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Move 205:  Let's See What We've Got!

Thurmaster--Morning, 14 Eleint 1374 DR

The rest of the day passed with the party members pursuing whatever they chose around the muddy village. Dinner was, not surprisingly, mutton pie again. The next morning took them back to Tauster's to see what he had
discovered about the items they had left with him.

The old wizard looked drawn and tired when they were shown into his study.  The items were spread about on his desk and he told them about them in turn.  "I was unable to tell what the robes are," Tauster began. "As for the other  items, these boots are of the kind that give the wearer the ability to move quickly. They would allow you to run as fast as a horse, for a time at least. The command word to activate this ability is 'schnell'. The ring gives a minor degree of protection against both physical and magical attacks.  The shield has enchantment that allows it to protect as a larger shield.  This bastard sword," he frowned slightly, "is enchanted, but the enchantment is only activated when it is used two-handed. The potion is of the healing variety. And this cottage," he picked up the ugly ceramic model and smiled at it, "is a most interesting little thing. The magic is similar to one of Leomund's spells, the secure shelter dweomer. When the command is invoked, it expands to a life-sized cottage. I did not try it so I am not sure of the size. It is limited to being expanded twice each week and will only stay that way for eight hours. When eight hours has passed, it will shrink again with no warning. The command word is written in the report. Please," he added with a look at Aloysius, "do not say it inside my home."

The young mage blushed slightly, then gave a weak grin in reply.  "Tauster, there be a few minor matters that I'd discuss with thee afore we return to Milborn. First, I am in need of ink for writing in my scroll book. Second, I have run across the formula for a spell by Archmage Melf that requires the stomach of an adder, some powdered rhubarb, and a dart. Have thee any of these items for sale?"

Aloysius took a deep breath. "Mage Tauster, we have acquired information that would suggest that the range of these kidnapping extends well past the limits of Haranshire. Those responsible are likely much more powerful than e'er we imagined. Be mindful of this and take extra care. I have reason to believe that mine own mentor, Thelderkein Moonspawn of Cormyr, may have been abducted. That our enemies could apprehend a wizard of his stature bodes ill." He turned to his companions. "When shall we depart for Milborn?"

Daelen shook his head in disapointment.  "Hmmm... I knew I wanted those boots," Daelen said with a half-grin at
Arachne, "But I guess you better keep them, that way you should have less trouble keeping up with the rest of us."

"Oh, no," Arachne said quickly. "That is, I'm sure that dealing out these things to people should of course wait until we've all reunited. But even then, I don't think that I'm the right person for the boots. I don't _think_ so, anyway. Being able to run as fast as a small horse for a little while would tend to put me behind or ahead of the party, but not with them. I think whoever is most likely to do scouting should have the boots. I'd guess that I'll just carry the cottage -- and try to keep out of trouble." "Wouldn't mind having the ring, though," she added wistfully. "But that should probably go to someone who's really awkward around armor. Aloysius or Echo." She shrugged.

"Thou art correct, small one," interjected Aloysius.  "Wisest would it be to assign these items once we are
reunited with the others. As for now, let us leave Tauster to his rest as soon as I copy the spell we discussed. I am anxious to return to Milborn, either on foot or by boat."

"Ink I have," Tauster responded. "I do not have the spell you mention so I do not keep its components. I am sure that you can get darts and...rhubarb around here, maybe in Milborne. As for adders, you can probably find some
around. I do not believe it has grown too cold for snakes yet."

Aloysius took a deep breath. "Mage Tauster, we have acquired information that would suggest that the range
of these kidnapping extends well past the limits of Haranshire. Those responsible are likely much more
powerful than e'er we imagined. Be mindful of this and take extra care. I have reason to believe that
mine own mentor, Thelderkein Moonspawn of Cormyr, may have been abducted. That our enemies could apprehend a wizard of his stature bodes ill."

"I am a cautious man," Tauster assured Aloysius. "Everything you have told me of these kidnappers indicates that they are powerful indeed."

Daelen had a disturbing thought. "What... uh... what happens if there's still someone inside the cottage when
it shrinks?"

"I believe it would be very unpleasant at the very least and most likely fatal," Tauster told him. "Take care that you mind the time if you choose to use the cottage."

Aloysius nodded. "Aye, perhaps. Unsure was I if such species were native to this area. "The aspiring wizard pulled out the jade scroll casethe party had recovered from one of the chests. "Still would I like to consult with thee about the minor spell of invisibility, yet our coin grows short. Would you consider this as trade for some ink and the formula for such an incantation, as well as a supply of its necessary components?"

Tauster took the scroll tube, examined it, opened it, and snorted.  He looked somewhat less than impressed. "Fine," he said grouchily.

Aloysius frowned at his response. "Mage Tauster, thou art weary from the services with which you have provided us. If you would prefer, I could return on the 'morrow to copy the spell and pick up the ink and components. I sought not to inconvenience thee.  "He then took the scroll that he had removed from the jade tube and placed it into a leather scroll tube he had taken from his pack.

"It does not matter," Tauster said wearily. "Now, then, it is all the same to me."

Aloysius hesitated momentarily. "Very well," he continued, "if that be the case, perhaps I can copy the spell now and we shall be on our way."   He turned to the others. "We must plan our return trip to Milborn. The river is most swollen. Wonder do I if the boatmen are e'en active now."

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