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Move 194:  Geez, It's Early

The Baron of Mutton--Night, 11 Eleint 1374 DR

The group gradually dwindled as the night went on. Jana and Echo retired early and Azrun left to enjoy the night air. The conversations continued until finally everyone made it to their rooms.

The Baron of Mutton--Pre-dawn, 12 Eleint 1374 DR

The good people of Milborne seemed to be getting an early start on the day.   The general noise of people moving about in the halls of the inn, not making  any effort to be quiet, woke everyone in their rooms. Even though the sky was not yet streaked by the dawn, it seemed that getting any more sleep was going to be an impossibility.

The common room was busy, possibly even busier than the night before despite the time of day. The buzz of conversation had shifted from patrol duty, the main topic of the previous night, to the orcs that were to be killed that morning. A hanging was not something the folks in these parts got a chance to see very often. Barthlew had made sure that the help had food ready for those who wanted something to fill their stomachs before the execution that was scheduled at dawn.

One of the earlier arrivals to the common room was Aloysius, although it was obvious that he had been
busy. He was now completely bald and his face was clean-shaven. He wore a pair of brown trousers and a
light tan tunic that both seemed well-suited for the tending of fields. He carried with him a straw hat
that had a small straw flower on it with a reddish stem. Around his neck was a red bandana.

He looked around intently for Blacky and Arachne to arrive while he munched on his breakfast.

Blacky had himself a quick early morning bath after awakening. He sat down with Aloysius, looked at his clothes and said: "Well you're all set up to help me with my first crop." Then he looked to his own tired, beat up attire. "Of course it looks a lot better than this." He said plucking at his shirt. Blacky dug into his breakfast with relish. "You going to the hanging, Aloysius?" He asked after a few bites.

Aloysius glanced around nervously and placed a finger to his lips.  Leaning toward Blacky, he whispered, "I'm in disguise, Eric.  If spellcasters are being apprehended, then Stargazer shall now be a simple farmer."

Leaning back in his chair, he continued.  "I think I have seen quite enough death already.  When do you think we will be able to depart?"

He habitually reached up to play with one of his earrings, only to be reminded that they were no longer dangling from his ears.

"The boatmaster will be ready to leave after the executions. Seems he's part of that bloodthirsty mob." Blacky replied "Jana, did you want us
to get that shield identified?"

"Please," Jana said.  She handed the shield to Blacky.

"Olaf could you hold on to the weapons that we aren't getting identified. I see no reason to cart them along. We can move them to your room when your done eating."  Blacky took the shield and went to pack upt the items they were taking to the boat. He settled their account with the inn and went to see about this white dog.

Azrun drug himself into the common room for breakfast. He looked as if he hadn't slept the night before. He looked up at Aloysius and stopped dead in his tracks, "Um...Aloysius, why are you dressed in farmer's clothes and where's your hair?"

Aloysius put a finger to his lips and looked about excitedly.  "Shhhhh . . . ." he said as leaned closed to Azrun.  "I'm in disguise," he added mysteriously.

Leaning back, he added in a louder voice.  "Yes, that mage told me he was going to go back to . . .uh . . . wherever it was he came from.  As for me, I'm just a simple man of the soil.  What do I know?"

Echo took a seat at the table with Blacky and Aloysius. She gave Aloysius' new look a puzzled look of her own, followed with a brief smile. She handed Blacky the items he had given her the night before.  "The ivory handled dagger is worth about 300 gp. The sapphire earrings are about 200 gp. The silver studded belt is worth about 30 gp. I don't know about the rest." She fidgeted nervously in her seat as she ate.

Aloysius grinned back at Echo.  "You look well this morning.  Wert thou able to recognize me immediately?" asked Aloysius hopefully.  He added in a quieter voice.  "I am in disguise."

He sat back in his chair, looking quite pleased with himself.

"Oh," he continued.  "Might I have a bit of that colored sand?" he asked.  "For, uh, testing my soil, I mean."  He glanced around to see if any non-party members were listening to their conversation.

Echo looked at Aloysius blankly for a moment.  "I recognized you but you're with the people I expect you to be with."  She handed him a small bag with a few pinches of sand in it.

Aloysius looked carefully at Blacky, Jana, and Echo.  "Indeed I am," he said softly. He took the bag with
one hand while rubbing the other over his freshly shaved head. He then placed his new straw hat on his
head and sat back, grinning.

Jana came down to breakfast, dark circles under her eyes. Her hair was loose and hung down in front of her face. She pushed her food around, playing with it more than eating it. When Echo seemed finished, Jana said to her, "You care if we skip the festivities in town and just get the hell on outta here?"

Echo nodded.  "Whenever you're ready."

"Let's go, then," she said, standing.  She looked over at Daelan and said, "C'mon."

"Janathell?" asked Aloysius, "art thou certain that thou are well 'enow for travel?"

"I'm fine," Jana muttered.

As was not typically his practice, Aloysius thought for a moment before he spoke again. "Hopes have I
that the aims of thy trip met," he said finally.  "Would that I had some assistance to provide thee, but
I do not."

"Uhm, thanks," Jana replied, looking faintly surprised by Aloysius' words.

He glanced at Echo. "Thy company should serve thee well, indeed."

Jana smiled slightly.

"Eric," said Aloysius, looking back at Blacky, "didst thou retain a vessel for our journey yesterday?
Stargazer, too, would like to make an early start. I find the fascination crowds often have with death to
be most unnerving."

Daelen crossed the common room already dressed and packed but yawning and still looking half asleep.
Stepping out the front door without so much as a 'good-morning' to his companions, he returned moments
later with his hair still dripping wet, carrying his helm under his arm. Gradualy he was able to make his way to the table and drop himself onto the bench beside the farmer/wizard.

"No better way to start a day than by dunking your head in a river colder than the Frostmaiden's loins." He said with a sigh indicating he though nothing could be farther from the truth. "Cept maybe breaking your fast surrounded by a bloodthirsty mob. I can see why Lord Fancypants wants to give us leave to axe the bastards down in the caves."

"Which reminds me... if this Sam's dog IS Snow, I'll bet you a turn on watch that this 'Sam' is our missing
bandit." he said to Jana, "If so, I intend to have him swing with his green friends..."

Daelen paused as he noticed what Aloysius was wearing, then eyed Blacky skeptically and cracked a smile.

"... I see someone fell asleep during the 'how to bed a barmaid' lesson."

"Man can't remember anything," Jana replied with a shrug.  "He's also pretty well-liked.  I'd be careful if I were you, or you'll end up in a noose yourself."  She resumed pushing her breakfast around on her plate.

"I'm not gonna get myself into trouble today. As long as you're showing me where the man is, you want to stick around in case he is the guy from the cave? How about you two?" He asked Blacky and Aloysius, "We might be tying up loose ends. Afterwards I'll be free to take the barge with you if you could use an extra hand with the cargo." He said in a neutral tone, not wanting to announce to the crowd that they were carrying chests full of treasure.

Aloysius nodded. "Certainly I would go with thee to see if this man hath thy canine companion," answered
Aloysius with a nod. "'Twould be preferable to watching the executions. And additional companionship
on our journey is welcomed as well."

Jana, Echo, and Daelen, as well as whoever else was interested in seeing if Snow was to be found, headed over to the stables.   Nafton was in the yard, feeding the dogs.   One of them was white, but it was a female and decidedly not Snow.   No one else seemed to be around.   Nafton nodded at Jana, "You ready to go?   I'll get your horses."   He paid little attention to anyone else who had come along.

Olaf headed for the provisioners, to place the order for supplies.

Aloysius went with the group to see about the white dog.

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