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Move 260:  Staring in the Water

Troll Caves--Midmorning, Day 17

Several people went over to the side of the pool to see what was in there.  Everyone who looked could eventually make out a metallic glint and something green colored nestled among the rocks on the bottom of the pool about ten feet from the edge. No one could tell what it was.

Azrun placed his hand in the water and shivered, "Damn this is gonna be cold." He stood and looked around, "Someone want to tie a rope around my waist? I'm a really descent swimmer. Most of the rest of you have to take off a bunch armor. I can swim down and see what that is. I can strap a light rock to my wrist so I can see and take a dagger with case it's hungry. What do you say?" The bard looked pretty sure of himself as he glanced back toward the pool.

"I say . . .fie!" replied Aloysius. "'Tis an excellent thing to say. Or so I've heard." The mage drew a dagger and began poking at the cavern floor, intently looking at his handiwork while the others addressed the pool.

Jana watched Azrun dubiously. "Are you sure that's a wise idea?"

Azrun smiled, "Not really, but I'd rather find out what it is than stand up here and wonder. If I get into trouble you guys can reel me back in. Think of it as fishing, but you're using a bard for bait." He smiled again and took off his boots and shirt.

Blacky took out some rope and handed one end of it to Azrun. "Tie it tight." He said holding on to the other end.

Aloysius perked up and cocked his head to one side.   "Hah!" he exclaimed. "A voice I hear!" He scanned the area around him and then grined. "It asks Stargazer's well-being. Well, voice, Stargazer is a being who is well. A being that tires rather of burning the stinky bad trolls, but well otherwise."

He returned to poking the floor with his dagger. "But thanks so much for asking!" he added, in a final energetic flourish.

Olaf stared about, trying to determine who the mage was speaking with.

Azrun took off his shirt and boots and tied Blacky's rope around his waist.  He tried to fix a light stone to his wrist with a piece of cloth. Once he was ready, he stepped in the edge of the cold water then went under, swimming the short distance to where the object of curiosity was. He dove down to look at them and resurfaced shortly thereafter.

Azrun swam toward the shore a bit and looked to the group, "There's a dagger and a flask down there as best I can tell. My light stone worked loose while I was diving, so I really couldn't see anymore. I'd like to go back and try to retrieve them if it's ok with you guys."

"Just don't meet up with any giant man eating frogs while you're down there," Rennirolas said as he sheathed his blade and moved closer to the pool. "I've a couple more lightstones in a pouch here if you feel you need another to go back down there," Renn added as he began to search through a pouch on his belt.

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