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Move 28:Home to Mom

The New Mire-Early afternoon, 6 Eleasias 1374 DR

Both Devon and Barb watched with fascination as the adults that had come upon their panning expedition in the creek had what could only be described as an altercation. They forgot both their anger and their tears as the scene unfolded before them. The two siblings whispered to each other quietly.

They happily accepted the silver coins that Pug gave them. Barb gave her six to Devon to keep in the bag they had undoubtedly brought along for stones. Devon was agreeable that they could return home with him but he sternly warned, "Momma won't let you in the house. You're too dirty."

Aloysius stayed by the creek as the others headed off. After seeing that Devon wasn't going to take his peace offering, he angrily slung the stone across the creek. Finally, he began following the group but remained about 50 yards behind them.

The group followed the youngsters a short distance to their cabin, although the trip took about half an hour in the thick mud. Devon's two muddy sheep stood in a fenced-in yard. One of them had a chicken on its back and a few other yard birds were perched on the fence. A woman with a long silver ponytail stood with her back to the approaching group, trying desperately to hang her washing high enough that it wouldn't be in the mud.

"Momma," yelled Devon, "We brought...."

"Where have you two been? I told you not to be gone long. Your grandmother will be here soon," she turned around to look at her children. The woman had an infant in a sling around her waist. She looked very young to have a son as old as Devon. Because her mass of hair was tied back, everyone could easily see that her ears pointed ever so slightly at the tips. Her blue eyes stood out in her dusky-skinned face. "Who are you?" she asked the strangers. She looked only slightly worried. "I am Tersa Odian Gillson. I see that you met my chilren."

Completely oblivious to the woman and her house, Aloysius leaned against a tree and folded his arms. It was apparent from the look on his face that he was still quite angry. After a moment, he squatted down, resting his back against the trunk of the tree, and drew his new dagger. Holding it in front of him, he appeared to be looking closely at the blade.

"Arachne Convola of Furthing--", the smaller gnome began, then decided to leave the introductory badinage to the bard. She went to lean against the nearest point of the fence and gaze through it [most likely] at the sheep, the chickens, the laundry and especially the mud. "Grandmother's _her_ mother, I expect," she muttered to herself.

Jana noticed the woman's ears, and compared her features with those of Devon and Barb. She gave the woman a friendly smile and introduced herself, "Jana Caislean. Please forgive our intrusion." Jana stood with her hands in front of her, right wrist in left hand. She tried to look as non-threatening as possible in her posture and expression. A wry smile played across her lips. Her size, armor and weapons made "non-threatening" rather difficult. She shrugged almost imperceptibly and tried for non-hostile.

Tersa's eyes wandered over to the man sitting in front on the tree with a drawn dagger. She shifted her baby's weight slightly as she watched him warily. As Jana spoke, she turned her attention to the tall woman standing before her. She still didn't look completely relaxed, but she looked no more worried than she had before as Jana introduced herself. Tersa nodded at Jana and at Arachne, who began then aborted an introduction attempt. "Is there a problem of some sort?" she asked quickly. "I don't mean to be rude, but I am expecting company. I need to get those two cleaned up," she indicated the dirty Devon and the slightly cleaner Barb, "before she gets here."

"Blue monster be problem," Kaileer points out as he looks at the woman curiously.

Tersa raised an eyebrow at the elf, "Have you seen them or just heard about them from Devon? He is a very creative lad at times."

Azrun followed the woman's eyes toward Aloysius's. Once he saw what she was worried about, he shook his head and stood up to introduce himself. "Ma'am, my name is Azrun. We came across your children while looking for a girl who came missing from back in town. We thought it be best to escort them back to their home before it got late. Young Devon was most helpful in explaining something of the area for us."

Azrun paused to let the woman take in the situation, "I hope we didn't alarm you with our presence. We just wanted to make sure they made it home ok. Our friend leaning against the tree back there is quite harmless.

