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Move 297:  All's Quiet

Grell Nest--Early, Day 28 (Marpenoth 13)

Aloysius, exhausted from his spell, went to sleep. Arachne, Echo, and Jana remained rather nasty despite efforts to clean up. Of course, no one in the group could really be considered clean after their travels through the passages and especially since the most recent fight, so the smell from the guts on them did not stand out all that bad. After some more time passed, the people on first watch took their duty while the others settled in to rest.

All remained quiet in the cavern. Some of the phosphorescent moss stuck in the walls here had stopped glowing, but essentially nothing else had changed by the time everyone rested. Aloysius had fully recovered by then, and those who needed to went about the daily business of praying for or studying spells. Once that was done, it was time to decide what to do next.

Anyone who had bothered to look noticed that Aloysius slept like a log. When he awakened, he looked much better. He stood, stretched, and rubbed at his eyes momentarily.

"Shigon's bones. Stargazer had heard about how exhausting an identification spell can be, but ne'er afore had I experienced it. The tales be true indeed."

He opened his pack and took out some rations, which he washed down with some water from his waterskin.  "Azrun, did you manage to discern any further
information about those gems?" he asked.

Looking about, he added, "Have we decided what we are going to do next?" he said, trying to assess the group's progress in the recovery process. "I'd like to know that afore I determine which spells to prepare."

The gnome had come back from the cavern expedition with Azrun (the one that failed to find any more spell books) ready and interested in doing some more of the waking sleep of hers. Once she'd done as much of that as she apparently thought she needed, she apologetically quizzed people to get an idea how much longer others would need for praying or spell study or the like.

"Shall I wear this ring," Arachne asked, "or carry it until we have another chance to examine things for magic? Or would Renn like it?" she added. "It'd be nice to have a shield to hide behind," she mused. "But I can't carry the silly thing so -- my vote for it is the cottage." She sighed. "First step is putting things into and out of the cottage, right? I know I ought to keep carrying the healing potion. Is the water-breathing potion likely to get used around here? Yes," she admitted, "I'm looking for things not to have to keep carrying..."

"Somebody who uses a shield should get it instead of storing it," Echo remarked. "Aloysius says it's strong magic." She continued, "Now that we're feeling better, maybe we should finish exploring these caves.  I guess if there was anything else around, it would have come after us by now, but I think we should check anyway. To be sure."

"I'll save a spell to check the ring for magic," she added. "I'll do it next time we rest. Or now if we are going to stay here some more."

Azrun nodded back, "Yep. I had one read magic left and this gem has a few spells written into it. There is a read and detect magic, a minor charm spell, and a magic missile spell. I plan on getting to the others here as soon as we decide what to do."
Azrun nodded again, "I agree. I plan on setting to spells to read the gems but I'm not sure what to do with the others. I like Echo's idea for scouting this area out a little more. We could use it for a fall back point when we go further down the tunnnels. Oh, what about those dragon things the gnomes were talking we want to bother them? Carmeneren did say they had some strong magic items there. Those could be helpful down the line."

Arachne went over to Aloysius and asked him something quietly.

As Arachne spoke quietly to Aloysius, the mage's eyes grew wide and he seemed to be looking around uncomfortably. He then said something back to Arachne.

"I agree. The first place we should check out is that pool. That way we could all clean up as long as it's safe and we do have that water breathing potion if we need to take care of anything in there. Does the potion have to be used by one person or could several people take a swig for a limited effect?" Blacky added.

"Before we go wandering around," Jana said, "let's go to that big cavern where the grells were and open the cottage. We need more water and oil and we can't carry all of these coins around."

Olaf nodded, "Certainly. I would be happy to help if I could... "  Olaf looked away and a shadow of pain passed across his face. "I once had more power, but an encounter with an undead sorceror drained much of my power from me. I could have helped much then, and I hope I can again."

"Certainly sounds like a good place to begin," Renn said agreeably.  "I'd like to see about finding a bowstring. And as for the magic, the shield should be used rather than stored, I think," he shrugged. "There are a number of us who use a shield. The ring, I'd have it checked for magic and curses before wearing it Arachne," he grinned mischieviously.  "Perhaps the grell was only wearing it because couldn't get it off," Renn offered.

"The shield I'm carrying is magical," Jana said, "so I think someone without
a magical shield ought to use that one."

