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Move 2:Bells and Whistles

Scornubel--evening, 20 Flamerule 1374 DR

Gordrenn listened to the hoopla caused by his offer, the whos, whats, and how muchs that it brought. He nodded at Gala, "Tauster is a good customer and I don't wish to lose his business. The price for this service is 150 gold. I will give you a letter of credit that can be redeemed after you make the delivery and the wizard signs it. We will draw up a contract, legal and binding, at the shrine to Azuth in the morning, if you are interested in the work." He gave Zond a small smile, "Tauster requested some mundane components to replace the ones he will use at the Midsummer festival, a bell, silver wire, amber rods, among other things. The lot is worth a pretty penny, I'll tell you. He has been informed," Gordrenn looked at Azrun, "that he will not have the chest in time for the celebration, but he wants it as soon after as he can get it," he smiled, "just in case. Not like anything ever happens in Thurmaster, but he is paranoid, all the same."

The wood elf thinks for a second. "Tauster is big magic man? Why he not poof box to him?"

Torro nodded his head in agreement with the wood elf. "Sir Gordrenn, this 150 gold, is it to be split amongst this large group? Or is it per person? Either way is fine with me, but I prefer the latter. There is also the matter of this meal that I am unable to pay for as my money purse was stolen. I am willing to take this chest to the wizard, but how about half up front and half when the task is completed. Besides, some of us may need to equip ourselves for this task." Torro looked at each of the others.

Maisar turns his cloaked head, keeping his face hidden from view, towards the wood elf and says. "This tauster fellow may just be someone with a big ego, and not much in the way of magic; or he might not be able to poof the box, as you put it, from here to there." Then turning back towards Gordrenn and motioning towards Torro he says, "The man is right. How is the money to be split up."

Gala watched the others with a curious look on her face. She leaned back in her chair and watched the others and ordered a small beer from a passing server.

Pug considered the offer as he eyed what he could see of the gnome sitting across from him. "150 gold divided among nine people isn't going to go very far," Pug piped up "especially if I'm going to buy some fabric to make Arachne here a suitable traveling hat." Pug's ever present grin grew wider as he winked at the diminutive gnome.

"Huh?" Arachne looked up from her own thoughts. "I need a traveling hat for th--? Oh." She stared at the other gnome a moment, then ducked down below the table to look in her purse for something she would think of later.

Kaileer shrugs and fishes a small apple from somewhere under his cloak. "Kaileer not need many shiny stone."

Azrun smiled,"Well at least we don't have to worry about becoming white fluffy bunnies. I'm game. This should be quite interesting."

Zond was not one to quibble over money. If this was a legitimate task however the man would not have any problems putting some of the money up front. Leaning back as well, he smiled at Gala and asked, "I'm available, you?" Gala returned Zond's smile with an impish grin of her own. "Sure. I have nothing else pressing at the moment," she chortled. "Excellent." he replied. "You can carry the chest, I'll guard it." He smiled and looked over at the merchant. "Milady will carry the chest, I will guard it." His Thayan accent seemed to grow thicker as he spoke. Looking over at the small gnome he commented something in Thayan. The gnome shuddered and kept looking in her purse.

Gala noted the accent for the first time and looked a bit worried for an instant, "Um, good sir, unless the chest is small, I am not one who is overly strong. I could have better talents than a pack horse." her impish grin returns full force. Zond frowned at this last comment. "And we had such hopes for her...." "Have you a pack animal or should I enlist the service of of my trusty friend Puddlejumper?" He asked with all seriousness. Gala looked at Gond, trying to restrain the obvious laughter bubbling just beneath the surface. "Puddlejumper sounds like a good idea. I'm sure we don't want the chest getting wet."

"What can I say?" He replied. "My friend doesn't like water. But unlike some ungrateful people he will carry a chest, and his talents are far beyond that task." Zond's smug look lasted only a few moments as he looked at the gnome and smiled wide as turned to greet everyone one again. For those of you that missed the introduction before, My name is Zond, Zond Ebonblade." he said patting the black sword in front of him. "And puddle jumper and I will be quite happy to carry this chest, even if the women won't. Imagine..."he said looking over at Gsla with mock disdain. With these words, Gala could hold back no longer. She laughed a low musical laugh that caused the tears to trickle from her eyes in response. "I'm sure I'm unworthy of your honor." she gasped out, "I'm just a simple priest--"

Her mentioning that she was a priest made Zond scan her for a symbol of sorts. He gazed at her for just an instant as his eyes locked onto the symbol he knew all too well. It was as if he shut the door to his true self for an instant as the shock and realization hit him. " -- I tried to be a packhorse, but failed miserably." She couldn't go on and finally had to take a large drink of the small beer the server returned with. This, of course, made her choke, but finally she gained control and eyed the rest of the party a bit abashedly. "Sorry," she said, but there was still a twinkle lurking in her violet eyes.

