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Move 207:  Herding Cats

Thurmaster--Evening, 14 Eleint 1374 DR

Aloysius' inquiry into river travel led to the discovery that the table full of rivermen had a barge and the intention of heading towards Milborne with the hour since the wind was good. They knew of no one else who was going that way in the next few days, so to be assured of passage, the group had to leave immediately. Echo and Jana had horses so they stayed behind at the inn while the other five hurriedly got together what they needed to take and boarded the barge in the dark.

Milborne--Evening, 15 Eleint 1374 DR

Jana and Echo arrived in Milborne after an uneventful ride and returned the two horses to Nafton's stables. About the same time, the others got off the barge that had brought them there, tired after spending a night and full day traveling upriver. Everyone met up in the Baron of Mutton, where they found Renn and Olaf.

Jana approached Olaf after greeting were exchanged and said, "Hey, have you ever heard anything about a sword, a long sword, with a set of scales engraved on the blade?  It has something to do with the Gleaming Glade."

Aloysius had sat quietly on the barge, looking through his spellbook. Upon arrival at the Baron, he sat down after giving Olaf and Rennirolas a hearty pat on the back.

"'Tis good to see thee both again!" he exclaimed.  "Trust do I that you both achieved thine aims whilst we were apart?"

"For the most part, yes," Rennirolas nodded. "Gerrd is back home, and I do believe he shall recover, though who knows how long it shall take," the elf raised his shoulders in a shrug. And I did find a few more of the components I need for my spells," Renn added.

After giving the priests a chance to answer, Aloysius continued.

"Much have we done, yet much more have we to do.  First, we must assign the various enchanted items that we have had identified. If you all feel that the levitating boots would best someone else, I'd gladly reoffer them to the pool. Second, I need to gather a few more spell components. The salt and soot I should be able to obtain here, and Rastifer should have most of the remainder of what I need. Howe'er, on the 'morrow, I need to go hunt a snake, an adder to be exact. Methinks I know how to find and capture one, but with what has transpired around here lately, I'd appreciate some company. Third, Stargazer needs to know who wishes to benefit from my spell that mimics the donning of armor. Either Rennirolas or Olaf shall have to bless each piece of leather for that spell, so they shall need to know the number of blessing required in advance." As he said this, he glanced at Arachne, Azrun, and Echo.

"Yes, please," Arachne said.  "And I'll be willing to go snakehunting with you tomorrow."

Aloysius thought for a moment before his enthusiasm dimmed noticeably. "Rennirolas? Might I have a word with thee afore we retire for the evening?"

Rennirolas raised an eyebrow but nodded. "Certainly Aloysius, whenever you wish it."

"I think you should keep the levitating boots, Aloysius," Echo said. "As for the other stuff, the only things I can use are the ring and the boots. I say let Arachne have the ring if she wants it. I don't care about laying a claim to the boots either," she added.

Arachne shook her head.  "The ring is more likely to prove helpful to you than me.

"Maybe we can get Semheis to do some blessing for us too," she told Aloysius. "I can cast that spell too if anyone else needs it. Azrun said you still had some things not identified? If you got me a pearl, I can try to do that if someone else will get some supplies for me since I won't be able too. I wanted to look over the spellbooks again and see if I needed to copy anything else," she added, "but I can do that while we're camping as we go."

"The boots were the only non-weapons that have yet to be identified," replied the mage.  "There is but one remaining spell in the newest spellbook that I have yet to read.  Once I have done that, I shall provide the book to Azrun and thee."

"There were a couple of pearls in one of the chests as well as some other gems. Hopefully you can use them for your spells." Blacky interjected.

"I thought the robes and those other flasks needed to be looked at still," Echo said. She looked at Blacky, "I'll take a look at the pearl you found and see if it'll work. If it will, I'll take the robes and the flasks and see what I can find out about them."

Blacky dug the two pearls out of the coinage and handed them to Echo.  "Here they are. Tauster tried to identify the robes and could not. We didn't have him try the flasks or the spear. My feeling is that the spear is cursed from what Azrun said about it. I think any of us should be careful handling it and if we don't know what it does it should be left behind in safe hands."

Echo took the pearls then paused for a moment. "Do you want me to try to identify the spear or not? I'm more concerned with the robes and what's in the flasks, but I'll try the spear too if anyone wants me to. Can anyone tell if it's really cursed?" she asked, looking at Olaf and Renn.

Blacky handed her a garnet and a sapphire after some more digging.  "Maybe you can determine the worth of these while your at it."

