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Move 202:  Trying Tauster's Patience

Tauster's Study--Night, 12 Eleint 1374 DR

Aloysius cast a spell and spent a moment looking at the vial and  flasks that had been found in the chests. After that, he began counting the coins in the most recently opened chest. Tauster, apparently deciding that he was going to have company in his study for a long time, sighed heavily, sat at his desk, and started reading a book.

Aloysius finished separating out the coins and various items. "Hmm . . .the vial emits an aura of necromantic magic, and the two flasks that of enchantment and charm." He then did some calculations in his head.

"Mage Tauster," he said finally, "it appears that we have approximately 3200 gold pieces worth of coin, as well as the bracelet and the various gems. I know not what they might be worth. In actuality, we have more than 5 items that need to be identified. A robe, a ring, some boots, an enchanted cottage, and some weapons."

Another thought distracted him. "And we now have these potions as well . . .", he thought aloud. "I would propose that these items be identified: cottage, ring, boots, robe. You had offered earlier to identify five items in exchange for the bracelet and 700 gold pieces. If we add an additional 1000 gold, would you do those items as well as the bastard sword and the shield?"

He looked at the piles in front of him. "I, uh, don't suppose you'd accept partial payment in the form of a horde of silver pieces?" he asked uncomfortably.

Azrun looked again at the flasks, "Aloysius, do you remember the blue goblins in that cave? The symbols on the flasks look like the symbol that shaman had on his ring. They're also similar to the symbols on that one spear that's from the underdark."

Azrun looked around, "I say we pay Tauster for all his services with as much of the coinage as we can. It may be good to buy a few spells for Aloysius's spellbook also. Then take whatever coinage we have left back to Milborne to pay for the equipment Olaf is aquiring for us. All that coinage is going to be a storage problem. We'll have to rent a place to keep it or take it with us. Using it up now solves the problem. Echo said she needed pearls for her magic components. Perhaps they will be useful if we "stumble" across any more items while down there."

"Indeed," agreed Aloysius.  His face reddened somewhat.  "I, too, noticed the symbols on the flasks.  Suspected did I that those blue bastards knew more than what they told us."

He sighed.  "Ah well, there be naught we can do it about it now."

Aloysius turned his attention back to the arrangements with Tauster.  "Along with the bracelet, we have funds 'enow to have seven items identified.  That would leave us with approximately 250 gold pieces, along with the other gems, to pay for our supplies.  I know not what such things cost, but surely it won't be more than 250 gold.  If we need more money, surely Rastifer will accept a few of these gems as partial payment."

"If we have seven things identified, I would suggest the following seven: cottage, boots, ring, robe, shield, bastard sword, and necromantic potion.  I think that identifying these items is more important than obtaining new spells.  There may well be useful incantations in this spellbook and on these scrolls.  If not, I will make do with what I have."

He looked at his companions.  "Does this seem like a reasonable plan to the lot of thee?  I wish not to commit our resources to something unless we are in agreement."

He glanced down at the ledger that was in the chest and traced his finger on its outer cover.  "Wonder do I what this be?" he muttered quietly.

Tauster nodded his agreement with the payment and the items to be identified.  "Very well, return on the day after tomorrow and I will tell you what I can learn of the items." He looked at Azrun, "If you wish to come and read the book I offered, you are welcome to make use of my library tomorrow."

Azrun smiled, "Thank you, Master Tauster. I will return after breakfast tomorrow morning. Again, thank you for all of your help." With that Azrun helped with any carrying of items back to the tavern.  After paying Tauster, the amount of coin was reduced enough to fit into the larger chest. Aloysius counted out the money to Tauster in gold and platinum and set it aside with the bracelet.

"There," he said finally, "that leaves us with 345 cp, 1290 sp, 250 ep, and 76 pp, along with the gems.  Hopefully that, along with what we already had, will buy our provisions."

With a nod towards tauster, Aloysius seemed ready to depart. "Come, it hath been a long, tiring day. Let us retire and determine how we shall occupy ourselves tomorrow whilst Tauster works."

"Arachne, do you think you could look at these burns?" he asked sheepishly. "They are becoming increasingly uncomfortable."

He edged towards the door, ready to depart.

As everyone was gathering up what needed to be carried back to the inn, Blacky re-entered the study.

Eventually, once all the money was counted and their business with Tauster for the evening was concluded, the group trudged back to through the mud to the inn.

Business at the Hound and Tails had picked up a bit while the group was at the mage's house. A number of rivermen had gathered to drink and discuss the effects of the day's heavy rains on river travel for the next day or so.  Darcy and Gloris were busily flitting from table to table, delivering watery ale to some and the stronger stuff to even more of their patrons.

Aloysius sat down at a table and glanced over at Gloris, a tiny smile on his face.  "Oh damn," he muttered as he recalled his current muddy and burned condition.

He stood back up.  "Methinks I shall get a room and go change clothes," he announced.  "Arachne, do you think you can help me with these burns?"

"Mmm?  Oh sure," Arachne said.  She glanced around the room, then to Aloysius added, "'To the fears of her companions gave she no thought, 'For all her concern was to her general espying...' I guess it applies not only to beautiful princesses," she shrugged.  "Now?"

Aloysius looked long and hard at the gnome, then grinned.  "Perhaps your attentions would best be provided in a more private setting," he said finally. "Let me secure the room, and you can help me there.  That will give you time 'enow to explain to me the meaning of thy rhyme."

He headed off to find a room, hopeful that Arachne would follow.

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