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Move 286:  Marco!  Polo!

Grell Nest--Early, Day 26 (Marpenoth 11)

Arachne and Renn made a quiet game of finding one another so that Renn could use a healing prayer on the gnome. The two participants had the pleasure of announcing to the rest of the group that the spell was successfully cast in spite of the obstacle of them both being invisible and Arachne was back at full physical health.

There was some discussion about whether to fall back or continue on into the grell nest. Between five and ten minutes had passed since Arachne teleported back into their midst.

"I'm up for moving forward," Arachne said after playing a game of invisible tag with Renn. "And it seems to me that it would take an awfully long time for them to let down their guard a little. They've already encountered a band of invaders who killed a couple of them and were evidently able to shake off their paralysis venom. Then, their sentry successfully ambushed a lone member of the enemy but even so, was unable to keep the prize secured. I think that they'll be far too worried about the threat we pose to do anything but try to raise their guard more and more. Given that, there are two strategies you might take: Either go ahead and attack them again now or feed their worry some more. For the latter, I'd suggest illusions by the wizardly of worrisome sights or sounds. I don't know yet what to suggest in particular because I don't know what Aloysius or Echo can create. But what you do with a clever enemy is give them plenty to think about and illusions are an excellent way to overload one's thoughts."

Aloysius thought for a moment. "I have an illusion spell, but it may not work. If it does, what would you suggest I do with it? I can make an illusion of almost anything, although if it is of something I have actually seen before, it will be more convincing."

His brows furrowed. "What advantage do you see for us in that course, Arachne?"

"I don't have anything that would work like that," Echo said. "I'm ready to go forward if the rest of you are. Before they come after us." She continued to watch down the tunnel.

"Then let's go," Jana said. "Renn, next time, don't have invisibility cast on you until after we've fired arrows. I think I mentioned that last time. We need to do as much long-range damage as we can. As for your spell to make those tentacle things not paralyze us, you can do it on me if you want, or Blacky, but stay close
to the one you don't cast it on so's you can do that thing that makes the paralysis stop."

"I agree with Janathell," said Aloysius. "Let's move forward, with caution."

Azrun nodded, "Yep." He held his bow ready and watched and listened carefully.

"Misdirection," the gnome's voice said. "Triggering prematurely whatever ambush or trap they might be working up. And I'm not looking for accuracy so much as attracting their attention in the wrong direction and making them worry because they _don't_ know what the thing they're seeing or hearing means. And, since we're already messing too much with invisibility, I'm thinking that a misdirected sound might be more useful than sight. If we're clanking in from one tunnel and it
sounds like more clanking is coming from another direction, the grells might feel obliged to send less than full strength against us." There was a chuckle. "I don't suppose you could come up with an illusion of an invisible scouting gnome, could you?"

Aloysius pondered her question. "An invisible illusion? Hmmmmm..... 'Tis an interested concept, tho' not one I believe I can execute. My spell's primary focus is visual, with only a minimal auditory component. Perhaps it is not well-suited for your suggestion. A direct assault, with Eric and Janathell insulated from the grell paralysis seems the best course at this point."

"Aye, should we expect to need archers in the future, I'll refrain from the invisibility," Renn replied. "I believe Olaf has also prayed for the same spell as I," the elf added.  "Is that not so aged one?" Renn asked with a bit of friendly teasing.

"So, we can keep both yourself and Blacky free of the Grells' paralytic influence Jana," Renn said as a bit of leather strapping was pulled from his backpack. "Stick out an arm please, I needd to tie this about your arm, or your leg if that's your preference, it makes but little difference," Renn finished.

When he was done tying the strap around Jana's arm, or leg, Renn's backpack rose from the floor, and disappeared once it was about the height of Renn's shoulders. "When we encounter the Grell, I'll loose a few arrows before casting the spell, that is unless you'd prefer the protection beforehand Jana," Renn said.

Jana supplied an arm for Renn's strap-tying. "No sense in blowing the spell now," Jana said. "Save the arrows and just be ready if we need your sword.  Best to save the spell 'til we see 'em. It'd suck if it ran out right in the middle of the fight."

The group tentatively moved forward. They reached the point where Aloysius had drawn his circle of powdered silver before. The powder had been scattered so the circle was no longer useful for his spell.

Aloysius frowned when he saw his circle had been destroyed. "'Twould appear they are indeed intelligent," he commented. He pulled a vial from his pouch and examined the contents. "I've enow' for two more castings of the protection spell, although I can only cast it once now. I may as well, as it will go to waste if I do not."

He looked at Jana. "If you agree, perhaps I should cast it after Renn creates his barrier against paralysis. If I recall, it lasts over an hour and my spell lasts just over 10 minutes. I could place it on you or Eric and so long as you remain within 10 feet of each other, bot will be protected to some degree."

He stood with his vial waiting for Jana to decide.

Olaf nodded, "Aye, i do. I'll cast it on Blacky now." Olaf tied a small strip of leather on the warrior's arm. "This will last for about an hour."

Olaf then moved his holy symbol in front of him mimicking the sign of the Hammer, and chanted, "O Great Tyr, Grant this brave warrior freedom to move as needed in our quest for justice." Olaf ended the chant by pressing his holy symbol to Blacky's arm.

"Okay, ready." Olaf said when finished.

"Blacky and I will have the spells to keep us from getting paralyzed," Jana replied. "Maybe it'd be best if you used that on you and Olaf. You two aren't invisible, so they'll go for you when they see they can't zap me an' Blacky. But it's up to you; whatever you think is best. You're in charge of magic stuff." She gave Aloysius a brief, encouraging smile.

Aloysius gave a weak, almost absent-minded nod. After a moment, he said, "I shall place the spell on Olaf as his spells to remove paralysis shall be of utmost importance. It will only last just over 10 minutes, but at least it is . . . .something."

The mage waited until Olaf and Renn had finished casting whatever spells they were going to cast before redrawing his circle of silver on the floor. He then proceeded to cast his spell on Olaf as soon as the group was ready to move ahead.

Azrun watched the area in front of them carefully, staying quiet as the others conferred.

Arachne did likewise.

"Thanks Olaf. Let's go do some damage to the floating brains." Blacky said as he began picking his way through the broken rock.

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