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Move 264:  Carmeneren Explains a Map

Tunnels--Late, Day 21

“Perhaps we should discuss your other options before you exhaust or hurt yourselves,” Carmeneren agreed. Pruc and Ciekor returned and led the group back to a decent sized cavern a short distance from the wall they had been investigating. Carmeneren waited for everyone to get settled then sat cross legged on the floor to have a talk with them.

“What I just showed you hides a passage to the place where some of the prisoners are being held, the passage that the illithids use when they go near the surface,” began the old priestess. “They are keeping them in a kuo-toan city many miles from here. I believe the translation of the city name in common would be the City of the Glass Pool. This city is not the final destination of the prisoners; instead, it is a stronghold that is now being used to keep the prisoners from your part of the surface world until they are taken deeper still. The city is still mostly filled with kuo-toa, who are prone to falling into chaos and insanity. I believe that you can effectively destroy this stronghold, dealing a hard blow to those below them who are waiting for the prisoners, by disrupting them enough that most of the inhabitants of the city will go crazy. They will no longer be able to keep prisoners there if the city’s integrity is breached. While you maybe able to rescue the prisoners without destroying the city, it is likely that you would be pursued and, overall, it would do nothing towards stopping the ones behind this.

“There is another route to the City of the Glass Pool,” she produced a piece of parchment from a pouch and handed it to the nearest person. “This map details that route and the various dangers that lie along it. It also shows the way to our city on the other side of the troll caverns, if you need to retreat there for healing or supplies. I can tell you provide you with information about this path to the City of the Glass Pool. If you get through the wall and decide to go that way, there is nothing I can tell you about it. If you follow the mapped route, I would recommend working your way down and gaining as much strength as you can before you reach the city.

“The first thing you would have to decide is whether to face the colony of grells or go around them,” Carmeneren continued. “They are dangerous, but I would recommend clearing them out. The other path is treacherous in its own right, razor rock and purple worms, which would make retreat difficult. In truth, I would not recommend leaving any of the creatures whose lairs we have mapped behind you. They could cause problems for you once you have reached the city. It will be important that you have a safe place to rest and recover, and you will need a clear path to the surface if you rescue prisoners.

“The next caverns are full of quaggoths and ropers, among other things. I also believe there are what you surface dwellers call hook horrors there,” Carmeneren went on. “In the main path to the city, there are many slimes and oozes. I suspect there is a temple to Juiblex there, but I am not certain. Most of the patrols I have sent that far have not returned,” she said sadly. “Once you are near the city, you will face the diregund for the first time,” she spat on the floor in disgust as she mentioned these creatures. The three other gnomes with her made similar gestures. “They guard the caverns and tunnels around the city, working in league with the illithids and kuo-toa,” she added, no small degree of hostility in her voice.

“If you are up to the task, you might want to face the great reptiles at that point,” Carmeneren continued, the hostility dying down and turning to a tone of thoughtfulness. “You would have to backtrack as you see from the map,” she added as an aside. “From what we know, there are two dragon-like creatures in that area. I am not sure I would advise facing them, although I sense they both have powerful magic that could be helpful to you in your assault on the city, and they certainly possess great treasure.”

“But it’s what beyond them that might really be worthwhile!” Blik inserted from his position beside Carmeneren.

Carmeneren silenced him with a look like thunder, “We know little of what lies beyond them. I have sensed strong magics and very secure barriers,” she admitted, looking troubled, “but I do not know what it might be. I can only say that it does not seem to be evil.” She closed her eyes and leaned back slightly, seemingly done speaking for now. She waited for them to digest the large amount of information she had just given them.

Aloysius studied the map closely before sitting back and closing his eyes momentarily. "Sweet Mystra," he said under his breath.

"'Twould seem that our hopes of a respite under the sun have been dashed," he said, a certain heaviness in his voice. "Yet we have, what? Five days worth of food?"

Turning towards Carmeneren, he asked her a series of questions. "Many of these creatures you mention Stargazer is unfamiliar with. What is a 'grell'? And a 'kua-toa'? Can you give us any specific information about how to best combat such creatures?"

The mage seemed nearly overwhelmed. "It seems so terribly hopeless," he said to no one in particular.  "So may obstacles to endure simply to reach those as powerful as Moonspawn himself."

"I think I'm ready to be thrown at the wall now," Arachne said, in a small voice that was not completely devoid of quavering.

Carmeneren opened her eyes again and nodded at Aloysius. She went through information on each of the creatures she had mentioned.

"And what of this other group from the surface you mentioned?" continued Aloysius. "How long ago did they come through? Can you tell us anything about their talents, or about who they were? Stargazer recalls not anyone on the surface mentioning such a group."

"I do not have any information on the group that went before you," Carmeneren told Aloysius. "We did not speak with them. I only know they were fewer in number than you. I have seen no sign of them since before you defeated the Bloodskull orcs."

Echo looked at the map when it was her turn to see it.  Her hands shook as she held the paper. She did not meet anyone's eyes.

Renn pursed his lips and gave a whistle as he examined the map. "Quite the journey," he said, stating the obvious as he passed the map along.

As Carmeneren described the various creatures from the map, Rennirolas nodded. "These Diregund, you look to hate these creatures more than any other, what are they, and why do you feel such enmity for them?" Renn asked quietly.

"I'm guessing," Arachne said, "but I think they're likely gnomish.  Think of drow elves," she suggested. "Then, after you've spat out that idea, tell me what you think of mine."

