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Move 307:  Falling Back, Minus One

Grell Nest--Early, Day 29 (Marpenoth 14)

From down the passageway, Aloysius' voice could be heard, calling out for Arachne.

Olaf continued backing away from the creature, reaching the door. He chanted a prayer, casting a healing spell on himself. Renn did the same, reaching out to benefit Olaf with another spell. The old priest looked much better.

Jana attacked the tentacle binding Echo. She cleaved it from the monster's body, freeing the paralyzed woman. She grabbed her and began pulling her to the door. Azrun tried to cast a spell, but he was unable to concentrate enough to summon the magical forces. The monster headed for the nearer of the pools in the cavern; it reached and began submerging itself into the water, pulling Azrun along with it.

Olaf said, "I'm going to remove Echo's paralysis, I hope." Olaf chanted and pointed towards Echo.

"Azrun!" Jana yelled. "It's got him!" She looked around and yelled, "Arachne! Can you get Azrun?" Jana thrust Echo toward the nearest person. "Get her outta here!" and ran toward Azrun to hack at the tentacles holding him.

Azrun struggled while being held within the monster's grip. He pulled the dagger in his belt and began to cut at the tentacle holding him. His eyes grew wide as he was drug toward the pool and sawed with his dagger as hard as he could.

Renn drew his longsword and ran after the beast and Azrun.

Jana called out for Arachne, but she received no response. Leaving Echo with Olaf, who said he had a spell to free her from the paralysis, Jana ran towards the pool. Renn followed after her, longsword in hand. By the time they reached it, the monster had submerged its body in the water, but it had not pulled Azrun in behind it yet. The visible portion of the tentacle, unfortunately, was wrapped around him, so cutting him free without hurting him was no easy task. Jana cut him loose from the tentacle, but the bard received a nasty sword wound in the process. He pitched forward, nearly falling head first into the water anyway. He managed to catch himself, ending up standing in the very edge of the pool, bleeding profusely.

Back near the entrance to the cavern, Olaf cast his spell, and Echo regained her mobility.

"Let's get outta here," Jana advised as she held her free hand out to Azrun. "C'mon!" she said, rather more emphatically.

"Indeed, let's get back with Olaf and Echo at the least," Renn replied as he watched the pool. When Azrun was out, he followed Jana and Azrun to the exit. "Once we're fairly safe, I'll see about your wounds Azrun," Renn called as he was hurrying.

Azrun took Jana's hand and pulled himself out of the water. He looked at his wounds and grimaced, "I just put this damn shirt on......Thanks for the save, Jana. I've had enough bathes for the day." He looked to Renn, "And the healing will be most appreciated, Renn."

"Thanks Olaf," Echo said. As soon as she regained her balance, she stepped into the cave just enough that she could see the others. She watched to make sure they could get away.

The water in the pool sloshed slightly as Jana helped Azrun out and the three hurried back to the entrance way to the cavern where Echo and Olaf stood.

"Corellon's sword that was unexpected," Renn exclaimed, "Who'd have thought the grell had such a neighbor so close."

"Oh, and I think we should find Blacky and Arachne...never know if that..thing has places it can surface nearby," the elf added before he laid his hands on Azrun's shoulders and began to chant in elvish.

"Where's Aloysius?" Echo asked, stepping out of the cavern.

Azrun nodded, "I thought I heard Aloysius talking to someone in the hall before I got wrapped up in things here.....anyway, sorry for the bad joke.  Thanks for the healing, Renn." Once Renn was done, Azrun helped the others find the separated party members.

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