This of course lasted only for a brief instant as she apparently had not been offended by his jesting. Equal to the task he raised his glass and saluted her. "A fine animal indeed, even if she couldn't carry a pack." Gala saluted him in return her eyes crinkling up as she grinned at Zond and the others at the table. Zond laughed along with Gala as he drank deeply of his mug. "It is agreed then. We shall transport this chest to this person, Halaster, did you say?" He leaned back in his chair and pulled his peaceknot loose in a nervous sort of way as he pulled the blade loose from the scabbard an inch or two and slid it back. He looked embarrassed and murmured. "Excuse me."

"No." The gnome set aside her purse and stood up on her chair so that she was more or less level with Zond. "I'm sorry," she began, then shook her head. "Bad start." Her voice was still soft and breathy. Though standing, she looked agitated, even while her speech strayed and wandered. "I gather you're planning to accept this chest job he's offering." She waved at the merchant, having obviously missed his name. "I was thinking of accepting it also. He -- um, Torro -- thinks I should go along to confuse people -- Torro interjected "Um... I didn't say that you confuse people. You must have me confused with someone else." and smiled broadly. The charging tortoise of Arachne's speech broke off. She glanced in surprise at the man who'd spoken, then gestured at the purple-haired man who hadn't. Then she sighed, nodded, and turned back to resume her lecture to Zond.

"That sounds pretty silly to me and I'm no better as a pack animal than Gala. Probably worse. Anyway, I'm not sure _why_ I should go. Well, why I should be wanted to go. Why I should go is because I probably need the money. But that hasn't to do with you -- except if you're planning to go, too. And in that case, I guess you'd be wondering if there's any reason for wanting me along. I can't think of one, but I need to know -- else I'll have an awfully good reason for not wanting to go. (Have I lost you yet?) Your accent sounds of Thay. That is, you sound as though you grew up in Thay. Now, I'm from Furthinghome. That's in Aglarond. You know where that is, don't you? Bordering Thay and bearing no love for that land. _I_ bear no love for that land and I just need to know. Seriously, please?" She clasped her hands together. "Do you have anything to do with Thay now? -- And could you please stop fidgeting with that sword?"

Laughing out loud, Torro exclaimed "WOW, that was great Arachne. So you need a reason to go, eh? Well, how about keeping an eye on this Zond for the rest of us. " and smiled. Torro winked at Zond indicating that he was having some fun.

The lithe Zond looked over at the agitated gnome and then down at the tabbard and the symbol of Cormyr that he wore proudly on his chest. "You are correct," he answered her. "I grew up in Thay and have never been able to rid myself of the accent, so I don't try. Currently I am a purple dragon in the service of his majesty, King Azoun IV of Cormyr --" "Oh, so _that's_ where I'd seen that silly -- I mean, uh, sidereal --picture," Arachne exclaimed. Though I am currently seeing to personal matters involving my family."

"That's a dragon?" Arachne continued, still studying the black picture on Zond's tabard. "Yes, I suppose it could be, if you squint right. I'd been thinking it was an intriguingly erratic star pattern, but if it's just an abstract old dragon -- Not that I have anything against dragons, mind you. I've never met one -- I don't think -- so why would I have anything against them? Or against heraldry either. I mean, I know I'm no good at it. And I don't understand it, either. I don't see the point. I might not understand Cormyr, either, though I don't think I like the place. Never been there, admittedly, though I've had conversations with people whose opinions I very much respect. _They_ didn't like Cormyr and I'd have to say that I agree. Just a little too much law and order -- and then to go and put dragons on the uniforms of their soldiers." She shrugged. "I don't get it. I stayed clear of the place when I came west." Without a pause or change of tone, she continued: "If you grew up in Thay, why'd you come west to Scornubel to settle family business? Well, never mind that. I suppose I've pried at your life much more than would be polite."

"As to why we would need you on this trip. I imagine that being of such small stature as yourself, that you are quite resourceful and a quick study. Certainly one to have if something were to go south. In return," he said taking her hand. " I vow to place myself between any big ugly nasties and yourself should the situation become...unpleasant." He turned his head a ways and smiled at Arachne once more. I also vow that Gala here will do this as well. It was obvious from his last remark that he was just trying to get a rise out of the woman and had no intention of committing her to anything, but his vow to Arachne was done with all seriousness.

"Oh, um, well." Arachne fingered her lip with her free hand. "If that's what you _want_ to vow, I'd scarcely object. That'd be a very noble and brave thing to do and, if we got into a mess like that, I'd be grateful. You'll understand, I trust, if I hope we don't get into a mess like that? And that dragon you're wearing isn't _that_ bad, really. And I'm sure that not everybody who defends Cormyr is as preoccupied with controlling everything as are the people who rule it." A shy, cautious smile crept up on her lips.