Echo took the gems from Blacky.

Aloysius hesitated momentarily.  "I was thinking that the boots of speed should be yours," he said to Echo.  "In the event we employ a scout, 'tis likely to be thee.  It may well be utilitarian if thou art able to…" He gave Jana a nervous glance before adding " . . . .run very fast if the need should arise whilst doing so."

"Fast is good," Jana agreed, looking somewhat amused.

"So it is," Daelen said, "Unless we plan on hiring a pair of veteran spearmen, those suits of chain and all those coins are going to slow us down if we have to bring them with us. Is there a place we can leave a small treasure hoard in this town where it'll be safe untill we're done with these cave dwellers and we can divvy it up? Has anyone thought of Carman's offer again?"

Echo looked around, "I'll take the boots if the rest of you think I'm the best person to have them."

"Couldn't we put them in that house thing Arachne's carrying?" Jana suggested.  "And no, I've not given one more moment's thought to what was a bad idea then and is an even worse idea now."

"That is a most excellent suggestion, Janathell," replied Aloysius. "The other possibility would be to leave them with Semheis. Methinks he is trustworthy and there is likely room 'enow within his church for storage."

"We can use the house thing for other supplies too," Echo added.  "We can carry what we need for a few days and open it when we need stuff.  I'm not sure how a pack mule will do in the tunnels.  Or how it'll get down that ladder in the mines."

"There _is_ a limit to how much stuff we can put in the cottage," Arachne said, "and I'll admit that my first impulse was to say 'Yes, Great idea!  Let's pile it in so that we know where it is.'  But we may find a lot of something down underground that we realize we need more.  So I only want to bring that collection of supplies which we think we're most likely to use down there.  Now, maybe we think we're going to need to bribe some people and that the coins or armor will work for that purpose.  But unless we see a use for the stuff, I don't think we should bring it.  Better to load in some of the food we won't be eating right away."

"I have been thinking of how best to divide the enchanted items. As she is likely going to act as our scout, Echo should have the boots of speed. The potion of healing should go with someone who doesn't have any healing talents, lest most of our eggs fall in the same basket. One of the fighters would seem reasonable. Naturally, the persons who are adept with the specific weapons should wield them. Unsure am I if the ring of protection will work in concert with armor, but I have my doubts. Arachne, methinks, would be an excellent candidate for that item."

"Oh," Arachne said.  "It won't like armor?  Well, that still leaves Echo and Aloysius who could also use it, either of them probably better than I."

Aloysius thought over the remaining items. "We have two potions of an unknown nature. They radiate similar magics and are stored in similar containers. It might be reasonable to assume that they do the same thing.  Perhaps Azrun could bear those."

"I was going to offer to carry them, but that would be putting all or at least several of  our breakables in my purse," Arachne said.  "And maybe Azrun can figure out what they are."  She shrugged.  "Or not.  What are we going to do with unidentified potions?"

Aloysius looked about the table. "Have I omitted any items that anyone can think of?"

"Why is it a bad idea, lass?" Olaf asks. "It would only grant our expedition needed support and some little legitimacy. I fail to see how it could harm anything."

"It's not worth the price," Jana replied.  "We'd be subject to taxes.  And we aren't getting any support other than a break on prices, a break we don't need at this point.  It's not worth it.  And I will not sign any contract," she added firmly.

"I've done nothing to earn a reward." Olaf says gruffly, "But I could use a fine suit of chain like that, if none of those who deserve such would wear it. But if you would rather not, I understand."

"Fine by me," Jana said.  "If you're coming with us, I'd rather you were protected as good as possible."

"Take the armor," Echo agreed.  "We need to make sure we're using everything we have to our advantage."

"Indeed," agreed the mage. "There will come a time when a more individualistic division may be in order, but for now, we must be as prepared as possible."

"Echo, obtained have I a spell of invisibility.  Howe'er . . ." he glanced around uncomfortably, "I understand it not. If you would like to copy it, please feel free. It would serve thee well if a scout you become. I also have a supply of the necessary components, although you will have to provide your own eyelashes."

"Eyelashes I have," Echo said with a smile. "I'll try to copy that spell after I get done with the book you just gave me. There are a few things in there I'd like to copy."

"Indeed," replied Aloysius. "The incantation is in my personal spellbook. Let me know when thou art ready to copy it."

He studied Echo's face for a moment. "Aye, thy eyelashes should suffice," he added, his cheeks reddening a bit.

