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Move 328:  Getting Ready for the Ropers

Tunnels—Early, Day 33 (Marpenoth 18)

The group rested in the small cavern. Nothing happened, and they all awoke well rested, although stiff and sore as usual, the next morning. They went about the business of getting ready to move on, presumably to head for the side tunnel that led to caverns quaggoths and ropers were believed to inhabit.

Echo read through spells in her book. When she finished, she walked over to talk to Jana.

Echo walked over to Jana. "Do you want me to try the spell this morning? I can do it now or I can wait.  Whatever you want."

Jana swallowed hard. "Uhm, if we have time, I guess now. Do, uhm, I gotta do anything?"

"I need to know where you want me to look," Echo said.  "I'm not sure if we should check the Glade or Kuiper's. I can cast only cast it once today, so if we get the wrong place, I'll try again tomorrow."

"Oh, shit," Jana said with a grimace. "I dunno. I guess Kuiper's. I mean, I think Sunshine's more likely to be there so maybe the sword is too, but I dunno..."

"Okay," Echo said.

"Do we have any way to tell if it's day up there right now?" she asked.

"Toss a coin?" Jana said with a shrug.

Echo smiled. "I think I'll still be able to see with my night eyes. But that's not nearly as far as I can see with light."

"I'll try Kuiper's," Echo said. "It'll only take a few minutes. You can watch but you won't be able to see anything," she added apologetically. She found a spot by the wall and cast the spell.

Aloysius spent his camp time once again working in his spell book and with the spell gems. When he finished, he took the gems to Azrun.

"Here are the gems," he said with a smile, his mood still oddly light. "Stargazer would also like to copy the lightning spell when you are done," he explained.  "No hurry, as we won't have the components until Arachne next ventures topside in any event."

"What are the components?" Echo asked.

"Some cloth and a small glass rod," replied Aloysius.  "No one has a glass rod, for any reason, do they?" he asked.

Renn picked up a smallish stone shortly before they set out. A different sounding spell from the one Azrun cast, but with the same result, the pebble acquired a sphere of light about it. "And here's another lit stone, for any who need such," Renn said, as he offered it around before he dropped it into a pouch if no one indicated they needed it.

"May I?" asked Aloysius. "Assuming no one else does?"  He looked around to see if anyone else wanted the light stone.

Jana took one of the offered light stones with a "Thanks."

Azrun piddled with this and that that evening.

He glanced to Echo, "Echo, is there any spells you'd like to get for yourself. I'll gladly give up my book for the evening if you'd like to look it over or one of the gems."

"I don't remember what spells are on the gems," Echo admitted sheepishly.

He looked through his journal for a moment, "Here's what I have for a list of spells onthe gems:
read magic
detect magic
magic missile
Charm Person
stinking cloud
dispel magic
lightning bolt

If any of those peak your curiosity let me know."

Echo listened carefully. "When you and Aloysius get done with them, I'd be interested in some of the spells. I need to learn how to dispel magic at least."

The next morning when he awoke, he stretched a bit and looked around, "Aloysius, could I borrow some gum arabic from you. I'd like to try out my invisibility spell today. The eyelash I can provide myself."

The gnome visibly trailed around after Azrun when he mentioned trying out his invisibility spell.

Azrun looked to the group, "Being that we're entering dangerous territory....well more dangerous than before, I'm going to equip myself with more offensive spells. I'm going to keep one web spell handy in case we need to back up and get the heck out of there."

"Well, that is fine, since I'm running short of them."  The mage waited a moment to gauge the success of his jest before breaking into a vigorous fit of laughter. After he composed himself, he handed Azrun a dollop of the required component.

Arachne looked a bit dismayed.

"Uh, did you get it?" Aloysius asked earnestly.

Azrun chuckled, "Yes, Aloysius. That was pretty good. I'll have to try to remember some of the jokes I heard while travelling. My friend, Kirin, was always quick with a joke."

"They should grow back, Aloysius," Arachne finally said, also earnestly (and a little rapidly). "I'm sure of it. And I'm sorry you've been using up all your eyelashes. I know they're important to one's appearance and to keeping the dust out of your eyes. If you wish, I could see whether I can encourage your eyes to grow lashes a little more quickly?"

"Um... What are you going to need in order to cast that armoring spell?" the gnome continued hopefully. "Is that the one with the little scrap of leather?"

Aloysius abruptly snapped out of his fit of laughter.   "Wh-....what?" he asked quizzically. "Oh. No," he continued, grinning broadly. "'Twas a jest, Arachne.  An attempt at humor." He rubbed his finger along his eyelids.

"So far as I know, my eyelash supply is still more than sufficient." He glanced around somewhat nervously. "Isn't it?"

"Um... What are you going to need in order to cast that armoring spell?" the gnome continued hopefully.  "Is that the one with the little scrap of leather?"

Refocusing, Aloysius replied, "Yes, but the scrap of leather must be blessed by a priest first. I have but a pair remaining, so we may want to add that to the list of provisions needed when you next journey aboveground."

Aloysius cast a spell over one of the gems, spending a few minutes looking at  it before turning them over to Azrun.

In the meantime, Echo and Jana discussed casting a scrying spell.
After Renn finished studying, he made another light stone. Both Aloysius and Jana were now re-equipped with magical lights.

Olaf prayed for a bit more then half an hour in the morning, and then he too prayed over a stone, imbuing it with Tyr's Light. "If anyone would really like this, they may have it." Olaf said, "But I have none at the moment, a foolish oversight on my part, and I hold onto it if none object."

Otherwise Olaf waited for the departure while watching Azrun's attempt to learn the sword, giving a few encouraging tips from the sidelines.

Once Azrun had the bits for his spell, he turned to Arachne, "Are you ready for your invisibility spell, Miss Arachne?" When she was he knelt own beside her and began casting his spell on her.

"Thank you, Azrun," the gnome said. She held very still and studied the bard's eyelashes until she disappeared.

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