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Move 206:  More Mutton Pie, Yum

The Hound and Tails--Evening, 14 Eleint 1374 DR

The day passed without Aloysius emerging from Tauster's where he had stayed to copy a spell. He showed up at the inn again about the time that everyone else had gathered in the common room for the evening meal.

Aloysius entered the Hound and Tails and sat down with the rest of the group. He didn't say anything at
first and seemed to have something on his mind that was troubling him. He ordered some ale and some of
the infamous mutton pie.

"We need to make arrangements for transport back to Milborn," he said finally. He looked around the room
at the various persons who were about.

He then turned to Azrun. "Azrun, hast thou in thy studies learned anything of Mezzlin's Theorem of
Photo-Illuminatory Vectors? The spell I copied from Tauster is most puzzling to me."

Azrun cocked an eyebrow up, " Aloysius. Don't think I've ever heard of that theorum. Remember my abilities are more of just dabbling."

Just then, Gloris walked by the table and Aloysius reddened somewhat. After wringing his hands in
thought, he stood up. "Uh, p-pardon me," he started nervously, "bu-but, I need to go . . . ." With a
quick flash of his PSF, he cut his explanation short and walked over to where Gloris was.

Aloysius followed Gloris over to the table she was waiting on about the time that Jana and Echo walked into the common room.

Daelen sat bored at the table, though he raised his mug in a silent 'good-luck' gesture to Aloysius as the wizard walked away, then again as the two entered the common room.

"Well met, strangers. Nice weather we've been having."

"Hail. We were just about to figure out how to head back. How did your mission go?" Blacky greeted Jana and Echo, handing Jana a wineskin.  "Your order."

"Thanks," Jana said, taking the wineskin. She tucked it into her pack. Her expression carefully neutral, she said, "It went okay, I guess." Jana walked over to Gloris and asked her, "Excuse me, is Anth around? I have a message for her."

"I suppose the drillmaster will insist we head back as soon as she's done."  Daelen muttered, finishing off the ale and stretching out as he yawned.

"You have a drillmaster?" Echo asked. She gave Daelen a tight smile as she sat down with the others.

Daelen answered with a smile of his own and shrugged.

Azrun looked to Daelen, "She's had a hard life, Daelen. Give her a little slack. Underneath, she a very nice, caring person." He sipped from his water, "And if she hears me saying that, she'll cut both our hearts out." Helooked over at Jana as she talked to Gloris and smiled.

Daelen just shook his head and sighed, apparently unconvinced.

Echo turned to Blacky, "Has everything gone okay here?  Is there anything that still needs to be done that I
can help with?"

Azrun shrugged, "Tauster opened the chests for us....well, Aloysius did open one by accident....boom.... Tauster also cast the divinations on the magical items we have. I think we have one more that we're not sure on. It cost us a good bit for all of it, but from what I've heard that sort of magic can be quite dangerous to the caster."

"It's not like we could've dragged all that around with us anyway, best we get rid of it before we go back down."

"Um." Arachne glanced toward Jana, then at Echo. She tried to pay attention while Azrun explained things she already knew (more or less). When he stopped, she said "Um," again, then shrugged and added, "Some other time, I think."

Aloysius spoke with Gloris briefly and then returned to the table. He was scratching his chin in
contemplation as he sat back down. "Unsure am I as to what just transpired. Oh well."

He looked over at Echo and his confused expression slowly gave way to a small grin. "Echo, I trust that
thou art well? Janathell was inquiring as to where she might find Anth. I trust that the two of thee
accomplished whatever it was you set out to do?"  As he awaited Echo's reply, he watched Gloris move from table to table.

Jana spoke briefly with Gloris, then walked back and said to Echo, "Anth is at Tauster's." She shrugged off her pack and dug out a small bundle. "I'll be right back."

Aloysius watched as Jana headed out the door, then turned back to the table. "What time are we departing
tomorrow? There would seem to be a large number of boatmen in here this evening. I shall endeavor to
obtain passage for us."  He got up and walked over to a table full of boatman-types.

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