Glancing around the table, Aloysius added. "If we are to store our supplies in the cottage, then we must decide with care who shall bear it. I would suggest that Arachne do so. She is the most prudent among us when it comes to preservation of self, and since she be not a spellcaster, she would make an less likely target for apprehension. Who knows?" he mused thoughtfully, "there may well be something within the cottage that we have yet to discover."

"I knew we kept you around for a reason, Aloysius. I never would have thought that there may be things already in the cottage." Blacky said slapping the mage on the back. "If it can only be used twice a ride, we shall have to be careful not to store things we may need often. We should open it away from town as soon as we are ready to store our supplies."

Aloysius, surprisingly perhaps, smiled at his sudden utility.  "Indeed, Eric.  We must all remember to keep a few days worth of food and water on our persons as we can only expand the cottage twice a ride.  We must also be mindful that, in the tunnels, there may not always be room 'enow to expand it."

He looked over the glowing stone Azrun gave him before putting it in his pouch.  "I keep thinking there be something we have forgotten," he said with a frown.  "Mayhap it is simply nerves," he concluded.

Aloysius added, "In any event, I am going to run some errands to collect spell components.  If thou art in need of anything, let me know and I shall attempt to acquire them for thee."

"I've got components for the spells I've already know, I think," Echo said. "I'll double check. I doubt I have time to copy anymore since I need to cast identify. Maybe you could just get extra components for the spells that you and Azrun know. I can borrow them if I get some of your spells later. Are all the spells read in all the books we have?" she asked.

Aloysius shook his head, a bit peeved at himself.  "You are quite correct," he said, "the robes and the other two potions are yet to be identified. I have been somewhat . . .distracted . . .of late. My thanks for the reminder."

"As for the spells, I have read all of those from the latest book, and most of them from the others.  Methinks there are a few that remain unread." He pulled a spellbook out of his pack and handed it to Echo. "Here is the one that was in the large chest.  I have marked the spells within. When you have finished with it, I'm sure Azrun would like to look at it. I recently gave him a couple of others that I doubt he is finished with as yet."

Aloysius tapped his head as he had obviously forgotten something.  He pulled the ledger obtained from the larger chest from his pack and put it on the table.  "'Twould appear that this enterprise is much more widespread that e'er we imagined."  He flipped through the pages, revealing a great many entries, some having monetary amounts next to them.

"Some of these people were apprehended in Cormyr, others from Haranshire and other surrounding areas."  He pointed to one entry and swallowed hard.  "This...I think . . .  might be Moonspawn himself.  The wizard mark depicted is nearly identical, as is the description of the person himself."

He looked at that entry for what seemed to be a long time.  "If they are powerful enough to apprehend Moonspawn . . . ."  he let his statement hang before continuing.  "In any event, we must assure that our preparations are complete.  Our task shall be most unforgiving with much beyond our control.  Let us excel at that o'er which we do have influence."

Aloysius pulled something out of his pack that resembled a dried carrot, except it was more brown in color.  He cut a slice of off it with his dagger and popped it in his mouth.  Rather than chewing it, he appeared to be holding it between his cheek and gums.

"Damn," he muttered, "I almost forgot something else."  Shaking his head at his memory lapse, he pulled a scroll tube out of his pack and removed the paper from within.  He unrolled it onto the table.

"This was in one of the chests as well," he stated.  "Apparently, yon tunnels are much more far-reaching than we thought, as are the activities of our dark foes."

Azrun sat quietly as he ate his dinner. He listened carefully to all of the conversations at the table trying to take it all in. When he was finished eating he pulled out a large pouch and shook the contents. He opened it and reached inside, "I've been working on these since we came out of the mines. It seems I may have prepared wisely considering what I read at Tausters." He produced five glowing rocks, "These stones have a permanent light spell cast on each of them. I will make more as we go along. I'd like for all of us to have at least one a piece."

He handed the stones out to the people at the table who could not see in the dark, "Tauster allowed me to read a tome on the underdark while we were in Milborne. I read a good bit about the drow. Besides sleep poison, they like to cast darkness spells upon their enemy. One light stone will cancel one darkness spell. I'd suggest using torches for most of the trip and use the light stones in emergencies. Keeping them concealed could give us an edge if we come across them."

"I still have the one you gave me before," Jana said.

"Drow?" Arachne asked.  "What Drow?  I thought it was mind flayers we were going to go confront."

"What's the point of casting darkness spells when you live underground?  Can't most things down there see in the dark anyway?" Daelen asked as he took one of the glowing stones and slipped it into his pouch.

