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Move 248:  Looking for Rest

Troll Caves--Afternoon, Day 14

With the various activities going on, the group stayed in the area where the battle had been fought long enough for the troll bodies to burn down to ash.  Luckily, no more trolls came along to eat the badly wounded people while they stood there.  Now it was time to move on.

They walked back to the central Topknot cavern before deciding whether to stay in the cave with the pool or to move out into the tunnel leading to the caves.

"The pool room is this way," Arachne's voice prompted.  The tunnel exit leading that way seemed to get a little brighter.  "We can use the water there to wash peoples' wounds," she hinted.

Despite seeming somewhat distracted, Aloysius glanced around to consider the party's options.

"Suspect do I that the trolls likely fled as far from the battle site as they deemed possible.  They will, naturally, return here eventually as this is their home.  That being the case, we will likely encounter them in the main passage, either by catching up with them or running into them as they return."

He rubbed his stubble-laden chin with both hands.  "If we moved to the main tunnel, we would likely be unable to effectively flee if the trolls found us there as many of our number bear armor.  Since flight is not a plausible option, we may as well stay in the cavern with the pool.  At least there is only one direction from which an attack could come in that scenario.  I, for one, have no more spells.  If the trolls came into the pool chamber whilst we were there, Azrun could web the passage shut.  That should at least give us time to organize our defense."

He frowned and looked around at the immediate area.  "I'm afraid I have no better suggestion than that."

Azrun nodded, "And if they do start to come through we can heave a torch into it about the time they decide to come through. Those webs burn good, so it'll give them something to think about." Azrun frowned for a moment, "The webs will only last for an hour and a half.....maybe we should wait until we hear something then cast it, to slow them down. We could use Renn's spell for an early warning and mine almost as slow the charge type thing." He shrugged, "What do you think?"

"Indeed," agreed Aloysius.  "The web spell should wait until, if e'er, the trolls appear.  One other consideration for our defense - oil.  We have a fair supply of it.  We could coat the floor near the entrance with it.  That would serve to create both a slippery area to slow them down as well as a combustible area we could quickly light if need be."

He looked over at Jana.  "Do these suggestion seem prudent to thee, Janathell?"

There was a gnomish cough.  "As long as you don't mind the possibility of being stuck in a cave where the only exit is blocked by a serious bonfire which is sucking up all the good air.  True, we'd be in there with a pool of water..."

Azrun looked to the mage, "The oil on the floor might not be such a good idea, Aloysius. If the trolls, don't come looking for us then we have to walk back through it. Oil soaked shoes, fire and trolls probably aren't a good thing. We may want to check our supplies and get oil out if needed since it looks like we're going to be taking out another batch of trolls though."

Aloysius nodded when Arachne and Azrun responded.  "Indeed, both of thee make meritorious points.  Perhaps instead of a covering of oil on the floor, the sentries should have flasks and torches prepared in case the trolls appear."

Looking around to try and figure out Arachne's general location.  "Rennirolas's ward creates an energy field that might serve to temporarily paralyze the first to enter it, although I do not recall it making any noise.  My concern with the employment of oil was two-fold.  First, if the trolls come after us, we need to make our first strike as successful as possible since Janathell, Eric and Daelen are not currently in any shape for a protracted battle.  Second, the sight of more fire might dissuade the trolls from continuing their search for us, although I suspect not.  In any event, we should have some type of plan in place in case they find us afore we are ready for them to do so."

"The entryway is narrow enough to allow us some defense I would think," Renn nodded, "plus the water would be more than welcome.  If we do decide to stay here, I'll ward the passageway, it's some defense at the least."

"I don't remember what Renn's spell does or how long it lasts," Arachne's voice said, "but I do know that if we're going to hole up somewhere and do some serious recovering, then an hour and a half is nothing.  Jana said that the web should be held until an actual attack occurs and I agree.  If Renn's spell is mainly to help whomever is on watch to be more alert to incoming danger, then yes.  Let's go ahead and use it ... and use it now," her voice added, "since I rather suspect that I'm going to get to be the first one on watch."

"I can make the opening smaller, as well." Olaf said.

"How much oil do we have left?" Echo asked.  "I thought we were running low."

She looked down the tunnel nervously. "If this is where we're going to stay, let's get in and do the best we can with defenses quick."

Jana looked a tad fuzzy through the discussion.  "I don' think we oughts stay here," she mumbled, "but I don' know if'n I can really walk all that far, so whatever y'all wanna do's okay with me."

Seeing Jana was in no shape to be going anywhere Blacky said. "Let's get in the room with the pool.  Olaf do your thing to make the passage as narrow as possible and Renn you stick that ward where it will do the most good. Azrun, hold that spell for when and if the trolls come looking for us.  Weren't there were some rocks or something in there that we can use to further block the passage? If so I say we do that as well.  We need to make ourselves a little exposed as possible." He finished and helped Jana to a comfortable spot near the pool.

After everyone went inside Olaf chanted by the entrance, "Great Tyr, grant me the power to move stone for Your Justice!

Echo followed Jana and Blacky over to the pool and sat by Jana.  She gave Jana repeated concerned looks but stayed quiet unless Jana wanted to talk.

Aloysius went over and sat down next to Jana and Echo and spoke quietly with them for a bit.

Jana spoke quietly with Aloysius and Echo.

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