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Move 312:  The Women Go to Wash

Grell Nest--Early, Day 29 (Marpenoth 14)

The three women walked out of the cavern to go back to the pool so Jana could get cleaned up. Azrun played around with the mirror and the flask for a few minutes while Aloysius cast a spell over the gems with the spells etched on them. Blacky, of course, was still unconscious.

Renn picked up the sundry goods that he used in caring for the wounded and stowed them in their respective places in his healing kit. After another check on Blacky, Renn settled himself near the other menfolk in the cavern.

"I'd not expected to encounter such trouble so close to the grell's nest," Rennirolas admitted as he opened his flutecase and held the instrument in his upturned hands.  "Was quite curious having such a creature so near their nest. Had they some agreement which was broken when the small grell fled into it's lair.or perhaps the various waterways in this system of tunnels are connected. Who knows, it's dead, and we may continue onward," he laughed, then brought the flute to his lips and began to play a song, low enough so that it did not interrupt any conversations which were ongoing.

"Indeed," mused Aloysius, still holding the gems.  "Another oddity is the spell the grell used that created the ebon tentacles. The incantation requires a piece of tentacle from a squid or an octopus. Where the grell acquired such things is beyond my comprehension, unless species of such creatures reside in the underground waterways."

He looked down at his goo-covered clothing and sighed.  "'Twould seem that Staragzer is having a most difficult time in keeping his vestments clean during
this journey. Perhaps once the women return, I shall attempt once more to clean my clothes."

Olaf shook his head, "This feeling of well being confuses and worries me. We should be on the look out for other signs of weirdness."

Olaf sat near Blacky, laying his sword and shield were they can be easily grasped. Leaning back against the wall he said, "My prayers are all exhausted now, if no one objects I am going to sleep and meditate. Wake me if anything happens.

Olaf closed his eyes and started softly murmuring a prayer to Tyr until he fell asleep.

Azrun nodded, "I've looked these items over. The only thing I could discern is that they were probably made above ground. The markings don't seem to follow anythign I've seen down here."

He looked down to his torn shirt, "I guess I'll go with you to clean up, Aloysius. It's a shame I can't cast magic in a chain shirt or something....sure would save on clothing."

Aloysius nodded without enthusiasm. "Indeed . . ." he concurred quietly. The mage picked at some of the dried monster goo on his clothes. As he did so, a weak smile tugged at the corners of his mouth before he released a short, tired giggle.

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