Azrun looked over at the warrior, "What better way to fend off surface dwellers......They use their other magics against the other underdark dwellers. The darkness is also protection for themselves....Apparently, light can casue them great pain."

Blacky slipped one of the stones into his pouch. "Drow are dark elves, right?  Can anyone here cure poison?" Blacky asked.

"Maybe, Arachne said.   "If you're very, very lucky."

Renn shook his head in the negative. "That prayer is one I have not yet been granted."

"And, the spell blocks all vision. Many of the creatures down there can see in ways we can't. Darkness spells prevent that," Olaf said.

Echo asked, "What about illithids?  Did you find out anything about them?"

After speaking with Olaf about a sword, Jana cleared her throat and addressed everyone.  "Uhm, after we go rescue those people down there, there's, uhm, something else I need to do, sorta related to all this, and I, uhm, I think I'm gonna need your help."  She sipped at her drink, which was watered wine, not her usual high-octane fare.  She made a face and stared into her cup as she continued.  "I need for you all to keep this to yourselves.  You may've heard that Lytern's marriage wasn't very happy.  Well, it's because there's a curse on his bloodline.  It happened at the Gleaming Glade, back when Lothar Parlfray was cursed by some priest of Myrkul.  I think that priest, or his ghost or something, is what's at the Glade.  Anyway, the curse makes it so only one male child lives each generation.  All the others die in childbirth.  And all the women, they die in childbirth too, regardless.  So Lytern's not sleeping with his wife because if he does, it'll kill her.  The, uhm, curse also makes it so the women tend to get pregnant right off."  Jana sipped again and set down her cup.  "So, I think I know how to end the curse.  There's a sword I've gotta find, and then it's gotta be used at the Glade.  I'm not sure if the sword's over by the Glade or not, but I have reason to believe I'll be able to find it, somehow.  And then the curse can be ended.  Whatever you think about Lytern or the Parlfrays, remember, the women who died and who will die were innocent, and gods know all the babies who died were innocent, too."

Olaf recalled a tale of such a sword belonging to a holy warrior of Tyr. His memory of it was a little fuzzy, but it seemed that something had happened and the sword, but not the paladin, had been lost in a hard won fight against a priest of Myrkul.

"Think hard," Jana said emphatically.  "Pray about it, whatever, but it's important I know where to find it.  I don't think we can end the curse without it."

"While we're gone underground, maybe you could leave word up here on the surface asking if anyone knows anything about the sword," Arachne suggested.  "Maybe, send a message to Tauster?  We don't have time to take the question in person, but we're not in a hurry for the answer yet.  He might appreciate having all the time that we take underground to research a more complete answer that he might sell to us for a higher price.  What we have to do is write down as complete a description of the thing as we can to send to him."

"I already asked Tauster about it," Jana said.  "He told me he'd check into it for me."

Aloysius considered Jana's words for a moment. "Of course, Janathell," he replied. "If able to draw breath am I after this is over, Stargazer shall assist thee." His brow furrowed.

"I am puzzled, however. Dost thou suspect that this curse hath any connection to the abductions?"

"Thank you," Jana said, looking relieved.  "I don't know that there's any connection.  Not a direct one, anyway."

"Even were I not your companion I would be duty bound to end such an unjust curse." Olaf said, "You may depend on me as well."

"I have three vials of holy water that I can use to bless the leather," Renn interjected. "Perhaps Olaf can appropriate a few more from the temple, they should accomodate him more easily than myself," Renn said with a sardonic grin.

"I suspect not." Olaf smiled, "I think he is embarrassed because of our captivity, and perhaps because we have not asked him to accompany us. He might come, if asked."

"I don't mind if he comes," Jana said.  "But either way, do you think you could ask him about that sword?"

"Certainly." Olaf ansered with a smile. "I will not forget to search this out. It seems we have time, however. The young lord is sensibly avoiding his wife's affections, yes? So we have time to solve this curse for them."

"Yeah," Jana muttered, "about eight months."

Olaf frowned, "So he has not been successful in avoiding her bed?"

"I don't kn--"  Jana stopped speaking abruptly.

Echo leaned over and whispered to Jana.

Jana smiled slightly at whatever Echo said then grimaced.  "Okay," she said quietly, then took a deep breath.  "The, uhm, curse, it's a bit more immediate, for me anyway.  I'm sort of betting my life I can stop it.  I'm, uhm, well, you see, I have the curse.  I'm pregnant."

Arachne remembered that there was something in her purse she wanted.  After digging for a little while, she remembered that it wasn't in her purse after all.

