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Move 191:  Lord Carman Makes an Offer

Garyld's Carpentry Shop--Afternoon, 11 Eleint 1374 DR

In response to Aloysius' latest query, Lord Carman replied, "I do not  know of any other locals who practice wizardry in any form."

"If you intend to return to these tunnels and continue your investigation of these activities, I can give you an official charter for your group if you wish," the lord continued. "This is not Cormyr, and it is not required that you have a charter to travel as an armed group on my lands. It is strictly voluntary. If you want to do this, I can provide you with a house to serve as a base of operations here in the village, whatever you need by way of mining equipment, and half the cost of your necessary supplies. I will also give you the right to deal with any prisoners you take within the bounds of the local law without having to bring them to me or Garyld.

"On the other hand, it will subject you to the town tax, which in your situation will be 10% of the booty you find during your investigations. This does not include magic; any magic you find is yours to keep, but you will be responsible for the full costs of dealing with any wizards or priests if you enlist their aid. The charter will also require that you report your findings on both the kidnappings and the parts of the underdark you explore to either the lord or the constable, currently me or Garyld. But as I said, you are welcome to stay in the area and do what you will without a charter," Darius finished.

Garyld added, "If you're working as agents of Lord Carman, I can provide bows and arrows for those of you who use them. And as for the scrags you mentioned, they are no longer a problem. Kuiper got a group together and they got rid of them. Six all told, I believe he said."

"Are these the creatures in the river, you two mentioned?" Blacky asked Jana and Aloysius. "If that is the case, we'd be better off taking a boat than going on horseback."

"Yes, I believe so," replied the mage.  "I will defer to thy judgment, Eric.  If you believe that a boat will be preferable to a cart, then we shall employ that method of transport.  I was simply concerned about the prospect of our cargo being dumped in the river."

"If you have nothing else to add," Lord Carman said when everyone was finished talking, "then we can call this meeting finished. You may leave Gerrd here unless some of you intend to take him back to his family."

After Lord Carman explained his offer, Aloysius stood up and stretched. "I will let the rest of thee decide
whether or not to accept his offer," he said. "I have not a mind for such decisions. I am going to go to Rastifer's, and then I am going to get a room at the Baron of Mutton. I shall be there all day reading.
Eric, shall we plan on meeting at dawn to depart for Thurmaster? Mayhap some of the others will accompany us. It could be rather perilous with just the two of us."

Jana waited until the Lord had finished speaking.  "With all due respect, Sir," she said deferentially, "I don't think a charter is in our best interest at this time."

"I believe we will need to discuss this as a group before arriving at a decision." Blacky replied with a glance at Jana.

"Do what you want," Jana muttered to Blacky, "but I'm not signing it."

"The only thing I might add," Rennirolas said softly, "is that Ranchefus might be sowing as much discord below the earth as he is above.  Many of the holy symbols that Olaf," he nodded to the Holy Justice, "and I identified belong to the dwarven and gnomish pantheons."

"It seems that most everyone will be traveling here and there," Renn interjected, as he made preparations to leave the meeting.  "I can see the boy back to his home and his family, and ask their permission in trying to read his thoughts.  Perhaps being amongst his family will be enough, but I know not," Rennirolas added, spreading his three fingered hands wide.

Jana waited until the meeting broke up, then spoke softly to Garyld.  "Garyld, I need to take care of some business in the Blessed Wood.  My friend there," she added, nodding in Echo's direction, "is going with me; we'll be on horseback.  Is there an inn or something we could reach, if left tonight, or would you recommend setting off in the morning?  There's a woman, a Madame Zolta I need to see.  Do you have any idea how I might find her?"  Jana fell silent, waiting for Garyld's reply with an odd look of desperation on her face.

Echo stayed with Jana and listened quietly as she talked to Garyld.

"Very well," Darius replied when his offer was immediately refused.   "If the group of you change your mind," he said with a brief look at Blacky and Jana, "let me know."
Olaf asked, "Do we have to accept this as a group, Milord? Perhaps some of us could be deputized, so that your authority would still back the expedition? Your blessing is of more value, I believe, then the resources you offered so graciously."

"I would prefer that this be accepted as a group," Lord Carman replied after a moment's consideration.   "Whatever objections your companions have to the offer may cause disagreements among you if part of you are in my service and part of you are not.   You are undertaking a dangerous mission, and I would not want to be the cause of any dissension in your ranks."

With that, Darius turned to Renn and smiled, "Thank you.   I will leave Gerrd in your hands then."   He began explaining to the elf where in the hills he could find the young shepherd's family.
When asked about the Blessed Wood, Garyld pointed to the map Darius had left on the table, "It's just south of Thurmaster on the other side of the river.   As you know, there's an inn there, but I doubt you could get there before dark on horseback.   Under normal circumstances, I'd say it's safe enough you shouldn't worry about it, but who knows now.   As for finding who you're looking for, I guess you'd have to ask someone in Thurmaster.   I don't know where she lives."

"Thanks," Jana replied, struggling to conceal her disappointment at Garyld's final words.  She turned to Echo and asked, "Okay with uou if we set out at first light?"  She waited for a response then added, "I need to go see Nafton.  You might want to come too, so I can get my horse's gear adjusted for you and all."

Echo nodded at Jana, "Okay.  And leaving in the morning is fine."

As everyone prepared to leave, Olaf said "I shall remain here, unless someone would like my company. I can prepare as well here for this expedition as elsewhere, and perhaps can accomplish some good in the village as I prepare."

After sitting in silence and seeing that plans were being announced, Daelen cleared his throat. "I don't suppose anyone here can tell me where I'd start looking for a wolf woman... some of the locals think Snow might've gotten the urge to 'run with the pack' or something." The expression on his face showed him seeming to feel a bit foolish about basing his search on what might be some old wives' tale.

"I plan on trying to find him... before going back down the mine."

Blacky left after the meeting to check on his hand axe and see about chartering a boat to Thurmaster.   "I'll see the rest of you back at the inn." He said.

Azrun had stayed quiet during the talk since he had missed most of the recent encounters. As Jana talked of preparations for her journey, he looked up, "Jana, why don't you travel with us? It would be safer for us all if we stayed least until we got to Thurmaster. Then, you and Echo can turn south and find the woman you're looking for. Please?"

Jana shook her head.  "You're on foot; we'll be on horseback.  I don't have time.  I'm already waiting until morning to leave, so we'll be traveling in daylight."

Azrun shook his head, "But Blacky's going to check on a boat for us. Garyld said the critters have been taken care of. We may get there quicker this way."

"No," Jana repeated, more forcefully.  "I'll need to be on horseback.  I
might not be able to walk back.  In time, walk back in time.  So leave me alone," she added, her voice rising in pitch and cracking just a bit.  She turned quickly and started out, pausing only long enough to mumble to Echo, "I'm going to the stables."

Azrun had a look of half surprised, half scared on his face as he watched Jana leave. He then decided to sit quietly until the meeting was done.

Once the meeting was over, he left with the group. "I can look at those items we picked up from the orcs if you guys want me to," he added quietly.

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