"Torro," Zond called down the table. Hearing Zond speak to him, Torro turned his attention from his ale and listened. "Should this interesting gnome find herself at odds with something uglier than herself, will you protect her as well?" He started to say something again but stopped and then started again. "I mean, something other than myself of course." He laughed at his own joke. "It would be my honor to assist the lady Arachne," Torro said, and bowed his head to the gnome. "The --" Arachne began. "Kaileer help Arachne. Arachne not be scared of flat nose." He said, pushing the end of his nose up with his index finger and baring his teeth to indicate either an angry pig or a hobgoblin.

"Serenity!" Arachne exclaimed. "With so many of you protecting me, I think I'd be safer on this expedition than anywhere else. And, unless this chest be a large one or a heavy -- though wizards do so frequently seem to want to destroy small and valued things (rather than bulk) in the pursuit of their magicks -- perhaps I _should_ be carrying it." She laughed. It was a sweet, soft laugh and mirthful, rather than coquettish. "With so many of you promising to protect me, if I am with the chest then it would be sure to stay safe. The confused --" she grinned at Torro, "-- Arachne thanks you all."

Aloysius quickly snapped his gaze back and forth at each respective speaker. His fascination with each seemed to increase each time they spoke. He clearly had a special interest in the short one with the rhyming tongue . . . . . "Chest . . . .chest . . . .chest . . . . ." his eyebrow seemed to jump as he spoke. "Aye, a small job to give us leave from merely drinking ourselves into oblivion! Money is of no import, 'tis the knowledge we shall acquire that is the true treasure. I, would still like my share, however . . . . . . ." With one quick flash of his PAINFUL grin, Aloysius tossed back the remainder of his ale, setting his cup back down on the table with a flourish. "Several short folks, a poet, something called 'Puddle Jumper', and a large man with a sword fetish! By the gods, can any barrier bar our path? So, when shall we gather for this endeavor? I have need to roam the Outer Planes this night in preparation." Then, Aloysius's sudden excitement seemed to instantly abate, as he quickly lowered his head and wrapped himself in his arms. "Chest . . . .chest . . . .chest . . . . .poet . . . . .poet . . . . .poet . . . . .puddle . . . . .puddle . . . . . .puddle. . . . ."

Kaileer seems to have missed the humor and looks at the humans as if they had lost their minds. "Gala not look like horse... Zond not can ride Gala." Azrun choked on his drink at Kaileer's last comment. He looked at Zond then to Gala then smiled again. That did it for Zond as he laughed even harder than before as the apparently human joke. This went on for several moments until he had regained his composure and took a deep breath. "I am certain you are correct Kaileer." His mirthful grin didn't fade however as he cast looks at Gala and tied not to laugh.

"Indeed, you are correct, Kaileer. Zond cannot ride me." replied Gala smiling. "You speak common quite well, by the way," she added, "I cannot speak Elven at all unfortunately."

The elf actualy smiles at this comment. "Round ears try talk elfin have wood tongue. Gala not feel bad..." Gala smiled at Kaileer. "I think you have to be born elf or live a life as long as an elf to master your beautiful language. I, alas, am all too human for that. I would like to try to learn though. Perhaps I can help you with English and you can teach me a few words of Elven? And try not to laugh too hard at my wood tongue?"

Zond smiled again and drank from his mug, finishing the last of what he had as he waited on the merchant to answer his question. He also said something quietly in Gala's ear as well. Gala listened smiling slightly as Zond finished speaking. She said nothing however and did not seem inclined to whisper back.

"I am certain it will." Zond replied raising his empty mug as well and then frowning at his ill timing. He looked into the bottom of the mug carefully searching for something and then cast an accusing look at Arachne. "What?" Arachne asked, gazing at him innocently.

Gala turned and smiled at Azrun. "Take care, Azrun. Where shall we meet again? Do others need to get provisions? Can we get an advance from our prospective employer?" Zorn called down to the merchant. "When should we start?" "And which way from here did you say Thurmaster was?" Arachne added, though it was likely that the merchant didn't hear her.

The portly man watched the various exchanges between the people seated at the table with some trepidation. When talk turned to buying supplies for the journey and money up front, he looked Torro over carefully and inserted, "If you are in need of supplies, I will give you a third of the money before you go. It is against protocol to pay for services not yet rendered, but you obviously have found me in somewhat of a spot. As for division of the gold, that is your concern. If I were in a group, I would insist upon it being split evenly, but you may do with it as you please." He gave them brief directions to the shrine to Azuth where they were to meet him in the morning for to sign to contract and pick up the chest.