Azrun sat quietly and nodded at Jana's statement.

Olaf looked concerned, "I am very sorry lass. I promise you, I will do everything I can to lift this curse. You can depend on it." Olaf smiles, "I do not know you yet, but from what I have seen you will make a brave and devoted mother."

"Uhm, thank you," Jana said quietly, blushing.  She brushed back her hair, played with it a bit, then sipped at her drink.

Aloysius frowned.  "But Janathell, if thou art with child and are thereby involved in the Parlfray curse, then . . . "  He stopped himself, but just barely.

Jana narrowed her eyes.

"Oh," he said finally.  A miniature version of the PSF played across his face.  "In agreement am I with Olaf.  Woe be it to any who threatens thine offspring.  Not only will they have to deal with thee, but with thy friends as well."

Oddly satisfied, the mage leaned over to Azrun and added in a low voice, "Methinks I like the sound of that."

"Uhm, thanks," Jana said, in mid hair-brushing-back.

Azrun smiled, "You're becoming quite the orator, Aloysius."

"So you intend to march several days to go rescue some people in the underdark, fighting for every foot against these Illithings, Drow elves wielding poison and the gods know what else while you're carrying some horny noble boy's child in your belly? Then you want all of us to go back to that glade to end some supposed curse because now you're gambling with your life?  While that's all very noble of you in a selfish sort of way, I find nothing brave or devoted about a mother who willingly puts her unborn child, who as
you pointed out is innocent, at risk to save her own life." Daelen said, rising from his seat.

"I won't help you." he stated firmly, looking directly at Jana, then addressed the group, "I'm still willing to accompany the rest of you below, but I'll understand if you ask me to leave. Excuse me." Throwing his cloak on, Daelen stepped outside.

Jana sat impassively during Daelen's tirade.

The mage slowly shook his head. "We need not this discord. Every swordarm we possess is valuable to our cause. Hopefully Daelen can put his differences with Janathell's predicament aside."

"You're putting the baby at risk by trying to save her?" Echo asked Jana. She shook her head. "I don't think he understood what you were saying. The part where all the babies died too was pretty confusing."  She looked puzzled, "I thought he might be more concerned about a curse like this, seeing how he told us his mother died when he was born."

"You promised you'd kick him in the balls," Jana said quietly to Echo a slight accusing tone in her voice.  She followed it with a tight smile.

"In case anyone else in confused," Jana said, "unless I end the curse, the baby's dead.  It's as simple as that.  I know the baby won't be the one male child who lives, because I already found out it's a girl.  I went to see a gypsy, we did," she added, nodding at Echo, "because she knows a way to make a pregnancy end, if it's early enough.  But she told me there might be a way to end the curse, instead.  So I thought about it and Echo and I talked about it, and I decided that I would do whatever I could to try and save her, the baby.  But I can't ask you all to not help those prisoners on my account; I can't not help them on my own account.  But I have reason to believe we can free the prisoners and then end the curse.  I'm not sure that we won't have to go down there first anyway, since I'm not sure where the sword is."  Jana was silent for a moment.  "None of you have to help me, with the curse thing.  It was my choice to not stop the pregnancy.  I probably should have, but hells, if there's a way to keep yet another baby from dying, I kind of have to try.  I didn't intend to get pregnant, and I shouldn't have been able to, the timing wasn't right, but that's part of the curse, too.  It makes it so the women almost always get pregnant the first time.  But you can think whatever you want to about me.  I really don't care.  I decided on my own to bet my life I can end the curse, and I did it so the baby I'm carrying would have a chance to live.  If you want to help me, I'm grateful.  If not, well, that's fine, too."

"You wish only to rear thy child, Janathell," said Aloysius.  In a slightly more somber tone, he added, "Would that every parent were so concerned."

"Let me make sure I understand this situation," interjected Aloysius.  "If Janathell does nothing, both she and her child will die.  Howe'er, if the curse is ended afore the child is due, then they both shall live, as will the other children and women in the parlfray line.  Janathell hath simply elected to address the situation with the kidnappers afore she deals with the curse."

He nodded his head.  "This seems logical to me given Carmeneren's warning about how much time we have.  Perhaps if someone explained this to Daelen, he would understand.  Perhaps not.  Methinks he be predisposed to finding fault with all that Janathell does.  Howe'er, Daelen and Stargazer have been civil with one another thus far.  If the lot of thee would like for me to speak with him about this, I shall."

