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Move 245:  What's in the Hole?

Topknot Caves--Afternoon, Day 14

Once some light was focused on the hole, those peering into it could tell where the smell was coming from.  The bottom of the sinkhole, about 60 feet down, was lined with broken bones.  Many of them were stripped of all flesh, but some of them still had enough meat on them to provide the unpleasant aroma around the area.

Echo looked down at the bones and frowned.  She turned to Jana "I could climb down there if you think there's a reason to, but I would rather not."

Aloysius peered down into the pit.  "Nay.  If there be a need to explore yon pit of flesh, let Stargazer do it via levitation.  If a rope were attached, I could be retrieved if something went amiss."

He frowned and scratched his chin. "Although I'd prefer not to," he asked.

Jana shook her head, making a face.  "No, I really don't see a need for anyone to go down there, 'specially if you two don't.  Let's get back to the others and figure out what we're gonna do next."

"Looks like we found the trolls' garbage pit. Likely the trolls stripped all the items of worth off their victims before dining on the judging from the stash in the other room. Aloysius, can you tell if there is anything magical in the hole from up here with your spell? Just in case the hid something down there."  Blacky commented "I'd suggest we check down that last tunnel for a ways before we go feeling too safe."

"Nay," replied the mage.  "I have not that spell available.  Methinks thou art correct, Eric.  In all likelihood the trolls removed anything of value.  The two-headed troll extinguished Janathell's stone, so it would have been able to detect magic auras."

Echo suggested, "We can come back and check the pit for magic when we have more spells available."

Aloysius moved away from the pit.  "Agree that we should investigate the passage where Arachne heard the sounds.  Secure must this area be if we are intent 'pon using it as a base of operations."

Echo nodded.  "Let's get moving if there's nothing else we want to do in here right now."

After discussing the merits of investigating the hole in more detail, the group decided to move on, still hoping to secure the area.  They left the cavern with the sinkhole in it and moved into the tunnel that Arachne, Azrun, Blacky, Daelen, and Renn had gone down earlier.

"Let's get to it then," Daelen added, "We musn't keep the beasties waiting."

"We might just as well keep on," Renn nodded to Daelen.  "Though I'm out of healing prayers, we've got everyone together, and should be able to keep most anything under control."

"I have a few prayers left." Olaf said.

"Where did you hear something?" Echo asked Arachne.  "Around here?"

Olaf stayed at the ready, sword in his good hand. He followed the group's lead, having no firm opinions on which way the group should head.

"Let's finish securing the area and get some rest," Jana suggested.

Azrun nodded, "I agree. We should check that area where Arachne heard the noises then heal up and prepare new spells."

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