Arachne's eyebrows shot up at this assertion. She turned to see how such dissembling might be being received. With calmness and equanimity all 'round, apparently, as Azrun continued:

Azrun continued, "Well, since you are expecting company, we'll take our leave now. Getting those two clean could take a while." He smiled at Devon and Barb. "Devon, you take care of them sheep and your family." He looked back to Tersa and nodded his head to her, "Good day, maam."

Gala smiled at the woman, but did not speak. She looked at Arachne with a somewhat puzzled expression and chewed on her lower lip, worriedly.

Maisar not wanting to get to close to anyone, with a lot of people going up to meet Tersa, walks back to where Aloysius is sitting. Maisar then whispers to Aloysius "That looks to be a real fine looking dagger, would you mind if I took a look at it?"

Without saying a word, Aloysius gripped the dagger by the middle (i.e. the "not sharp part") of the blade and handed it, pommel first, to Maisar.

After handing Maisar his dagger, Aloysius stood up and walked back to the others who were speaking to the woman with the pointy ears. He waited a moment to see if he could catch her eye.

Maisar takes the blade from Aloysius, and looks it over. Then after a few min. Maisar hands the bload back to Aloysius handle first, and whispers to him"This is a very nice looking blade. Please be shure not to put it in me", if Aloysius is still looking Tersa,"or that fine woman over there." meaning Tersa.

Aloysius looked somewhat confused as he took his dagger back from Maisar. "Why wouldst thou say such a thing? My blades be reserved for mine enemies, not thee, and not yon woman."

"What --?" Arachne began to protest. At the same time, however, Aloysius couldn't resist sticking his oar in. Arachne waited to see if the Stargazer was going to ask the needful questions...

"Madam, I be Aloysius Stargazer, foe of all who seek to quell the Light. Thy name hath tickled the footsole of mine memory, but for reasons I cannot ascertain. Know of thee why that hath occurred?"

Tersa gave Aloysius a blank look. "What?" she asked. She paused for a moment until she realized what he was actually saying. She considered this for another moment, "Perhaps you have heard of my mother. I understand that her name is known among some students of the Art. Alaina Odian," she offered. "If there's nothing else, I really must get these children cleaned up."

Aloysius considered her response for a moment. "Mayhap . . . .was thy mother a sorceress? So much is there to learn from one's mystic mentor that oftentimes recollections such as this are misplaced. I mean not to pry, but merely to rid my memory of this awkward itch."

"My mother was, and still is, a sorceress," Tersa told him. "I don't know if you would have heard of her, but it is possible."

Not quickly enough, if he was ever going to get around to it. He seemed more interested in a Who's Who among wizards. When they had evidently worked out the identity of the imminent maternal grandmother (as Arachne reminded herself that she'd predicted), there seemed a pause that the gnome judged long enough to justify raising a new question:

"Excuse me," she shouted, the shout being necessary since she'd gone off a few steps to the fence in order to have something to lean her weary back against. Walking toward Tersa and, incidentally, Aloysius, Arachne continued: "Devon told us that his father -- your husband, I mean -- has taken the flock of sheep to town to sell them. Does that mean you'll be moving away also? I say also, because a farmer downstream along the creek has just given up farming his lands because of the expanding mire. But I'd've thought that, this far inside the marsh, you'd already have made your peace with the soft ground and figured out how to herd your flock over it. And --" She shrugged, stopping her slow walk fairly close to the Stargazer.

"If you wanted to, you could take your sheep with you. So, can you tell us, please, if you know of any new problem here?"

"Incidentally," she added quickly and in a lower voice, to Aloysius. "If you've heard of the esteemed sorceress who is Tersa's ? mother, could you tell us if you'd like to wait around here and perhaps exchange a few courtesies with her about arcane matters? Or is her matter of magic one that is quite so far outside of your practice --" the gnome stared up at Aloysius "--that you'd find that you had nothing to say to her?"

