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Move 320:  The Roper Discussion

Tunnels--Late, Day 30 (Marpenoth 15)

The party stood immediately outside the side cavern they had just left, discussing whether or not to fight what they assumed was a roper. For the moment, it had not come after them, but whether that was because it had lost interest or because it was just very slow was an unknown at this point.

"Not really," Jana replied. "I see no point in fighting this one. It's not necessary so why risk it."

Azrun nodded, "Then we go on and find another place to rest. Is everyone in agreement?"

"I agree." Olaf said. "They seem to move to slowly to be much threat.  But we didn't see him until we were very close. We must be very wary now, of rocks." Olaf smiled at the last as he looked at the stone walls.

"Stargazer is in agreement," said the mage. "We must maintain our sense of purpose. We are trying to get to the City of the Glass Pool, not to cleanse the underdark of all hostile creatures. Let's find another area to camp in."

The gnome also looked for rocks to be wary of. She was looking on the ground, though, so she either was worried about baby ropers (or roper eggs?) or was looking around for more stones she could throw with her sling.

"Let's continue on then." Blacky replied.

"As much as I'd like to see how we fare against one such creature before entering their hunting grounds, I agree," Renn shrugged. "I've but one healing prayer left, and would truly mislike entering a fight in which those prayers are needed."

The group decided to move on quickly rather than tempting the shooting rock to pick another fight with them. After some more exploring, they found a suitable cavern to rest in and set up camp.

Aloysius set his pack against the wall and tried to work the fatigue from his back and shoulders. After eating some rations and drinking from his waterskin, he got back up.

"Since I'll be sleeping soon anyway, I could go ahead and examine the auras on the flask, the mirror and the ring Arachne found, if everyone thinks that is a good idea."

He awaited comment.

"Okay by me," Jana replied with an indifferent shrug.

Echo nodded, "You might be able to tell more about them than I was. I couldn't tell much." She settled in by one of the walls.

"Do either of you know what spells are on those gems?" she asked.

"I've deciphered some of them," answered Aloysius.  "Mostly they are the spells the grell cast against us.  Would you like to know the entire list thus far?" he
asked with a smile.

"I'm going to go and inspect these items, assuming Arachne will loan me that ring she found."

Jana crouched next to Echo with her shield in hand and began polishing it with a rag. "How're those things from the grells going?" she asked.  She waited for a response then spoke in a lower voice.

"I haven't checked them again since we got here," Echo said. She pulled the jar out to look.

Olaf smiled, "Well, we should watch carefully to see that roper didn't follow us."

Once a suitable spot was found, Azrun rolled out his things and stretched for a bit. He looked around the cave a bit making sure none of the rock formations were hungry then sat down on his blanket and pulled off his boots. He wiggled his toes and stretched some more, just seeming to relax himself.

After a few minutes, He pulled out his spellbook and Aloysius's, "Aloysius, I believe I'm going to copy your invisibility spell while we rest. I think I'd like to copy that dispel magic spell and the lightingbolt spell from the gems soon also. It won't be today but over the next couple days." He smiled lightly and then began working in his spell book.


Aloysius turned towards Azrun. "Oh, yes, excellent choices," he said with a nod. "Although I've yet to run across the lightningbolt spell on the gems. Have you?"

After rummaging through his pack, he grumbled a bit under his breath. "Olaf, I think you still have that flask and mirror. I'd like to analyze them further to determine the specifics of their natures."

He looked around the cavern until he spotted Arachne.  "Arachne, did you wish for Stargazer to examine your ring as well?"

The gnome went to Aloysius, pulling the ring off her finger as she walked. She handed it over, then paused, wanting to hold onto his arm.

"That looks ... interesting, also," Arachne said, studying Aloysius's injury. "Um... can I see? Ought to be repaired -- um, healed, I mean.  Do you mind? This was from the cold things, wasn't it?"

Aloysius had seemed startled momentarily when Arachne took hold of his arm. Letting out a short sigh, he pulled the sleeve of his robe up so she could see the
wound better.

"Yes, whatever they were. I believe Rennirolas said they were something necromatic." He scrunched his nose at the wound.

"It doesn't really bother me that much," he said earnesty. "Umm, what exactly is it that you find of interest?" he asked with a slight hint of concern.

"Frostbite," Arachne answered, her attention and mind really somewhere else. "It's awfully likely to cause gangrene since the flesh is dead but remains in place... I was wondering if anything else might be going on here besides simple dead tissue -- which, of course," she added, realizing what she was saying to the patient, "we should get cleared up right away. But I'm sure that you know that there are some magical injuries which are highly resistant to healing. The Fisher King story and the like... I expect, though, that this wound is nothing like that," the gnome added, in a vain attempt to be comforting.

"Oh . . ." responded Aloysius hesitantly. He watched as Arachne attended his arm. "By all means, whatever you feel prudent," he added, looking carefully at his
arm. As he watched the gnome work, he grimaced slightly.

"Mayhap I would be better served if I sought to employ a less direct manner of engaging hostile creatures," he mused. "But I've turned out to be much better at sword. . .er . . . dagger . . . play than I ever imagined I would be."

A grin slowly rose on his lips as he continued to watch Arachne at work.

"I don't need it right now," Echo replied quietly.  "When you and Azrun get done with the gems, I'd like to know what's on them if no one minds me trying to learn some more spells."

"Mind?" asked Aloysius quizically. "Stargazer minds not, and doubts have I that Azrun does either.  Anytime you'd like to look at them, just say so."

He paused momentarily, began to say something else, stammered, and shuffled away.

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