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Move 203:  Passing Time

The Hound and Tails--Night, 12 Eleint 1374 DR

Aloysius left the common room to change clothes and allow Arachne to look at his burns, if she chose to go with him. The scene in the inn varied little from the time when they had come back from Tauster's to the time they all
retired for the night.

Aloysius returned a bit later, looking much better. He had changed into some other clothes the party hadseen before and his burns looked to have improved significantly. He sat down at the table and watched Gloris for a while. "Busy seems she," he said finally. "Mayhap it wouldbe best if I bothered her not whilst she worked. He sipped unenthusiastically at his ale and looked about the room."'Twould seem that we shall be here until the day after next. What is everyone planning on doing tomorrow? Methinks I shall inspect the scrolls and spellbook we found as well as the ledger. Perhaps it will shed some light on Ranchefus's activites."

Azrun looked to Aloysius, "Perhaps she'll get a break soon. Then you can go talk to her."

A ghost of a smile found it's way onto Daelen's face but he hid it behind his tankard of what barely passed
as ale. "If this rain lets up by tomorrow, I'd like to get in a few bouts with Blacky, otherwise..." he shrugged
ambiguously as he pulled a wicked looking dagger from his boot sheath and started to trim his fingernails, "I'm also
up for knifework practice if Blacky's *ahem* busy, though I suppose both of you will have your nose in a book rain
or shine." he said, motioning absently at Aloysius and Azrun with the point of the blade.

"As long as we can find a spot that isn't too muddy, I definitely need some practice with this sword." Blacky replied absently, not even bothering to drink his poor quality ale. "I'll probably be free until evening."

Azrun nodded, "Tauster is being nice enough to allow me to read the book he has on the underdark. I'd like to go in a prepared as possible." He looked over to Arachne, "What are your plans, Arachne?"

Aloysius looked around the room very cautiously. Heleaned in towards the table and spoke in a lowered

"There be something that I'd like to show all of thee afore he go our separate ways today," he said. "One
of the tubes we recovered contained a map."

Once again, he looked around to see if anyone other than the group at the table was listening.

The announcement perked Daelen's interest immediately.  He returned the knife to his boot and leaned closer to
the table, giving the mad mage his undivided attention.

Aloysius seemed nervous, even for him. He kept his gaze straight ahead, and in the same low voice
continued, "It seems that a number of individuals have taken an interest in us. Perhaps we should look at
the map later. Suffice to say that it depicts a certain collection of tunnels that we are familiar with."  Still not glancing around, he sat uncomfortably in his chair.

The gnome had waited for the wizard to finish being mysterious. Deciding that she didn't have her entire lifetime to wait, she wentahead sooner than that and said to Daelen,"It seems to me that I really ought to _try_ to be better with weaponrythan I am -- which is incredibly bad --" She shrugged. "I mean, the Starry Sea might freeze and I might actually kill something before I die. There's no end to the wondrous things that might occur. Anyway, I have a knife -- somewhere -- and I was thinking maybe I could practicewith you. If you don't mind..."

"I don't mind at all, but I dunno how much I can teach you..." Daelen admitted with a shrug, "I can't fight like a gnome so I probably can't show you anything but where to stick a knife in someone's leg so it'll hurt most. Course you'd at least get some practice facing an enemy twice your size..." "Now then," he added more quietly, "You think this is the kind of interest we need to worry about?" Daelen asked Aloysius as he reached for his tankard.

"Most likely not," replied Aloysius. "At least, I hope not. Methinks their interest stems from theirunfamiliarity with us. Perhaps it would be best if did naught to draw any additional attention toourselves."

"... Like fighting practice close to town." Daelen said with a smile and a nod. "Good thinking, though I wouldn't
fancy training in the rain again anyway. I suppose it's just as well, I might be able to pick up a few things I
need while we're here."

Aloysius stood up from the table. "I shall be in my room for a while," he announced. "Hopeful am I that
the ledger will enlighten us somewhat."  He headed off.

"There's probably nothing to worry about but you should keep one of your daggers close by just in case." The
blond warrior advised discreetly. "If nothing else, we do have an awful lot of silver to tempt would-be thieves."
He added almost under his breath.

The Hound and Tails--Morning, 13 Eleint 1374 DR

The rain was still falling the next morning, although it had slowed to a steady drizzle by the time the group reconvened in the common room to discuss their plans for the day.

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