Aloysius smiled broadly (but not the PSF) down at Arachne. "Small one," he whispered, "a purpose have my inquiries other than simply to hear mine own voice. Share with thee shall I soon 'enow."

Pug stayed quiet during the exchange of pleasantries with the woman, prefering to let the big people do the talking. He kept a concerned eye on the pouting Aloysius, hoping that his mood would soon swing toward something more pleasant. When all was said and done he was more than ready to go hunting what he hoped were goblins. He knew from experience how to deal with those foul creatures, besides which they were more his size.

"Not see yet, but not think boy lie," he started, "Kaileer go look for blue monsters..."

Then he paused to consider his next question. "You mother be drow?" he asked absentmindedly.

"Nay Kaileer!" interrupted Aloysius. "She be not. Methinks we have delayed this kind woman long enough. Perhaps we should be attending to matters of our own?"

Turning towards Tersa, the magic-user continued. "Madam, we bid thee good day. Perhaps some other day, thy mother would honor me with her introduction, as thou hast done."

With that, Aloysius looked at the others pleadingly, and then headed back towards the brook.

Arachne fidgeted. She started after Aloysius, evidently wanting in this instance to follow his cue. But she'd also asked Tersa a question and wished to stay to hear the answer. So she only sidled off a few steps before sidling back, her attention back on Tersa. She was clearly lingering uncomfortably.

"No new problems," Tersa replied, "just the old ones. We've stayed as long as we can, probably longer." She glanced down at her children, "Our neighbors were good to us here. It will be hard to find such good neighbors in town," she gave the little gnome a meaningful look and brought a hand up to rub her ear. She started to answer Kaileer's question, but Aloysius interuppted with an answer of his own. "My mother comes and goes as she wishes," Tersa told Aloysius. "She loves to talk to people, so I'm sure she would be happy to see you if you should meet. I don't know how long she will stay this trip." She turned to go into the cabin.

Azrun shook his head and walked on. Those that were near could here him muttering, "It's about damn time. Poor kids'll never get to go outside again for fear of them bringing us back."

"Excuse me, ma'am," Jana asked Tersa, "do you have any feed we might purchase from you? We have," she explained, "a couple of hungry horses waiting for us." She smiled politely as she waited for Tersa's response.

"If they'll eat sheep feed, I do," Tersa told her. "Should be good enough for horses. Come around to the shed and I'll get it for you. You two get in the house," she told the children. "I'll be there in a minute." Tersa led Jana back to the shed as the other began to walk away.

"Uh huh," Arachne nodded. "Well, it's obviously somewhere else th crime is being committed. Thank you for your time and patience." She scurried after Aloysius. After a great effort of fast footwork over the marshy ground, she caught up with him.

"So who is she, Aloysius?" Arachne panted, her weak voice carrying not very far. "This Alaina Odian, if she isn't drow, then I guess she'd be human and her lover was drow?" She almost, but didn't quite tug on his blue shirt, remembering his warning about laying her hand or foot upon his person. "Or Kaileer was right and you were lying smoothly. So what's the story with her? Would she have aught to do with brigands or orcs or kidnapping?"

Aloysius stopped and knelt down next to Arachne. "Much do we have to speak of, small one, both as a group and betwixt the two of us." Aloysius waited for the others to catch up.

Arachne watched the Stargazer's knee squelch into the ground. Well, the pants were brown anyway. She looked up innocently at him. "Much about what?" she asked, her large, brown eyes very wide.

The magic-user didn't seem to mind the mud on his pants. "Perhaps later this day we can speak, small one. For now, methinks it would be best if we all decided what next to do." Aloysius smiled faintly as he said this, and then moved away.

The magic-user adressed the group. "Methinks it would be best if we returned to the brook before I share my thoughts." With that, he started back towards the brook, but at a speed Arachne could more easily match.

