burden for any steed, no
matter how stout of heart it may be."

He picked up the spell book that Echo had provided.  "Many thanks," he said with a grin. "Each incantation we can amass shall be of use, I'm sure." He began thumbing through the book, despite the fact that he made no effort to translate any of the writings within.

Jana asked "Olaf, are you missing a horse by chance?" she asked.

"Horse?" gushed Aloysius, suddenly enthused. "Would that a horse appear 'pon my platter, mayhap joined with potatoes and fresh stormberry pie!"

He rubbed his hands together and stretched out in his chair. "How good this wooden chair feels on my . . ." his ears reddened, " . . .after so many days sitting 'pon stone. But a few rides ago, Stargazer hated this place. Now, 'tis as if it were Elysium itself."

His eyes were now large as saucers, a widening grin covering his face. "A thick steak, their best ale . . .aye . . .'tis good to be back!"

Jana wrinkled her nose in distaste. "Remind me to keep you the hells away from Daisy Belle," she muttered under her breath.

"I'm not certain. I left one in the stables here. I'll need to see if its still there." Olaf says.

"What'd your horse look like?" Jana asked.  "I saw one at Nafton's that might be yours."  She pursed her lips and added in a low voice, "I saw a lot of thing there."Olaf looked concerned, "What sorts of things?" He then quickly describedhis black warhorse.Jana said, "Yeah, might be yours.  You ought to go check on him,” she advised.  "I saw another guy over there.  Some stranger, wandered into town.  Doesn't know who he is or how he got there.  Seems like a nice enough fellow."
Jana sat down. "So who's this Lord Darius? Where's Garyld?"

Azrun again looked at Aloysius with dismay, "Aloysius, are you alright? You
seem to be a bit.....excitable. I know this is sometimes the norm, but after
this, your comment to Garyld, and your argument with Jana, I'm beginning to
worry a bit." He watched Aloysius for other outbursts

Aloysius flashed Azrun the PSF.  "All immaterial for now, Azrun.  "We're here, nothing is trying to kill us, and we don't have to eat anything dried or salted unless we so wish to.  Those be grounds for excitement, no?"

Azrun looked to Jana, "His name is Darius Carmen. I think we've all heard him refered to as Lord Carmen before. He's the lord of Milborne and Western Haranshire. Garyld is probably at his shop. When we're through eating we're all to meet with him and Lord Carmen to discuss what went on in the minds."  With that a worried look crept upon his face and he turned to Aloysius, "Aloysius, we should not mention anything else about Jelleneth especially here. Last time I was here, the poor boy that was in love with her was very torn up. I would not care to make him feel worse or bring false hope to him."

Echo replied, "Darius Carman is the Lord of Milborne.  We met him outside with Garyld on our way in. Garyld his shop," she finished vaguely. "We're supposed to meet with them after we eat to tell them the whole story of how we came to be in town with orcs and goblins."

"Okay," Jana replied agreeably. "I need to talk to Garyld, about how to find her and the best way to get there. And if there's an inn or something in-between here and there."

Azrun looked over, "Her who?"

Jana shifted in her chair uncomfortably and did not answer Azrun's question.

"When do you want to leave?" Echo asked Jana. "After we talk to them? We've got a lot of daylight left today."

"Today's fine, if you're willing," Jana said. "I made arrangements to rent Dancer, and I'll put you on my horse. Dancer's a bit of a handful," Jana explained. "Unless you're just feeling in need of a challenge." Jana grinned, then added thoughtfully, "Assuming Garyld doesn't say it's a bad idea to leave this late. We won't make it by dark, that I'm pretty sure of."

"Ladies, I know this is a personal thing, but maybe someone else should go with the two of you. I mean the orcs may not be bothering anyone for a bit, but there's still gnolls and who knows what else. I'd just like for you to consider taking at least one other person with you. Please..."

Jana fidgeted.  "We're going by horse, so that really wouldn't be practical," she said to Azrun.  "I'm renting the only halfway decent horse so two can go.  And if Garyld says it's that dangerous, then I'll go by myself or I won't go at all."