"I'm sorry," Arachne apologized. "I was being completely self-centered when I suggested putting the shield in the cottage. "I'm just always on the lookout for ways to keep from getting hurt, now..."  She gulped, then went on. "So I was just thinking about myself and how nice it would be to have the protection of the shield except that it's too heavy for me, so that I'd look ridiculous trying to lug it around --" She paused again, and scuffed the ground with Echo's left boot. "I just -- and no-one else had _said_ they wanted it.

"And, yes, it did occur to me that the ring might be evil or cursed or something like that. I am cow -- I do think about my personal safety -- a lot. So, I don't know whether I was offering to wear it or just carry it until we figure out more about it. It's just that it _looks_ as though I might be the only one who _could_ wear it once we figure out if it does anything useful. I'm sorry. I wasn't _trying_ to be reckless ... or stupid..." Her voice trailed off.

"Maybe we'll find a buckler or something you can carry," Jana replied. "I'd just rather someone, anyone, carry the shield than have it just sit in the cottage. If no one's going to carry it, I'll take it instead of the one I'm using now, but I'd rather someone else use it. As for the ring, I don't think it's cursed or anything. I mean, that grell didn't seem to be having any problems. Try it on if you want."

To Jana's suggestion of wearing a buckler (should one ever be found), Arachne mumbled, "It'd have to be an awfully lightweight one -- probably so lightweight as to be useless as a shield." She sighed. "But it's something to look forward to." She smiled tentatively.

Once he is up Olaf prayed carefully for his Blessings from Tyr. Once finished, he then went to Azrun, Blacky, Echo, Jana, and Renn and prayed for healing.

Then, he turns to the pile of treasure. "I'm going to detect evil on the treasure we recovered. It will not guarantee that the items are not cursed, but it will at least let us know if they have a noticeable evil aura."

Arachne made sure that the ring she was carrying (the one just recovered from the grells) was in the collection that Olaf was surveying. She also made sure that she herself was _not_ where he was detecting.

Olaf said, "I have no wish for riches, but if no one else can or will make use of the shield I can strap it to my arm. But I defer to any others who wish it."

"Do you need help?" Jana asked Olaf, indicating the shield.  Jana held the shield in place while Olaf adjusted the straps. She tested it to see if it was secure and if not, suggested some ways to correct the problem.

After informing the rest of the results he then cleared his throat and spoke loud enough to be heard by the group. "Today is the 13th day of the month, a holy day within my religion. The Maiming. Today, we remember how Tyr gave his hand in the cause of Law, so that Kezef might be bound, yet the honor of the gods be maintained. Normally this day would be spent with thunderous song and great ceremony in a temple." Olaf grinned ruefully at this. "I am not good with ceremony, which may be why I have spent so much time away from the temples. And 'thunderous song' would not be a good idea down here! But, I must mark the day. When I was having difficulty regaining my blessings earlier in the quest, it was because I failed to keep track of the days and offer special thanks to Tyr, if only in my heart. Tyr was just, a small reminder of what I had promised to do when I came into his service. Nothing that might have saved an innocent was denied, of course. But I cannot again miss these days, and to be honest, I do not wish to. Spending a day in reflection can only aid one."

Olaf smiled again and continued, "I have no wish to convert any of you. Worshippers come to their own gods in their own time and it is unjust to poach believers. Some of you have found a diety, others still search or have no desire for one. I respect that. However, as part of my service to Tyr on this Holy Day I would like to teach any who are interested of Tyr's beliefs. Not to convert, but so that you may know Him, and perhaps even me, a little better. Come and ask me anything you like and I will answer as honestly as I can. I'll be over there," Olaf motioned to a quiet part of the cavern, "If no one is interested, I'll simply pray. Please don't think this needs to slow us up, if the group decides to leave I can pray under my breath as we walk. Thank you for listening."

Olaf then walked over to where he motioned and sat down.

Olaf told the stories of Tyr's Maiming and Blinding, and points out the theological points involved. He described Tyr's philosophy on the importance of justice, focusing on the idea that justice and law, though seemingly restrictive of freedom, are designed to protect it.

"The purpose of Law," Olaf said, "is to protect the weak and the innocent. Freedom without law _of some sort_ is an illusion, a deception. For it only last until one encounters someone stronger or smarter or more powerful who wishes to impose their will upon us. A just law treats the weak and the powerful equally, insuring that freedom is not conditional upon strength."

Olaf also explained how flexible laws can be, "It is unjust to impose the form of laws on a people as well. For example, the Elven people live for centuries, and have very different values. For them, custom can sometimes take the place of what we might need a written law for. To try and impose our form of law upon them would be unjust, and of course foolish. Nor, indeed is every situation a case of law or justice."

