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Move 262:  Back to Carmeneren

Tunnels--Late, Day 17

The two deep gnomes did not seem to understand much of what is being said to them or around them. After some consultation between the two of them, they produced a handful of dried fungi for Aloysius and motioned for the others to follow them.

Some time later, once the group could not go on anymore from general exhaustion and Renn's persistent cough, they stopped to rest. The priests bandaged wounds and used healing prayers, repairing all but the worst of the injuries received in the last fight with the Slaverer trolls. Arachne did some work on Renn, and his respiratory ailment seemed to improve, then disappear after a little time passed. As they had before, their escorts kept to themselves while everyone rested.

Tunnels--Late, Day 18

The watch rotation passed, and the party moved on again.  Everyone who had been wounded by the trolls had physically recovered. Renn's cough is gone, but he was still a little weaker than normal, although not so much that they could not move on. Arachne and Echo reappeared as the invisibility spells ended.

The group followed Pruc and Ciekor through the tunnels for what felt like the better part of the day. Eventually, they entered the long, low cavern that housed the Svirfneblin camp. One of the deep gnome females brought them fungi and water when they came in. Blik, Carmeneren's excitable acolyte, directed them to the same spot near the two pools in the back of the cave that they had used for their own camp last time. After giving them a few minutes to rest after their day of travel, Carmeneren approached.

"You have returned with your numbers intact," the ancient priestess began, her commonspeak as slow and deliberate as it was when they last spoke with her. "I assume you have destroyed the trolls. Very good," her expression gave the vaguest hint of approval as she looked at them somewhat expectantly.

Aloysius's mood had soured substantially, and he had said hardly anything after rising to complete the trek back to Carmeneren. Upon hearing Carmeneren speak, he simply lowered his head and stared at the floor.

"We believe we have destroyed them all," Jana confirmed. "There were a buncha, uhm, troglodytes that might have come this way. If we see them again, we'll take care of them too. Oh, yeah, there might be one troll left," Jana added, glancing at Aloysius. "But we'll keep an eye out of it, too."

Aloysius glanced up briefly, but didn't otherwise respond. He continued to hang his head, shoulders slumping, as he looked at the floor.

"We want to _fight_ the troglodytes?" Arachne asked. "I thought our fighting them was actually by mistake. We were in their way when they were desperate to get from somewhere to somewhere else. If there ever is a next time, it might make more sense to flatten ourselves against the wall and try very VERY hard to avoid contact with them when they come romping through."

"So, what now? Back to the surface to resupply or do we eat fungus and conjured grass like food and head for the prisoners?" Blacky asked. "Some one should check this stuff for magic and if we have time maybe identify those potions."

"Carmeneren promised us more information once the trolls were gone," Echo reminded him quietly. "Let's see what she can tell us before we decide what to do."

"I need to return to the surface eventualy to pick up some weapons I ordered." Daelen offered. "And I think some time under the sun - or moon," he added with a nod to the elven priest, "would do wonders for morale."

"The sight of Selune would be a most welcome one," Renn said in agreement, "though depending on what good Carmeneren tells us, it may be a trip we cannot afford to make."

"Morale _would_ be good," Arachne said. "But the prisoners may not wait for us forever. We should ask our hosts if they have any sense of how quickly we're going to need to work. it's just a matter of obtaining more supplies -- oil, food, your ordered weapons -- I think I've got the spooky magic now to be able to go to town and return in a couple of days with the supplies."

"You can?" Echo asked, surprised and impressed. "Not having to go to town to resupply would save us a lot of time too. That may be what we need."

Renn nodded, "If possible, that would be quite a timesaver.  Too bad we can't open the cottage again. Or can we? Has it been opened twice in a week's time? I know not, this being underground for so long has thrown me off, I do know that."

Jana bristled at Daelen's comment about going to the surface for morale-building purposes. When Arachne pointed out the prisoners' were waiting, she nodded and settled for a glare at anyone who suggested further delays.

"We don't want a horde of troglodytes dogging our trail either," Jana replied. "If they show themselves again, we'd best wipe them out. I don't see any reason to go looking for them, though." She considered a moment then said, "Supplied are a good idea, if you can do it that fast. Let's see if Carmeneren's information gives us some ideas on what we need, aside from food."

"I stopped chasing dragons when I was 4 winters old, Arachne. I half expect we'll need to fight our way past the animated corpses of half those 'prisoners' just to get to the priest."

"Oh." The gnome frowned.  "Isn't it a miracle that you survived your first four winters?" she asked, then shrugged. "One good miracle deserves another, I guess."

Carmeneren listened to what everyone had to say, whether or not they were talking to her when they said it. Finally, she nodded, "I am glad to hear the trolls are gone. You have completed what I asked of you. You have shown that you may have the brute strength to do what will be needed. With a lot of wisdom on your parts, you might have a small chance of being successful. But that is for later. I have much to tell you, but there is something I must show you first so that you may better realize what you are facing. After you have rested, we will go. Call Blik or one of the women if you need anything." The priestess paused very briefly then walked away, talking to several of the deep gnomes in the camp as she moved.

Aloysius sat down and pulled an object resembling a brown carrot from his pack. He cut off a slice of it and popped it into his mouth. He then returned the rest to his pack.

Echo gave Aloysius a concerned look. "I can check things for magic," she suggested. "The shield and mace from the trolls and that dagger and flask from the pool. Was there anything else?"

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