Arachne gazed at her clasped hands.  "So I guess you don't want or need me along on this trip," she said.

"We're going by horseback," Jana pointed out.  "I'm in a hurry."
"All right," Arachne said.
"Jana," Echo said softly, "it might be a good idea to have someone who could do heal if it's needed.  I'm not sure....," she gave her a very concerned look.  "If you want Arachne to go, she could ride with me on
Daisy.  The two of us together probably weigh less than you in your armor," she smiled uncertainly.

"I think you're probably right," Arachne agreed, "but..."

Olaf said, "I have no plans to leave the village. You may use my horse, if you wish."

Jana shook her head.  "It's not necessary.  Maybe she, you" she clarified, looking at Arachne, "can figure out what's going on with Aloysius.  You're the only one who seems to be able to get through to him."  Jana sighs and adds, "No one really needs to go with me, for tat matter," she said to Echo, "if you wanted to read that book or had something else to do or something.  I mean, I'm just riding over there, picking up some stuff, and coming back.  I don't want to actually do it there," she explained.  "I'm afraid it'll make me sick or something.  And like I said before, I won't delay going back after the prisoners for this."

"All right," Arachne said.  "If that's the plan.  Then perhaps I can help Aloysius negotiate with Mage Tauster."  She turned her attention to Aloysius.

"There's only one thing I want to do less than read a spell book," Echo said, "and that's hang around with nothing to do for 6 days. I'll go with you." She looked very troubled.

Renn sat and nursed the wine he had ordered as the various discussions continued. When there was a suitable pause, he interjected. "It has been put to me before and I was not prepared to answer," he smiled, "when the preparations are made to reenter the caves, I shall accompany those who go. Amongst the holy symbols recovered, there was that of a fellow Feywarden. That is one reason for my going, another is that those who have fallen should not have done so without recourse, and Ranchefus needs must be conquered, should this curse be broken.

"That said," he breathed easily, a slow sip from his goblet to whet his throat, "I need to make my own arrangements, and try to obtain a number of regents for my prayers. I found while we traveled before that I was simply unable to cast a number of my spells
for lack, and that may have led to the loss of some of our companions," he said slowly, as he peered into his cup. "I shall try to find those items I need before we leave, in six days," Renn nodded.

"Does anybody know if he's going back with us?" Echo sighed when Daelen walked out.

She smiled at Renn when he agreed to go. She looked at Aloysius and repeated her earlier question, "Do you know how long you need to decide, Aloysius?"

Most of the mage's earlier enthusiasm drained away.  "Much have I to think about," he said finally. "I'll not know until I return from Thurmaster. I'm sorry, I am uncomfortable in making such a decision sooner than that. Doubts have I that my decision shall have that great an impact on the planning for the rest of thee, as my presence or absence tips not the scales of success in any appreciable manner."

Echo looked at Aloysius and sighed.  "Okay," she replied simply, although it sound like she wanted to say more.

She turned to Blacky, "I think me and Jana are leaving today.  Since you've got the party funds and you're not going to Thurmaster until tomorrow, will you let Rastifer know that we are going to need supplies for a group of at least seven for a month or two and we'll need it six days from now?  That's why I've been trying to get some kind of head count," she said with exasperation in her voice, "That's not something you can walk in and expect to get that minute."

She took the magical robes out and handed them to Arachne, "While you're at Tauster's, will you make sure these get identified along with the other stuff?"

Arachne nodded.  "Uh huh.  And you keep Jana safe."

"I'd like for you to have the shield I've been using checked on, too," Jana interjected.  "I know it's magical, but I don't know just what it does."

Jana nodded.  "Okay.  If you wanna try to leave today, we need to get over to Nafton's."  She thought for a moment, then amended, "Well, I've gotta talk to Garyld real quick, get directions, then pick up some food to take with us.  Then we can get going.  I guess we oughta finish up lunch here quick's we can and get going?"