Azrun had stood up to speak as Daelen left. He had definately been angered by his rash words, "Leave him be, Aloysius. I'd rather he not join us. I might be tempted to push his ass down a deep hole in the underdark." He sat back down and became quiet.

Aloysius glanced back at the door. "What are we going to do about Daelen?"

Azrun looked to Jana, "You'd have to kill me to keep me from helping you....and that might not be enough."He gave her a wink with the last statement.

Arachne waited for him to finish stepping outside.  "It _is_ everyone's choice whether or not to help," she said sadly.  "So you can't _blame_ him for deciding not to.  I do wish, though, that if he's going to be blunt, outspoken and generally irritating, that he could learn to stand his ground more often and not quite so frequently stalk off after speaking his mind.

"Come on," Arachne said to Aloysius, tugging on his arm.  "We'll go talk to him.  That means we're going to spend three quarters of the time _listening_ to him.  And we'll like it."  She looked up at the wizard.  "All right?"

"Jana," Arachne added, "I don't know what I can do to help you, but if I can, I will.  But I'd rather that we didn't tell Daelen to hit the road just because he's annoying.  He's still willing to come fight mind flayers.  Please, let's accept that help."

"Take them as they come," Renn nodded slowly. "Of course,should I be in any condition to be of some use when theseevents below are accounted for, I shall render what aid Ican Jana."

Aloysius tood up. "Very well." He looked around thetable one last time before departing with Arachne. "Still have need of we to divide the other magic itemsand we need to decide what we are going to store inthe cottage. It seems to be a waste of space to takethe armor and the weapons that no one can use. Methinks we should store them in Semheis' church anduse the space for food and water. As for the ring of protection, whomever wears not armor nor is protected by an armor spell should wear it. Arachne and I shall have armor spells to my knowledge, so unless Azrun wishes to have one as well, he should wear the ring.  It seems Echo shall wear the boots of speed. Arachne shall bear the cottage. Someone who has no healing talent should bear the potion of healing. That leaves the fish potions, and I don't think it matters who bears them."He glanced over at the ever-patient Arachne. "My apologies. Let us find Daelen." He departed whenever Arachne did.

"Apologies for what?" Arachne asked, as she ran out the door with the longer-legged wizard. "You _were_ making sense."

"Azrun, do you want the ring?" Echo asked. "We needto decide what to do with it. And maybe Azrun should carry the healing potion too, since he might be better able to get it to someone who needs it in a pinch."

After Aloysius finished speaking, Jana said, "I think we ought to take the armor, and the weapons. I mean, there's lots of room in that thing. And you never know. I'm just lucky my armor didn't melt from that orc priest's spell. A spare would be a good idea."

"Let's leave them along with the "cursed" spear. We should probably leave the chest with the coins as well. We can take the jewelry and gems along in case we need to bribe someone, they'd probably work better as a bribe anyway and they take up less space." Blacky said

After she had a chance to cast identify and rest, Echo reported back to the group. She tossed the robes to Aloysius, "These are for you. They have patches on them that turn into useful stuff like ladders and lanterns when you pull them off. They only work for mages though."

She held up one of the flasks. "The liquid in here makes it hard for whoever drinks it to resist charm magic. I'm not really sure how that works, but smell it." She took the top off of the flask. The liquid inside smelled very strongly of fish.

"Since we're putting stuff in the cottage," she added as an afterthought, "I think we should put a barrel of fresh water in there, just in case we have problems finding any while we're down there."

Aloysius nodded in agreement, despite the fact that he was somewhat distracted by the robe. "Fascinating," he muttered as he looked it over. "How can I tell what item I am removing from the robe?" he asked Echo.

"I'm not sure," Echo said. "Maybe you can tell what they are when you have it on."

Aloysius pulled the robe. He grinned. "Fascinating," he said. "Methinks this will prove most utilitarian." He looked over the various patches on the robe. "Most utilitarian indeed."

"Perhaps we should just see if all our equipment will fit in the cottage?" he suggested. "If so, we won't have need of deciding what we leave elsewhere."

"That's a good idea," Echo said. "I don't think we have anywhere else to leave it anyway."

Azrun perked up, "Remember how all those men that worked for Ranchefus smelled like fish. This is why. He'd give them the potion, then charm them so they would do whatever he wanted them to do. He wouldn't have to worry about them turning on him that way."

"Aye," agreed Aloysius, "except most charms be mage magic and not divinely granted. It is apparent that Ranchefus includes a few wizards amongst his cohorts."

"We knew that," Arachne said.   "We killed at least one."

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