Olaf smiled ruefully, "My own arguments with Jana concerning scouting, for example. I actually did not care if we scouted so much as I cared that she did not insult others for making the suggestion.  But that is simply how folks get along or don't get along and it is neither law nor custom. Jana was not acting against the laws, nor unjustly against society. If I had tried to use my powers on her to force her to submit to my views I would have been no better then a tyrant, a Banite dictator enforcing his will on others. And Tyr would have refused my call, or struck me down. In short, not every disagreement or problem is a question of law. I did not always realize this in my youth, I am afraid."

Arachne put on the ring. She also went over to Olaf's seminary. There, she listened to Olaf's explanation of the maiming and blinding of Tyr...and, eventually, she got around to voicing her resistance to its rightness:

"It feels wrong," she complained. "I mean, deeply wrong, to have a god that assumes and keeps a crippling. That's just not divine -- not to me. Crippling isn't -- I mean, I practice healing, so I feel that wounds -- or crippling or maiming or blinding or any of that -- Yes, they happen, but they're meant to be repaired. I mean... I know that they can be repaired and I know how to persuade a body to repair or regrow -- And I know the rightness -- the truth -- of inducing that reparation. I don't see the truth of leaving someone, mortal or divine, diminished. I don't get it: If Tyr's being blinded and ... and ruined is so central to following him, why then does he grant you any healing prayers at all?
"I'm sorry," the gnome sighed. "It's just that healing is one of the few things I seem to be able to do to help this group... not that I command even close to the amount of power that your god or Renn's do. Not that I can go around and make a serious impact on a half-dozen people in one morning the way you can. But I understand what I'm doing -- And then your god seems to condemn outright the idea of restoration by declining it for himself? What's the point in that? How could I possibly accept it?"

"Please don't put yourself down, Arachne, you've saved our lives more then once." Olaf said, "But in answer to your question, I do understand how it feels wrong, and Tyr does not forbid healing or restoration. I would have healed my own arm if I had the power. I can assure you I did not lose it over some misguided attempt to be like Tyr, such would have been blasphemy.  No, I lost it through clumsiness in a fight."

Arachne's eyes widened. "Oops..." she mouthed silently.

"You see, Tyr is a god, he can appear to us however he wishes, and he can 'see' just fine. The loss of the hand, and the blinding are symbolic. Tyr has no hand to show that though the cause against Kezef was just, the lie stains one's soul. Dishonor stains one's soul. Yet sometimes it must be accepted to prevent greater dishonor. The loss of the hand and the eye show us that our choices stay with us, there are always consequences. I do agree, however, that it must seem distressing to healer. That is why Ao created so many deities. To each his or her own."

"Um..." Although the gnome was routinely shy and self-deprecating, she managed to look even more-so now. Not to mention embarassed. "I ... um
... I can probably help you re-grow your missing arm, if you wish," she said. "I do have that ability. I hadn't offered before because I ... um ... thought you might have been lacking it in some misguided attempt to -- um... you know..." She blushed, then turned away. "Gods!" she muttered. "I am so _stupid_!"

After Aloysius finished talking with Arachne, he pulled out a book and read through it for a while.  When he was finished, he pulled a strip of leather from his pouch and cast a spell on himself. He then went and found Azrun.

"Azrun? Hast thou finished thy study of the writings on the gems? Stargazer hath a pair of spells for deciphering the writings, so let me know when thou hast finished."

Azrun shook his head, "No, I haven't started. I was hoping to hear what are plans were so I could memorize the correct spells for the day. I guess I'll just memorize a few read magics and a detect magic. Perhaps a couple webs in case we meet up with something."

With that he pulled out a spell book and began to study. Once he was done, he cast a spell and began to study the other gems.

"Very well," said Aloysius, who seemed unusually upbeat. "I meant not to rush thee. Once thou have completed thy studies, perhaps Stargazer could look?"

Aloysius then stood quietly and listened to Olaf and Arachne talk about Tyrian religion. A couple of times, he seemed eager to speak, but he remained silent.

After a little while, Jana walked over and said almost apologetically, "I'm not really interested in, you know, becoming a follower of Tyr or anything, but I thought maybe, well, maybe you could tell me why Tyr or someone who looked like he's s'posed to look appeared in a dream I had and then again in a vision I had 'cuz of some stuff a gypsy woman had me eat. She said," Jana added sounding just slightly defensive, "I might have a teensy bit of precognition or something like that. Not like Arachne's spooky mind magic or nothing. Just enough to make her paste-stuff work and give me that vision and then that dream I had before." Jana grimaced. "I think I've confused myself now. I just wanna know what Tyr wants from me is all."