"I'll let him know. I'm going to try and get some provisions elsewhere, as well. I'm not sure that Rastifer and my taste in food match." He said with a look of distaste. He turned to the barmaid.  Please some ale or mead if you have it, and bring me anything but pickled eels." Blacky thought for a moment. "Ask your cook if he can order provisions for a group." he added

An adolescent girl came over to get everyone's orders for lunch, quietly speaking to everyone, trying to be unobtrusive as the various conversations continued.   Her curiousity got the better of her after she failed to get a response from the silent-as-always man sitting among them.   "What's wrong with Gerrd?" she asked.   "I didn't even know he was back in town."

Aloysius had been apparently unaware that the silent man referred to as "Gerrd" was seated at the table.  He gave him a sympathetic glance and then looked over at Olaf.

"I thought that perhaps he was simply a rather silent fellow," said the mage lamely.  "So lost was I in mine own concerns that I considered not his condition.  Knowest thou what it is that afflicts him?  If it be arcane in nature, mayhap he could travel to Thurmaster with us.  Tauster may be able to assist him."

"I think its a reaction to the captivity." Olaf said.

Aloysius nodded.  "Has he been like this ever since you first encountered him?"

"Who?" Arachne asked.

"Gerrd," replied Aloysius.  "Say, perhaps you can assist him, small one.  Olaf seems to think that he has had a most adverse reaction to his captivity.  I know not the limitations of thy skills, and sadly we know not with certainty what ails him."

He glanced at the serving girl.  "Your best ale, your thickest steak, and some fresh bread if you have it.

"If Arachne is not going to use the horse, we seem to be in need of one." Blacky said

Olaf nodded, "That would be fine. I am willing to accompany any who need
me, but otherwise I shall make my preperations here. I am willing to procure the provisons, if you would like."

"We can see Garyld when we go to his shop to talk to him and Lord Carman," Echo said. "We can't go until after that. The lord said we should all be there. I still think there'll be time to leave today after that. Well, depending on what Garyld says, I guess."

"Oh, okay," Jana said.  "We ready to go on over there now then?"  She rubbed at her temples.  "I can't say's I'll be too upset if Garyld suggests we wait 'til morning," Jana confesses.  "A bath and a good night's sleep sound pretty good."  She smiled wryly and  muttered, "I must be getting soft."

Echo gave Jana yet another concerned look, "We can probably wait until tomorrow.  I didn't know we were just going to pick stuff up, so maybe there's not so much of a hurry."

"I'm hoping it'll only take three days," Jana said.  "It's a day, day and a half ride.  I'm sort of still thinking about what I wanna do, you know?  But I figured, I oughta make sure I've taken care of things for when I do decide."

"Oh," Arachne said.  She went over to Gerrd, hoisted herself onto the bench beside him, took his hand in hers and stared at him until the group got up to go over to Garyld's.

Aloysius giggled. "It seems that we all have tasks to attend," he said after composing himself.  "Let's finish our meal and proceed to Garyld's.  I have spell books to study today, and that is something I enjoy much more than Echo does, apparently."

He winked awkwardly at Echo.

"You're a wizard," Echo replied.  "If you didn't like that stuff, you wouldn't be.  I know some spells.  That's a big difference."  She gave him a puzzled look when he tried to wink at her.

"You are correct," he replied, "partially at least. I DO like it. However, I have failed to observe much of a difference betwixt the two of us, or Azrun for that matter. Perhaps I should work harder," he commented quietly.

Noticing her puzzlement, he added, "what's wrong?"

"You have the strength to cast more spells in a day than me and more powerful spells," Echo said. "I don't see how that's the same."

Echo looked embarassed, "I think your facial twitch may be spreading. Is it a palsy?"

Aloysius cocked his head to one side. "Methinks that thou hast not seen how ineffective my incantations have been," he said with a frown.

Suddenly distracted by his own lack of segueway, he continued. "Twitch? I know not of what thou dost speak of. Stargazer be the picture of health."

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