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Move 204:  Mudville

Thurmaster--Midday, 13 Eleint 1374 DR

Aloysius left the breakfast table to go to his room. Azrun headed to Tauster's to read. Arachne, Blacky, and Daelen, with a good look at the thick mud that was everywhere in the village as well as the light rain that was still falling, were left with the decision of whether they wanted to brave the nastiness and practice or do something else with their morning.

Those who were so inclined to eat something other than trail rations ended up back in the Hound and Tails around midday.

Damn this muck..." Daelen muttered as he digged the toe of his boot into the sticky ground in front of the inn. Having thought it might look something like this, the blond warrior had left his shield, armor and helm with Aloysius so he didn't sink quite as badly as he otherwise would have. It seemed that the lack of a hood on his old cloak bothered him as he wiped the late summer rain from his eyes and combed back his dull golden hair which had grown a bit longer in the two weeks since he had joined the group.

"Maybe if this damn rain lets up before the afternoon we can find a field somewhere away from town... as it is I have some buisness I'd like to get done at the general store." With a heavy sigh Daelen looked at the sky for any hint of a reprieve from the rain but shook his head, having no idea what to look for in any case.  "Hmmmph... at least it never rains underground..." he muttered as he started towards the store, his boots making loud sucking noises as he pulled them free of the mud.

Aloysius scurried into the dining area, the ledger clutched tightly to his chest with both hands. He
moved hurriedly to the table where the others were, but did not sit down. "Have need of we to talk, now!"
he said firmly. He looked around the room for a moment. "But not here. Let us retire to my room. I
have much to disclose to you."  Without waiting much for any replies, the mage began to encourage the others to move by tugging at their sleeves, pushing them on the shoulders, etc.

Azrun was not there and apparently still at Tauster’s.

"I guess practice will have to wait." Blacky said to Daelen and followed Aloysius back to his room.

Once the group, whoever that consisted of, reached Aloysius's room, he shut the door after checking to
see if anyone out in the hall had been watching.

"Shigand's bones!" he said with a sigh as he sat on the ragged looking bed. He placed the ledger down on
the bed next to him.

"This be far more extensive than e'er we imagined," he said nervously. He thumbed through the pages which
were filled with names, places, and in some instances, monetary amounts. "Look! Haranshire . . . .Cormyr .
. .people are being abducted from within a vast area.  Cautious must we be. Who knows where agents of those
responsible may turn up?"

He flipped to a specific page. "Jelleneth is listed here, as is Snagger, Olaf, and Rennirolas's brother."
He flipped past a few more pages and pointed to a specific entry.

"This one," he said in a low, nervous voice. "See the symbol? Methinks it very likely that that be the mark
of Moonspawn. The description and location of capture fits as well." He looked at that entry long and hard,
almost as if it might change if he waited long enough.

Finally, he turned towards the others with a look of fearful disbelief. "Make no mistake, Moonspawn is a
mighty wizard. Mightier e'en that Tauster, from what I have observed. If whoever is behind this can
apprehend the likes of him . . . ." His voice trailed off as he refocused on the entry.

"Mystra help us all," he concluded quietly.

"This just keeps getting better and better," Daelen muttered.

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