Olaf looked grave, "Jana, when you first brought this to me I promised to help, and I certainly will do that. Other events have slowed me down, and I discovered that I do not have one of the tools I must need to discover what Tyr wishes with you. Right now, I'm not certain that it was Tyr that appeared to you, nor do I think it wasn't. I can tell you this, I believe in my gut that Tyr wants you to end this curse and restore justice to this family line. I have no proof, nor do I claim to speak in his name. I just have the conviction of an old man."

Olaf paused for a moment, then continued, "The gods do very little _to_ us, at least the gods of benevolence or neutrality. They guide us, and aid us if asked but we are always free to make our own choices. That's why injustice and evil exists in the world, so that we have a free choice. Even in your current predicament you had a choice, a way to save yourself and remove yourself from this curse's circle of influence. It was a viable option none would have held against you. You made the hero's choice, however, the brave and most honorable choice. And Tyr will aid you in that quest because you made such a self-sacrificing choice." Olaf laughed, "Of course, I'm afraid _I_ might be that aid, in which case I apologize in advance. Or maybe it's Arachne! She may think herself weak, but I can assure her Tyr and her own gods do not!"

"Me?" Arachne squeaked. She'd been present, but not obviously listening. "Gods, no! Please don't think I've been sent by gods to screw up your mission. Bad enough that I make a mess of it as a volunteer. At least then, you can tell me to get lost like Daelen -- well, maybe not _exactly_ like Daelen -- and not get any divine anger dumped on you...

"I mean, I think maybe I've already got divine anger dumped on me... I don't know. I've -- I've always kind of _liked_ Eldath – I like her color scheme and the pleasant grottoes with the bubbling waters -- and the forswearing of violence: I mean, I'm pretty OK with not trying to hurt people (pretty OK at not managing to hurt people, too -- not directly, anyway)... But I've gone so far as to claim to be a priestess of Eldath even though no-one, divine or mortal, ever signed me up as such...   I've been in some places -- there's lots of places, actually -- where the spooky mind magicks are ... well, they're not popular and I was pretty afraid of being lynched. And no-one's afraid of a pacifist priestess. I mean, I might get robbed, but I'm not so likely to get my throat cut.
"And I don't think I said or did anything that would've reflected badly on the Goddess. I healed people pretty often and would talk about how it was better to try to get along than -- to not, I guess. I did sometimes accept offerings -- that was bad, I guess. But I don't think the Goddess has told me yet to cut it out. I just stopped now because... Well, you all know about my spooky mind magicks, and didn't lynch me, so I didn't need to play priestess. I still prefer Eldath, though. Even if her Way really wouldn't work for us. I hope She's not mad at me. I suppose, if I get out of here with lots of money, I could give a bunch of it to an Eldath temple -- but it sure sounds tacky, trying to buy off a Goddess!" The gnome sighed, sounding very, if generally, regretful.

"I made my choice out of fear, not heroism," Jana disagreed. "I'm damned sure not brave. If there were a way for me to make this all not have happened, I'd do it in a heartbeat, but there isn't. I'm stuck with it, so if there's a way to end hte curse, well, that just seemed the better thing to do than take the herbs and hope that I didn't die too. At least this way, I get to take an active role in whether I live or die. And I don't wanna die," she added. "I just wanna get that sumbitch and then stop the curse. Maybe the guy who was cursed originally was a follower of Tyr or something. Maybe that would get Tyr all upset and wanna end the curse?"

"Not to save a faithless follower, no, but perhaps the curse twisting to affect innocents as it has. _That_ wuld get Tyr's attention. Especially if the original curse called on him in some way." Olaf answered.

Jana shrugged. "I don't hold Tyr in any less regard than any of the gods, but I don't follow any of them. My daddy always told me, 'respect all, be endebted to none.' So I don't ever ask the gods for anything."

Olaf started to say something but stopped himself, smiled, and returned to his prayers.

