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Move 201:  Spending Money

Tauster's Study--Night, 12 Eleint 1374 DR

Blacky left to speak to Tauster in the hall again. After time for a very brief conversation, Tauster came back into his study without Blacky. He glanced around at the various coins and items that had been scattered about the room in the process of counting the money as well as at the still unopened chest before addressing Azrun and Daelen, "Have you come to any decisions on what items, if any, you wish to have me attempt to identify?"

Tauster picked up the bracelet that had come from the coffer and looked it over. "This is very valuable," he told the two remaining members of the group. "I would guess that it is worth nearly 3000 gold. I would accept it as part of my payment if you still want me to work with your magical items.  And since you do not need me to cast that final spell of dispelling, you can apply that money towards identifying things as well. For the bracelet and 700 gold, I can cast the spell on the five items that Aloysius said you had.  If it's possible, I would like to know tonight what you need me to do so that I can prepare for tomorrow."

Aloysius and Arachne eventually returned from outside. Aloysius still looked just as burned and considerably more muddy. Azrun and Daelen were still in Tauster's study, which now had piles of various counted coins and some flasks and vials on the floor. Only one of the chests, the larger of the two from the mines, remained to be opened. Tauster was in his study as well, looking at Azrun and Daelen expectantly.

Aloysius had mud all over his pants and he was soaked to the bone.  His straw hat, which he clutched in one hand, had amazingly escaped much of the mess.

"'Tis time that I explained something to the lot of thee," he said finally.  "If I am to return with all of thee to the tunnels, as I feel I must, there is something you all must know."

He took a deep breath and began to fidget.  "I am . . . mad," he said finally, "and have been since my coming of age.  At times it sweeps o'er me as a wave, lifting me to giddy heights of excess.  At others, it pulls me to the depths of a darkness blacker than the hearts of our adversaries.  I advise you all of this now because the madness worsens.  Ne'er afore since I was first afflicted hath it raged so.  I know not if it will abate.  Howe'er, know this - if I find it to be a risk to any of thee, I shall . . . separate . . . myself from the group.  In the meantime, I shall attempt to make myself useful, though I realize I have not met with success in that endeavor as of late."

Azrun frowned at his friend's words, "Perhaps we can find a cure for you, Aloysius. I've heard that powerful priests can some times remove such madness. Maybe we'll find a way to rid you of this. We can at least try."

Aloyusius got a far away look in his eyes. "Aye, perhaps," he said wistfully.

Having noted the earlier expression on Tauster's face, Aloysius added, "where stand we on securing Tauster's services?"

"As I was telling your companions," Tauster said, holding up a platinum bracelet that neither Aloysius nor Arachne had seen before, "for this bracelet and 700 gold, I can cast a spell to attempt to identify the five magical items you told me you had.   I would like to know tonight whether you want the spell cast or not, and I will need the items on which it is to be cast."  Aloysius's eyes widened at the sight of the bracelet.   "Do we have another 700 gold?" he asked. He looked over the pile of coins on the floor. "The large chest has only a mechanical trap remaining, correct?"

He turned towards the older mage. "Tauster, do you have a spell that can physically open the chest from a distance so that no one is endangered from the trap?  If so, I am confident that something valuable is within the chest. We can pay you for your services with the bracelet and the additional coin that is in the large chest. Depending on what is within, I'd like to discuss with you the the possibility of obtaining some spells from you."

While awaiting a reply, Aloysius examined the coins and whatever else there was in the pile that he had not seen yet.

Aloysius looked through the coins and the other stuff on the floor. He looked over at the large, unopened chest.

"Rennirolas said that the trap on that chest was in the lock itself, as opposed to on the chest.  Therefore, so long as we don't touch the lock, we should be able to open it without consequence."

He moved around behind the chest. "If the rest of thee would prefer to take cover, please do so now.  Confident am I that there be naught to fear, despite my previous error. We need to open this chest now so we know how much we have to pay Tauster."

After giving everyone sufficient opportunity to hide, leave, take cover, etc. the mage put his hands on the sides of the chest's lid and tried to open it.

After allowing everyone who cared to get out of the way time to do so, Aloysius opened the final chest, this time with no adverse effects.   It contained another large amount of coinage, two pearls, a sapphire, a garnet, two books, one that looked like a spellbook and another that looked like a ledger, and two scollcases, one of them crafted from jade, the other covered with leather.

"Hah!" exclaimed the mage triumphantly, "knew did I that it would safe!" His eyes grew wide as he espied the booty within the chest.

"Sweet Mystra . . ." he muttered quietly. Turning to Tauster, he added, "Surely we now have resources 'enow to pay thee for all the services we seek. Howe'er, I shall inventory everything here just to be certain."

With that, he set the gems and the books on the floor and began casting a spell upon them.

He then turned his attention to counting the coins.

"Just by looking I'd say there's more than enough, what do we do with the rest of it?" Daelen asked pointedly.

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