Renn's lips curled in distaste as he thinks on the comparsion. "Aye, you may have the right of it Arachne," he said in agreement. "Your idea?" Renn began to ask, before he caught himself. "Oh, do you mean about throwing you through the wall? I'm not fond of the thought," Rennirolas spread his hands in a show of uncertainty, "if only because we know nothing of what's just beyond the wall, and I'd hate to see you separated from us with no means of returning," he finished with a short smile.

"Considering where we're thinking of going, getting myself separated from you with no means of returning sounds like a pretty good survival strategy," Arachne admitted. "But no: I was being arch. I only meant my idea about the Diregund being gnomish. The wall... I don't know.   We know that its existence means that regular and welcome travelers to Glasspool City don't have to worry about or harass the various residents along this alternate route. That's something to keep in mind as we study how to get through this mapped route: No-one has relied on it regularly."

She shook her head. "I don't know what import that might have," she admitted.  "A different idea I had: Teleporting back to the surface to shop for additional supplies. I probably will want to wait until we reach the gnomes' hometown before I go, because I won't be able to return until after I've had a lot of rest -- a night's worth, I think, and that's a long time to ask you all to wait around down here. I'd also need Carmeneren's approval to go teleporting out of and then back into her city. And I'll want to assemble a shopping list before I go. More food and more oil, I know. Daelen's ordered armor, I guess. I'm not sure what else.

"I have a Pocket Dimension spookiness that would enable me to bring a lot of stuff back with me, if I can make it work while also Teleporting. I think I can, but, as a backup, I'd take the cottage with me also, if you all don't mind."

"Weapons," Daelen corrected, "bolas actualy. Though after that tentacle I almost wish I had ordered armor spikes."

"Plainly, we've much planning to do if we are to attempt this," offered Aloysius. "And we know not if there be some amongst us who would prefer not to make such an attempt. 'Twill be far more perilous than anything we have attempted as yet."

He closed his eyes and dropped his chin to his chest.  After a couple of deep breaths, he looked back up and continued.

"I've nowhere else to go, and naught else that needs doing. In good conscience, Stargazer cannot avoid such a chore, e'en though his heart bids him to do so at all costs."

Carmeneren listened to the exchange between Renn and Arachne, the look of
hatred returning to her face, "The Diregund are not gnomes. They are monsters, cruel beyond belief, crueler than any other being, even the drow.   They live for nothing but evil and deceit, torture and perversion." She went on to describe them in continued detail, looking more and more angry with each sentence.

"Are there many of these Diregund?" Daelen asked, though it was obvious the mention of "dragons" and "treasure" earlier were what had really caught his attention.

"There are at least two clans of them in or near the city," Carmeneren replied.

Jana pales as the litany of nasty-bads continues on and on. She looks at the and mutters "Mu-ther.." somewhat less than reverently. She handed the map to the next person and stared up at the ceiling for a moment.

After she finished talking about the Diregund, Carmeneren calmed down almost immediately. She listened to the turn the conversation was taking, "You are welcome to come to our city if you need to, but it is not near here. When we go back, I expect we will rest at least seven times before we reach Kalingri if nothing unexpected happens on the way. The walk sometimes takes longer."

Looking at the map, Blacky commented "Why wouyldn't we take care of the dragon like creatures first. They are not along the route to the city and if the magic they possess could help us ..." He said " I assume they are evil from your comments. As far as the others go I would think it wise to take care of the worms and things first then assault the grell from both sides or take care of the grell then two prong the worms.  Eityher way it would split their defenses." Blacky finished passing on the map.

"I do not believe you are strong enough to have a chance against the great lizards now," Carmeneren said frankly, "but yes, they are evil."

"Don't worry Blacky," Daelen grinned, "once we've cut our teeth on the lesser monsters we'll return for the wyrm's hoard."

Azrun listened quietly and jotted notes down in his journal about the creatures. He cringed at the mentions of some of the creatures abilities. He looked to Aloysius and Echo, "If we decide to go through with this we'll need as much spell power as possible. We should spend time learning and copying spells from each other whenever it permits. We'll have to try to get components in the city also. Maybe we can aquire some new spells while there also."

He looked back odwn at his notes and shivered.

Echo suggested, "Maybe we should try to secure a cavern around here to wait for Arachne. Going to the city and back again will take a lot of time. We could probably go to town with her in that amount of time.  I'm not saying we should rush into anything foolishly, but I do think we should save time when we can. We don't have forever to do this." She glanced in Jana's direction.

"I've learned all the spells I can from the books we have," Echo said. "We've finished with the books, haven't we, Aloysius? I think Arachne can get components for us if we tell her what we need." She gave Arachne an inquisitive look.

The mage nodded. "Believe do I that Stargazer has read through all the books. I may wish to copy some I have not copied afore, but I'll decide that later."

He frowned. "Sadly, in my case, 'tis not the power of the enchantments that be lacking, but of the caster."  Looking up at Echo, he added, "But I shall continue to do my best, for whate'er it may be worth. Your idea about waiting for Arachne seems prudent. We need to conclude this matter as quickly as possible, for a multitude of reasons."

Jana paled noticeably. "Yes," she agreed, "we need to hurry as much as possible. Besides my own problem, I still plan to be rescuing prisoners. I'm sure they'd appreciate it if we didn't piddle around." She flashed a smile at Echo and Aloysius and a warning glare at Daelen. "So if Arachne's up for it, I say let's get a list settled on and let her get moving. While we wait, we can work on securing that first cavern like Echo said."

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