Something in what the priest said brought a flush to Blacky's cheeks so that he almost looked angered.  "I don't know how the laws work where you come from, but in my experience laws are used by those that hold power to enforce their rule. Most of them don't give two coppers about anyone else, least of all the weak and innocent. It was the law that set up and executed my family and the law that set every scum bounty hunter on my tail." Blacky spit on the ground. "I've got no use for laws, they're just tools for tyrants in my mind." Blacky voiced in one of his rare moments of sharing his opinion. He stood up. "I need a bath, I'm getting downright irritable. Does anyone else want to check out that pool for nasties?"

Olaf looked at Blacky, "I am sorry for your loss, but do not be so quick to condemn the concept of law. Laws can be misused and abused, because they represent power. 'Law' is a philosophy, a word, a definition. It is only as true as those who support it. Some are corrupt, but others are not. I have served just laws for many years and never taken a bribe nor punished the innocent, though I will not claim to have been perfect. Place the blame for your family's death on those who misused the law to kill them, not on the concept itself.  People hide behind 'the law' to do evil deeds, don't let 'them'.   Don't allow 'them' the anonymity of the 'law'. Individuals do evil,  and they must pay when they do so."

Olaf stood and offered his hand to Blacky, "If those who slew your family still live, I shall aid you in seeing justice done to them. That is my duty to Tyr, and to you as a comrade in arms."

"It's not worth it. There's nothing left back there for me now. They killed everything and we'd have to raze the town to flush them out anyway. I should be far enough now, that they won't find me. If I get out of this hole alive, I'm going to use some of that coin to set up a proper brewery. I haven't had a decent mug of ale since I've been on the run and it's about time." Blacky licked his lips in remembrance. "But thanks for offering all the same." He said and shook his hand.

Olaf looked a bit shocked, then laughed, "You claim to have no power, yet you can regrow limbs? Your standards are too high!" He mused for a moment and then, "No, I think you should conserve your power for now. I've done well enough without it for years. Perhaps after we have finsihed, if you are still willing. Now it would just distract us from our quest."

"Unless it'll slow us down more'n we are already," Jana said, "it's not going to distract me. Arachne, what're the implications for doing that? I mean, how incapacitated will it make you two?"

Arachne gazed at her borrowed boots, as though she sensed that she was about to deliver the wrong answer. "Well," she mumbled. "The growing itself would probably take Olaf somewhere between thirty minutes and an hour. I'd need about four hours of meditation to recover. I don't know how long it would take Olaf to get used to having his hand again..."

"Damn, an hour? Shit, do it!" She turned to Olaf and added quickly, "I mean, it's up to you, but hells, none of us are gonna begrudge what, five hours total for you to get your hand back. Let's check out the pool and if it's clear, we'd probably be spending that amount of time here anyway."

Olaf showed a bit of shock. "I... that's... well, that's very quick, and seems almost too easy. Are there any dangers involved?"

"If I mess up _very_ badly, I can get hurt instead of helping you," Arachne admitted. "But I have that risk _every_ time I go to heal, so I wouldn't worry about that. There isn't any danger to you from the regeneration itself. I don't know how long you've been without that hand and whether you'll need to adjust much to having it back if I
succeed in getting you to regrow it.

"That's what I'm doing, by the way. It's actually less imposing on your body than other healings I sometimes have to do. Regenerating a limb -- or eye or hearing or the like -- is less effort for me than you might think because all I'm really doing is reminding your body of something it used to do -- long ago, when you were in your mother's
womb. You grew your hand then. I'm just asking you to do it again. Of course, I do my asking with less patience than your mother did. I do hurry you along a bit." She shook her head. "A lot, actually. No, it's healing some of those diseases that's more like a finding myself in a melee..."

Olaf shook his head, "If you think the risk is minimal, Arachne, I trust your judgement. I... I still need to consider this. I'm sorry.  I know it must seem like an obvious yes, but I lost the hand many years ago. Losing it was extremely traumatic, it took me years to get used to it being missing. I just want to avoid a rash choice. If we
do decide after the pool is checked to rest one more day, which I think we should do regardless, I'll let you know my choice right away."

"And Arachne, Thank you."

Olaf sat nearby as the others explore the pool, alert for danger with his sword out but praying to his god in honor of the holy day and in search of enlightenment concerning his hand.

The gnome nodded. "I understand," she said. "Finally," she added in a sigh and muttered, "Still feel like an idiot." At normal volume, she continued, "If the hand had been newly lost there'd be no question, no qualm about growing it back. But, it being long absent, I very much understand your needing time to get used to the idea of having one again. I think, since there's no question of religious scruple, you will decide to go ahead, but I'll wait until you say so. I just hope I live that long," she added, the last sentiment under her breath again.

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