Upon reaching the brook, Aloysius stopped and again knelt down. After the ohers had made themselves comfortable, he began to speak. "Mayhap my conclusions be flawed, but let me speak my mind afore thine objections be voiced." A serious look spread across his face as he began to speak. "Tersa's mother be known to me. Many a mage have I learned of, so details be scarce, but know do I that she be a sorceress of no small consequence. Her name be not drow, and my memory of her is that she be human. The fact that Tersa's father be drow doth concern me."

Aloysius looked over at Kaileer and Maisar. "Mayhap the two of you can fill the gaps in my knowledge of things elven. These 'blue monsters' Devon did mention may well be drow. Are not the dark elves a bluish hue, and do they not have pointed ears? A boy of ten seasons could not scare away a kobold, let alone any other creature dark. Methinks these beasts have avoided Tersa and her children out of knowledge, and fear, of Tersa's mother. Such knowledge may well have come from the fact that Tersa's father be drow, either through a match of the heart or . . . .something less consentual. Such a violation could have occurred afore the sorceress became as skilled in the arts as now she be. In any event, Tersa seemed not concerned about these 'monsters'. Worse yet, if Alaina Odian be a consort of Dark Ones, then better for us to be gone when she doth arrive. From Tersa's desription, Alaina sounds beneficent, but who's to say? Damn my memory for not being more complete. Better to err on the die of safety."

Kaileer shook his head. "Blue monster not drow. Fein talk to Kaileer of drow long time pass... Drow more dark than no moon night. Not wear iron shoe, be quick and quiet. Not be out in day, sun burn eye, make not see," he stopped for a moment and looked down, a deep sadness overcoming him, "Drow not run from sling boy, they kill..."

"I don't think drow wear iron shod boots, that wouldn't be very stealthy. They are _very_ stealthy from what I hear. Gala, what kind of gems were the children collecting and would they normally be found in a stream? If children can find five golds worth of gems in one afternoon, I can see why someone would stay in this gods forsaken mire. But why they would continue to raise sheep, I have no idea." Pug said after listening to Aloysius carefully

The magic-user stopped for a moment and looked about at the others. "Much have I said, and none may be true. Please, share now thine insights, for a course must we plot, and soon, if what I have said be valid."

"As a story, explaining some of the meager facts we've collected," Arachne said, shrugging, "I like it. I don't think I like the idea of having to thwart in some way a collection of dark elves in order to recover a missing Jelenneth and Zond. I'm also doubtful that dark elves like, particularly, marshy places. Or having anything to do with orcs. Or mundane human brigands. And are they comfortable hiking around hills in daylight? I don't know, but I'd thought they lurked underground (that _is_ where they lurk, right?) because they don't like the sun.

"At least we know why Tersa's family has continued to live out here as long as they did. But why would moving into town be the next best option? And why sell the sheep -- why sell all of them? Or practically all? I could understand culling the flock for a move, but to sell them all! He'll not get much price for them that way. Do you suppose that someone is demanding some coin from him -- from Devon's dad, I mean? And he needs to raise as much money as he can? Even if his plan was to move far from Haranshire, he'd still be wiser to take the sheep along and accept a very long, slow journey."

She sighed. "All right. That's probably irrelevent. But I'll be happier with stories that explain it than with stories that ignore it. I think it still works out that our next move is to go hunt for blue monsters, whatever exactly they turn out to be. Do we go straight -- more or less, following the brook -- for the hills, or go back and around by way of the barn where we left the horses and also Aloysius's impressively mystical costuming?"

Aloysius nodded in general agreement to many of Arachne's comments. "Aye, my theories be not watertight, but all due care should be taken where the darklings are concerned. I hope, in fact, that wrong I be. 'Twould seem that we have need of discovering these azure creatures ourselves. Mayhap a connection exists betwixt them and Jelleneth and Zond, and mayhap not. I would advocate a return to the barn afore advancing further. Our equine friends have need of food, and we could use the time to plan ahead." 

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