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Move 198:  Rain, Rain

The Hound and Tails--Late Afternoon, 12 Eleint 1374 DR

Aloysius and Daelen returned to the inn through the downpour, both soaked to the skin for their trip to Tauster's.   The initial storm died down some, settling into a hard, steady rain that seemed likely to last the night at least.   A couple of people straggled in for an early supper of mutton pie and a few drinks.   Darcy put the mop and bucket away and wandered haphazardly from person to person, taking orders and bringing drinks, chatting with everyone as long as she could without Weismar yelling at her again.

Aloysius entered with Daelen and shook the rain off his hat. He sat down at the table with Azrun, Blacky, and Arachne. "Decisions we must make in abundance," he said. "Tauster's services be not inexpensive. For each item to be examined, he charges 1000 gold pieces.  For each ward that he removes, he asks for 300 gold pieces. I also spoke with him about possibly purchasing a spell of invisibility or a spell to unlock locks to add to our collection. Each of those spells cost 200 gold pieces."

Aloysius waved at Darcy so he could order some food.  "As I mentioned afore, I recently unraveled the formula for dissipating magical energies through a gate into the negative planar matrix. However, I am unsure as to how long it may take me to remove the wards. Tauster, certainly, would be much faster. I could also attempt to read the magical auras myself, but I would need to obtain the spell required to do so. Again, Tauster would be faster and likely more effective."

"What's a 'negative planar matrix'?" Daelen asked in confusion after having ordered a meal.

Aloysius looked at Blacky. "Eric, I am unsure as to how much money we e'en have with us. Of course, we also know not what the chests contain. By the way, Anth works for Tauster now. She is there cleaning his home as we speak. Which course do all of you think most prudent? Careful must we be with our assets, yet there are many services we require."

"I dunno." Daelen commented quietly, "If the chests are full of coins or something, we might as well unload them here either to hire the wizard or exchange them for more portable wealth like those pearls you wanted."

"I'm assuming anything worth trapping's got to have some value... but I'm kinda hoping it's not more magic we don't know anything about." He added after a pause.

"Most of our assets are in the form of jewelry, we have very little actual coin. Hopefully Tauster will accept that as payment. Our best course of action would be to have him unward and unlock the chests.  Once he does so we can best determine our assets from that point. " Blacky replied to Aloysius.  "I know, the young girl told me. If we are agreed, let us eat quickly while the storm hopefully passses and cart this stuff over to Tauster's." He said and ordered some mutton pie.

"Having Tauster unlock the chests will cost extra," Aloysius pointed out, "but I think your suggestion is wise, Eric. Once we know for certain what the chests contain, we can better determine what we can afford.  If there be coin enough within the chests, perhaps we can have Tauster identify some of the items afore we leave on the 'morrow. He also mentioned that he might be willing to accept one of the items as partial payment, depending on what it does."

With that, Aloysius also ordered some early dinner.  As he waited at the table, he pulled out a bag of some type of root-like material, cut off a slice with his dagger, popped it into his mouth and began sucking on it.

Dinner was ordered and eaten; the mutton pie was as unappetizing as ever. A few more patrons came in, and eventually, Gloris came into the common room and started helping Darcy wait tables. The rain continued to fall steadily, still showing no signs that it would let up before the morning.

"Well let's get over to Tauster's before it gets too late." Blacky said after he finished his meal.

Aloysius had become noticeably uncomfortable as soon as Gloris made her appearance.  His eyes tracked her movements as she waited tables.

"Yes," he replied quietly.  "Let us see if he can at least open the chests this evening, and perhaps he can identify some of the objects tomorrow if we choose to have that done."

He stood up from the table, and then zoned out completely as his eyes locked on to Gloris.  He stood there staring across the room as if he were entranced.

Blacky followed the line of Aloysius's eyes. " You can tarry here and talk to her for a bit if you like. I'm sure the rest of us can carry these chests. C'mon fellows, time's a wastin'" Blacky picked up the heaviest of the chests and headed for the door.

"Yeah, we don't want to miss the best part of the storm..." Daelen said, leaving half of his mutton pie uneaten with few regrets to grab the next heaviest chest and follow Blacky.

Aloysius tore himself away and helped carry anything else that needed carrying.

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