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Move 295:  Keeping Busy

Grell Nest--Early, Day 27 (Marpenoth 12)

Renn doled out healing spells among the injured in the group. He ended up praying for everyone there except for himself. Arachne tended to Olaf some more. After the two were finished, everyone looked considerably better, although no one except Aloysius was back in top form.

Azrun looked over the few items that Aloysius had declared to be magical while Aloysius began preparations to cast the spell of identification. Echo started going through the gems and jewelry, trying to determine their value.

Echo dug through the pile of gems and jewelry for a few minutes. She stood up and stretched then walked over to talk to Jana.

Jana spoke with Echo for a moment then turned and said, "Hey, Arachne, can I talk to you for a minute?"

Azrun looked at the flasks for a bit. Frowning he put them down and started to look at the gems. After a few moments he held them up to look at them really closely. He grinned, "Aloysius! Come see these gems! Their quite interesting." He continued to study them closely.

Aloysius had been off by himself, preparing to cast the identification spell. "Bring them here, Azrun," he said. "Tell me what you have found out. Perhaps that will help me be successful with my spell."

He continued doing what he had been doing before.

Azrun hopped to his feet and walked over. He nearly tripped once or twice as he was paying more attention to the gems than his walking, "There tiny writing on them. It looks to be a language of some sort, I'm sure what. It's quite interesting though. Can you tell what language? There's a lot of it on them." He handed the gems over to the mage. "I couldn't discern anything from the flasks or the shield. That'll have to be done the regular way I guess."

Aloysius took the gems and looked at them. "Let me see if Stargazer can translate," he said as he peered at the tiny writings. "Hmmm . . . . " he said
absent-mindedly as he pulled a vial from his pouch.

Aloysius held each gem up close to his eye, and turned each one so that he could maximize the amount of light on each. He squinted so hard that his eyes appeared to be practically shut. After a moment, he began grumbling.

"My but aren't these letters tiny," he said. "This IS rather interesting, however." He took some blackish powder from a vial and rubbed it between his fingers before quietly muttering a short incantation. He then stared long and hard at the gems once more.

He frowned. "Damn!" he cursed under his breath. He gave Azrun an exasperated look. "I'm not positive, but I think it is some form of arcane script. Now I'm afraid I've not the proper spell to try and read it.  Mayhap the identification spell will yield more information. Give me some time to prepare these items, and to cast the spell, and we can talk more then."

The mage then moved away with the gems and the potion vials, intent on completing whatever needed done to cast his spell.

Azrun looked to Aloysius, "I can cast a read magic spell if you would like, Aloysius."

The mage pondered Azrun's suggestion. "Let's wait until after the identification spell," he said. "My concern is that the runes may be a trap of some sort.  If that be the case, in all likelihood the identification would be less likely to set it off than
would be an overt reading."

Olaf rested and prayed, standing his watch as needed.

Olaf told everyone, "I have very few blessings now, tommorrow I can replace them."

Azrun nodded, "Ok, just let me know. That's quite interesting." With that Azrun went over and began to study Echo's spellbook and tried to learn the infamous Armor spell.

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