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Move 318:  Treasure is Gathered

Grell Nest--Midday, Day 30 (Marpenoth 15)

Blacky, Echo, and Jana returned to the cavern where the most recent monster had laired. Aloysius and Azrun started working on spellbooks. Arachne sat next to Azrun under his blanket. Some time later, Blacky, Echo, and Jana managed to transport the collected coinage back to the camp.

"We can divide this up a little and head out now," Jana suggested. "Between me and Blacky, Olaf, Renn and Azrun, we ought to be able to carry it okay."

Arachne stayed wrapped up in her blanket while the others were away.  To almost all intents and purposes, she appeared to be asleep. (The exception being that if someone attempted to engage her in conversation directly by name, she could respond immediately and lucidly.)   She did not stir when the treasure gatherers returned or for anything else (short of a fight -- and even then...) unless and until Azrun got up.

"I can carry a little," Echo said. She looked happier when talk of leaving started. "Not much though, but every little bit helps. Aloysius, did you have any luck drying those components?"

"You don't need to do that," Jana replied with a grateful smile. "I mean, you need to be all sneaky and stuff, so it's best if you don't have a buncha coins rattling around. With me, hells, who'd notice with all the rest of the metal I've got on?" She smiled again, looking almost not unhappy.

"The offer stands anyway," Echo said, smiling slightly.

Aloysius shook his head. "I've not yet made the attempt," he said as he pulled out the container Echo had given him earlier.

He poured the contents out in one hand and then set the container aside. After staring intently at the stuff for a moment, he waved his other hand over it and said under his breath, "With matter the moisture must not relate, I bid it now to dessicate!"

He then looked at the stuff to see if there was any difference.

Azrun smiled as Arachne rested against him, "If I could make a suggestion, this is what I think may be best. We're all still a bit beat up, not much more than cuts and scrapes now I believe. Echo, you didn't sleep well enough to memorize spells correct? Arachne has exhausted her powers for the time being. Instead of travelling into who knows what half loaded, why don't we take this time to fully heal, rest, and perhaps go over some plans for further down the tunnel."

He looked down at the book in front of him, "I would really like to take the chance to learn a few new spells this day if possible. The ones I have are starting to lose their effectiveness considering the creatures we are fighting now. That ball of flesh pretty much shrugged off what I had to throw a him. I don't mean to sound selfish about it, though. If the rest of you want to go on, I'll pack up my books and prepare to go with you."

He checked to make sure Arachne was still comfortable as he waited for a reply.

Echo's face fell, but she nodded wordlessly.

Renn distributed healing prayers, completing healing some and leaving everyone else with only minor scratches and bruises.

Echo watched Aloysius anxiously.

The mage studied the pieces for a moment and then put them back in the container. He handed it to Echo, averting her eyes.

"It worked not," he said glumly. "My apologies."

"It doesn't matter," Jana said with the slightest of sighs. "We can do it later."

Shortly after Jana and Blacky returned from gathering the coin, Renn cast one more healing spell on each of them. "I wouldn't mind seeing how far we could get today," he shrugged. "And I'm sorry Jana, but my divination didn't provide me with an answer as to whether or not the right sword has been found," Renn sighed.

"Indeed," said Aloysius. "That may prove wise. The stench of the creature we killed my attract Mystra knows what. Perhaps it would be prudent for us to start in the direction of the roper cavern, if that is where we intend on going next. I am going to inspect the spell gems once more and then I shall be ready to depart if that is what the rest of thee wish to do."

With that he began looking closely at the spell gems.

Jana's face fell and her shoulders slumped for a moment, then she sighed and managed a smile. "Okay. Thanks for trying.  I really appreciate it."

After Aloysius studied the spell gems for a while, he walked over to Azrun.

"Azrun, fortunate have I been to accumulate a fair number of spells in my book. Rather than having you read all of them, was there anything in particular that you were seeking?"

After hearing that most people wanted to move on, Azrun began to pack up his stuff. "Umm. I'm not sure, Aloysius. I'd like to learn that invisibility spell for Arachne. AS far as other spells, I'd like something that might be a little bit more useful in combat. Maybe that Armor spell or something more offensive in nature. I think if I had something that I could use from a distance, I might be able to use my bow a bit more also. Do you have any suggestions?"

Arachne also got up and made sure that her gear was all set to go.  Then, because everyone didn't immediately go anywhere, she sat down again. But at least now she wasn't wobbling and she looked reasonably alert. She glanced at Azrun when he mentioned herself or invisibility, while discussing arcane matters with Aloysius.

Aloysius thought for a moment. "Well, you already have the formula for the best ranged spell in my book.  There is another that creates a fanlike burst of flame. There is also one that creates an arrow of acid, but it tkaes great aim and usually makes quite a mess."

He shrugged. "I have another that serves to drain the strength from an opponent. I have yet to try it but it has some potential, I believe."

Azrun nodded, "Sounds like the fire spell is the only one I don't have, right now. Perhaps I can learn the armor and invisibility spells, then.  They'd help some I suppose."

Arachne winced.

"The stuff should dry on it's own in a couple of days," Echo told Jana. She took the jar back from Aloysius and put it up. "Thank you for trying," she told him.

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