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Move 234:  Noises in the Caverns

Topknot Caves--Early, Day 12

After a little fumbling with getting the potion from the multiple Aloysiuses, Jana drank it.  Many of the smaller scratches and bites that she had taken disappeared and she looked considerably healthier.  With that, Jana and Aloysius ran down the tunnel the party had originally come in through, guided by Aloysius' torch and Jana's light stone.

Arachne adminstered some healing to Azrun, improving his condition quite a bit as well.

The web spell that Azrun had cast had been completely consumed by flames.  The fire spread back into the web Aloysius had cast, burning from floor to ceiling.  The cavern was heating up even more and there was a fair amount of smoke being produced, even though the webs were going up quickly.

The group began to pick up faint noises from the northeastern tunnel that lead deeper into the complex.

Recovering a little from his momentary rest, Blacky picked Daelen up once more and headed after Jana and Aloysius. "We've got to get out of here before anything else comes.  If anyone else has any healing left let's do it as we walk back." balcky said as he struggled with Daelen's weight.

Echo nodded in agreement.  "Can somebody help Blacky carry Daelen?" she asked.  "I'll bring up the rear again, since I can see in the dark."

"Uh, not really, no," Arachne said, looking a little dizzy after working on Azrun's injuries.  "Wouldn't be much use at that even on a good day," she added.  "But I could help you bring up the rear, since I don't need any light either.  Unless you were planning to be stealthy and quiet..."  She shrugged. "OK, I'll go before you and be decoy straggler."

"Interesting thought, are they real dogs, or dogs created wholecloth from magic," Rennirolas mused.  "Something to think about were things not so hurried," he smiled.  "I have a few healing prayers that will help our leavetaking," the elf added.

Olaf prayed over Blacky, healing him.

Azrun nodded, "I agree. If word spreads that Azrun Darkwalker tastes like chicken, I'll be beating troll off with a flaming stick." He tried to smile but seemed to be to tired. He then moved to help Blacky with Daelen, "Make sure we get his flaming pig sticker."

"Rest easy Azrun," Renn said quietly, "I can help Blacky carry Daelen. "But yes, the flaming pig sticker must go too," he grinned.

The two priests used their healing spells on the most seriously wounded members of the group, which, of course, included the two of them since both of them had taken quite a beating from the trolls.  With all their belongings collected, the group headed back down the tunnel they had entered through.  Blacky and Renn carried Daelen.  Echo brought up the rear, with Arachne walking slightly ahead of her.

The tunnel had noticable splatters of fresh blood on the floor, as well as the occasional bit of gore-stained fur.  After a short walk, they found a larger pool of blood with big red tracks leading away from it, farther down the tunnel away from the caves.

Sword at the ready, Olaf grunted. "Either they still chase the troll, or it is dragging their corpses to eat later. We need to hurry."

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