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Move 269:  More Waiting

Tunnels--Late, Day 22

Now that people were getting anxious for Daelen's return, the passing time was more difficult to judge. What might have been a short time seemed like forever. In any case, more time passed and he did not come back. No one could see the light from his sword in either direction of the tunnel outside the cavern.

As the wait continued, Renn took stock of the various herbs he kept and sorted through the few remaining supplies within
his healer's bag. "Definately hit him on the head the next time he wants to wander off," Renn laughed, a nervous titter in his laughter.

Rennirolas picked up a small pebble from the chamber's floor. "Lord Corellon, let this light shine eternal," he chanted
in elvish, spellcasting gestures accompanying the prayer.  "Another lightstone," he said quietly, he held it out for anyone
to take before Renn opened a pouch on his belt to drop it in.

Aloysius looked up from his book. "How long are we going to await Daelen's return?" he asked anxiously.

"Until Arachne and Azrun return," Jana replied, her voice strained. She continued to pace.

"It hasn't been all that long Aloysius," Renn said as reasurringly as he could. "We'll let him hear about it when he gets back," Renn added as he lifted a dried leaf to his nose and scrunched his nose at the smell.

"I've got to get some sleep," Echo said apologetically. "Wake me up when he gets back or if anyone decides to leave."

Jana left off her relentless and annoying pacing to crouch beside Echo.  "It's okay," she said gently. "Maybe you ought to make yourself invisible before you sleep, though, in case we have to leave quickly. That might give you some extra protection." She forced a confident smile as she added, "Daelen'll be here when you wake up, with his ass kicked up into his throat." She patted Echo's shoulder and stood. When she turned away, her smile had vanished, replaced by a look of extreme apprehension as she
resumed her pacing.

"I'm sure all the yelling will wake me up," Echo replied with a tired worried smile. She cast a spell and disappeared, but the lump under her blanket showed where she was.

"I'm guessing that he went to scout out the dragons' cave area. He might be that stupid." Blacky said under his breath. " At least that seemed to interest him more than anything else on the map. How long do you think that round trip would take him?" He asked

"That map has caused me concern," admitted Aloysius.  "More inquiries of the gnomes should we have made. I looked at it not very closely, but know we e'en where on the map we are now?"

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