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Move 284:  Go Into the Light....

Grell Nest--Early, Day 26 (11 Marpenoth)

After deciding they did not know what to make of Renn's new information, the group headed back in the direction of the grell nest. By way of preparations, Arachne and Renn were invisible, and Azrun and Echo were newly armored. They reached the spot where they could see the lights ahead in the tunnel before stopping to make final plans.

Jana looked in the gnome's presumed direction. "Are you sure you want to go ahead?" she asked, a defiant glare flickering over to Olaf for just an instant. "If you want to go, tell us where you want us to be."

Rennirolas chuckled, then began to chant in elvish.

Echo took off her magical boots and put them on the tunnel floor for Arachne. "I should have given you those before we left the other cave," she said sheepishly. She put on another pair of boots.

Aloysius glanced cautiously upwards, his eyes nervously taking in the shadows of the cavern's ceiling. "Azrun, Echo, once we move ahead we need to be prepared for the grell attack. Echo, if possible, try to attack a broad number of them with the wand as they approach. Azrun, perhaps it would be best if we spread our magic missiles amongst as many of them as we can rather than focusing them on one target. That way, in combination with the wand, the ones who reach us should have substantial wounds already. That will make them easier for Eric and Janathell to cut down."

He swallowed hard and fidgeted with his hands.

Azrun nodded, "Perhaps, we may be able to catch a group of them in a web spell also. This would keep them from swarming us and later we could light the web up and cause a bit of damage right off the bat. I guess it'll depend on the area we find them in."

"We need to keep at least one web spell in reserve to cover our retreat," said Aloysius.

Azrun nodded, "I've got it covered. I memorized two this morning."

"Very well, then," said Aloysius in a tired voice.  "If the opportunity and need exists, perhaps Stargazer can employ his webs offensively."

He looked over at Echo. "Do you have any spells left?"

Echo replied, "I have one magic missile spell left."

"We need to do as much damage as possible from a distance. Everyone who's got a bow, let's have 'em ready." Jana readied her own bow as she spoke.

"Anyone who wishes can use my longbow," Renn said. "That is, unless you'd prefer me to break the invisibility spell and attack as well Jana," he added questioningly.

"It would be better, I think," Jana said, "if we held off on making archers invisible when we anticipate needing to do damage at range. They can be made invisible when it's time to pull our swords."

"Then I'll take up a position near Azrun and yourself. Keep an eye out for me," Renn laughed softly. "And indeed, this one slipped by us. If we find the need to regroup and make yet a third attempt, that's something to keep in mind."

Arachne indicated that she still intended to scout ahead of the group.

Aloysius wrung his hands some more and looked down at Arachne. "Unfortunately, it would seem that the more we maximize safety, the less effective Arachne's scouting is likely to be. Suggest do I that she decide how closely she would like for us to follow.  If it is less than 5 minutes or so, we may as well all stay together."

"Arachne, can you teleport yourself to a person or thing instead of just a location?"

There was a pause after Aloysius asked his question, then Arachne said, "You're firmly resolved to follow me? The answer to your question is no, I teleport to places. People and things are warpings in the space-time woof, but they're nothing that I can aim for. Anyway, if you all are going to tramp and stumble along after me, then I'll have to keep studying the tunnel for suitable retreat points. I can do that, but -- But look: I didn't make much plans to keep from being noticed. I made the plan to be able to get out if I do get noticed. I appreciate Renn's warning, I really do. But it doesn't change significantly my estimate of the amount of danger I'm risking. OK?"

"If it's better for you that we stay in one place, here or somewhere else," Jana said, "then that's what we'll do. Our being right behind you isn't necessary and might actually compromise your safety."

Aloysius nodded. "It may be best if we simply remain here until she returns," he suggested. "Then she can describe for us everything she finds out and we can plan accordingly."

Azrun nodded, "Works for me."

Olaf nodded, "It seems best. I will cast my guardian spell on you now, Arachne, if you are willing. That way we will know if you are in danger and will expect you. If you don't arrive soon after that we can start a rescue."

"Sounds like a reasonable plan." Blacky agreed. "Is someone going to silence her or is that not part of the plan?"

"If the silence spell doesn't last a while, then it probably isn't much good to me," Arachne said. "A while being say, an hour or more. As for the sacred guardian spell, I like it. But Olaf, can you tell me whether a sacred guardian is noticeable? Are there ways to look for it? I'd like to use it regardless, but if you know of anything like that, I'd like you to tell me -- just so I might guess what it means if an old grell looks at me cross-eyed. By the way, this would also be good practice if we want to try teleporting around something particularly nasty...or setting up a pincer attack." she shrugged (or perhaps everyone just heard a pause). "Just trying to imagine ways for this to be useful," she mumbled.

Olaf smiled, "It is just the common name of the prayer. It is not an actual guardian and none be I would know it was on you. It will last for several days, until triggered by something placing you in danger.  When that happens I will have a mental glimpse of the exact moment you are in danger."

Olaf borrowed some rose petals from Renn and then intoned the prayer.   "O Tyr, Lord of Justice. grant me the boon of taking this one under my care, and warn me should danger befall her." Olaf passed his holy symbol before Arachne in the shape of a sword, then kissed a rose petal and pressed it to her forehead.

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