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Move 208:  And They're Off!

Milborne--Morning, 17 Eleint 1374 DR

The group picked up their supplies and paid Rastifer. They hauled the large amount of goods outside of town and, for the first time, expanded the magical cottage model. The full size structure was small, only about 20' by 30'. It
consisted of three tiny roooms, one furnished with a chair and writing table, one that seemed to be set up as a kitchen, complete with a few intact dishes, and one containing a single bed and a plain unlocked wooden chest.

"Extra water, wine and food in the kitchen, of course," Arachne suggested. "At least half of what we've got. And I, for one would like to keep my pens, ink and paper here in the library," she added, visiting the room that had a chair and writing table but no books. "I use them so often," she admitted, "and promise not to change my mind about instantly needing them unless we've opened the cottage for some other purpose already. And we could keep spare spelunking gear in the chest." She ran back into the bedroom. "Or around it," she corrected herself, looking at chest. "Maybe the rope, many spikes, three hammers, lots of the lamp oil and torches, five sticks of chalk, most of the candles? The things we're going to use up we can keep the extras of in here, I think."

"Is there anything in the chest now?" Echo asked. She looked at Azrun and Aloysius, "What about all those spellbooks we're carrying? We can put the ones we aren't using now in here."

Aloysius didn't seem thrilled. "The only spellbook that I currently bear be mine own," he replied. "And
I intend to keep it on my person at all times. If you wish to store the others in the cottage, that would
seem prudent."

Echo gave Aloysius a very confused look. "I didn't mean you should put your spellbook in there, Aloysius.
I meant the ones we aren't trying to copy anything from or read from now."

While they were putting equipment in the cottage, Echo walked around and looked for places where things could
have been stored. She checked the chest in the bedroom for traps then opened it.

"The chest is full of coins," Echo reported after opening it. "There's alot of pearls, about 10, and a
few other gems. The pearls are the kind that's used for the spell of identification. There's a piece of
amber worth 100 gold, a moonstone worth 50 gold, and some yellow stone that I'd guess to be worth about 100
gold. There's two more of the silvered flasks with the weird wave rune on them too. And a larchwood wand
and a scroll. I'll let you know what's on the scroll when I get a chance to read it," she said to Azrun and
Aloysius. She held out the wand to whoever wanted to take it, "Next time one of us checks something for
magic we should check the wand too."

Aloysius took the wand and looked it over momentarily.  "I shall check it now," he said finally. "Methinks
it would be best if I moved a little ways from the cottage lest it's own magics interfere with my spell."

After taking the wand about 100 feet from the cottage, he placed on the ground and cast a spell on it.

After casting his spell on the wand, Aloysius brought it back and handed it to Echo. "Aye, it bears
enchantment still," he explained. "I could not discrn the nature of the enchantment. Why don't you keep it
until the next time you identify items?" he suggested.

Echo nodded and took the wand.

"Did you count the coins? I'd suggest that while we are underground we keep all the coinage in the chest in the cottage, while I keep all the more valuable gems and jewelry close at hand. That way we have something to bribe or barter with that will catch the most attention.  I've heard that dwarves are very fond of gems. I know I'm generalizing here, but other races that live under the earth are likely to have similar tastes. Echo, of course, should keep the pearls for use with her spell." Blacky suggested to the group.

"I didn't count the coins," Echo replied. "We can dothat later. I'll keep one of the pearls on me, but Imight as well leave the others in the cottage. I won't be casting that spell while we're traveling."

The Garlstone Mines--Early afternoon, 17 Eleint 1374 DR

After a short and uneventful trek back into the Blanryde Hills, the group stood outside the entrance of mines again. A soft patch of earth nearby, where they had buried Etienne not too long ago, served as an additional reminder of the dangers they were about to face.

Aloysius knelt down next to Etienne's grave. "How artthou, friend Etienne?" he asked somberly. "We go now to avenge thee. I hope that thy rest be peaceful and that you are in the presence of your Lady."  He stood back up and looked at the cave. "We need to decide how we shall proceed from here. A scout would be prudent, as we know not what foul shades have bubbled up from below since last we were here. Perhaps the fighters in front, with Rennirolas and Olaf serving as our rear armored-guard? The rest of us would be in the center. Eric, Janathell, and Daelen - those of thee in the front may consider a moderate delay afore charging ahead to engage a hostile creature. I have the web spell prepared and don't want any of thee getting caught in it."

Jana paused beside Etienne's grave, her expression troubled. She stood there a moment, then continued on.
"I can't remember," Jana said, "is that tunnel down still warded?"

Echo said, "I don't think so."

Daelen, who had been quiet for the better part of the trip, simply nodded at Aloysius' suggestion.

"I can scout when we need me to," Echo said. "Do you want me to go check out the top level of the mines now while the rest of you decide on marching order?"

Aloysius sighed. "Well, knew did we that this would have to occur at some point," he said with resignation. "While unfond am I of sending thee in alone, it would seem prudent for the benefit of the group entire. All of us shall, at some point, bear an inequitable share of risk at some juncture."

He looked at the opening of the mine before turning back towards Echo. "Have a care, and don't dawdle."

Jana peered into the cavern entrance. "I'm gonna walk in too, slower, just so there'll be someone close. In case there's trouble." She entered the cavern a couple of minutes after Echo, walking slowly. When the light from outside was no longer adequate, she pulled out the light stone, holding it tightly in her off-hand fist so just enough light to make out the floor escaped.

Echo pulled her cowl over her head. "I'll be movingslow. I can't be quiet otherwise. Give me some timebefore you come in."

Jana nodded. "I'll try to stay just within yelling distance," she replied with a slight smile.

Aloysius crouched down and began drawing in the dirt with a stick. "Need of we to finalize our order and watch schedule," he said. "How does this look?" His dirt drawing was:

Jana – Blacky
Echo (when not scouting)-Arachne

"We can pair up for watches, if need be. Stargazer has generally taken the morning watch and uses that time to study spells. Perhaps Azrun could join me. Rennirolas, Olaf, and Echo could take the first watch. Then, they would be ready to prepare spells in the morning. The fighters and Arachne could divide the other watches?"  He looked around. "What do you think?" He drew his suggestion in the dirt:


"That suits me fine, if it's all right with the rest of you." Blacky replied looking at the sketch.

Azrun looked at Aloysius's sketching, "That is fine with me as well. Perhaps on our watch we can study more of the spells we have."

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