"Morning?! Ears and stars, I'd forgot!" Arachne exclaimed. She glanced around the table and, for a moment, her eye paused with the noble Pug. She quickly looked away, though, and instead, turned to Gala. "I'd thought a friend of mine was here in the city and I've spent the whole day trying to find her," Arachne said, by way of non-explanation. "I never did find her, nor even anyone who's seen her. Fare Mirage? Anyway, now, it's late and I've nowhere to stay and I thought I had some money but can't seem to find any in my purse. Maybe I didn't have as much as I thought I did. It might've been all spent, I'm not sure. I have this --" She showed a silver coin that Torro had given her and not yet asked for back. "But that's supposed to pay for dinner. Unless you have plans --" Arachne glanced at Zorn, "-- though you said -- well never mind what you said. Unless it'd be inconvenient for you, I'd be very grateful -- if you're taking a room, that is -- if you could share...?"

Galaret smiled at Arachne, "If I have enough money for a room, you are more than welcome to share it, Arachne." Gala opened her belt pouch. "I think I have enough." "Thank you," Arachne sighed. She sat down again on her chair, slouching in relief, so that she disappeared from nearly everyone's view.

"T'would seem that the path to insight commences on the 'morrow! Mayhap it would be wise if we divided the money for equipment and arranged a place to meet 'pon the arising of the sun? For one, I know I must commune with the Mystic Wind before moon set . . . . . . .Uh, anybody want to split a room????" Aloysius inquired.

Galaret: "Could we meet shortly after the rising of the sun? I came here to see the temple of Lathander and would like to attend the dawn ceremony before I leave." "Want company?" Arachne's voice floated up from her chair. "I'd forgotten about that and there's something there I'm curious about.

"I would be honored to have anyone's company that wishes to attend," replied Gala with a broad smile. "even Zond," she added.

Aloysius then pulled the top fo his robe away from his body and seemed to be looking down his chest. Those closest to him could hear him mudder "four . . . . .four . . . . .four . . . . .four . . . . . ." He then looked up abruptly and glanced around. His face went blank for a couple of seconds, and then his eyebrow began to twitch. Finally, his face contorted into his PAINFUL smile look, and he interlocked his hands behind his head. "Anybody know where I can get some black hair dye?" After waiting only a second or so for an answer, he began to recite, "aither, bither, cither, dither, either, fither . . . . . . . . ." while slowly rocking from side to side, hands still interlocked behind his head.

Pug carefully eyed the strange muttering mage. " I'm willing to split a room with you Aloysius. But I'll warn you, if you keep me awake half the night, your clothes won't quite fit in the morning." Pug said without the smile ever leaving his face. "As for hair dye, you're on your own, mine's natural."

Aloysius looked at Pug for a second and then, cupping his hand over his mouth, leaned down and whispered something in Pug's ear. Seeming quite pleased with finding a roommate, Aloysius stood up and looked at the rest of the group. "It would seem that we all have errands to tend to before the morn. Friend gnome and I will be staying at this fine establishment for the night. Where and when would the rest of you like to join up?" After briefly awaiting a response, Aloysius's PAINFUL SMILE FACE returned and he crossed his arms in front of him, placing the back of his right hand against his left cheek and vice-versa. He then began raising and lowering his elbows as his eyebrow began to twitch once more . . . . . . ."Pug . . . . .Pug . . . . .friend . . . . .gnome . . . .morrow . . . . . .ethros . . . . . .nethros . . . . . .jethros .

Still lurking slouched in her chair (it had been a long, exhausting day), Arachne watched the performance of the most peculiar, happy man. Very softly, she murmured to no-one in particular, "Is this my fault?"

"Anybody else need to help me wash dishes?" she asked brightly. Zond was talking to Gala when he heard Arachne in distress over the prices. He slid on hand into his pouch and extracted a gold piece which e deposited in her lap beneath the table. Nothing else was said to indicate he had done the deed as the conversation continued. Shortly after Arachne's remark about washing dishes (well, it worked sometimes in Spandeliyon), she poked her head up above the surface of the table and smiled apologetically. "Never mind."

After waving his elbows for a while and chanting, Aloysius's face resumed its "normal" appearance. He dropped his arms to his side and looked about. "If you all would kindly advise friend Pug as to where and when we shall be meeting, I trust that he can relay the information to me. I need to be off in order to acquire some items for our journey. Friend Pug, I shall meet you in our room in due time. Here is my share of the room's cost." With a flourish, the purple man dropped a few silver pieces on the table next to Pug. He also dropped a couple of silver coins on the table next to his empty glass indicating that it was for his bar tab. "May Morpheus greet you all fairly", he said as he turned to leave. "Wish not tomorrow that more sleep was found the night before."

"And flights of faeries safe thee keep, Guarding thy toenails while ye sleep," Arachne responded. "(Well, they're not good for much more than that.)" With that, he straightened his hat, winked in the direction of Arachne, and shambled off through the crowded bar.

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