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Move 329:  Sharp Rocks

Tunnels--Late, Day 33 (Marpenoth 18)

The group set out to explore the tunnel that the map indicated led to caverns filled with quaggoths and ropers. They soon reached the tunnel in question and once they started down it, they discovered this area had more branching and splitting, more small tunnels and caverns off the path they were trying to follow. Between that and their cautious searching for hostile creatures, their progress slowed somewhat; they did not cover as much ground as they usually did while traveling.

They found no ropers or quaggoths during this initial exploration. Thoughts were again turning to camp when they came across a place in the tunnel where sharp broken rock, apparently of the same sort they had first encountered near the entrance of the grell nest, made up the entire floor. The patch of rock went on past the range of their magical lights, so they did not know exactly how far it extended.

Azrun looked at the sharp rock and cocked his head to side for a moment, "You know this may be a good place to set up camp. We're pretty sure there's nothing coming up behind us and anything from in front of us will have to cross that sharp floor. It'll slow them down for sure unless they can on the ceiling or float. What do you all think?"

"I think we're at the border of Happy Roper Land," Arachne's voice said from close by Azrun. "They don't move fast -- they're way too fond of resembling a rock to be speedy. I mean, even _I_ could outrun a roper on level ground. But they also don't worry much about gravity when they _are_ moving because they cling while they move. So, all that sharp rock is going to make us less mobile while they could care less. They _can_ use the walls or ceiling. I wouldn't recommend camping right on the edge of these sharp rocks. I would recommend to the spellcasters, if we do take a break, thinking about which spells they know which might aid us in trying to fight while we and not the enemy stand on unpleasant ground.
"Hey, you know... It's been a stressful day, trying to watch really carefully for danger all the time, but at least I'm not as fashed as usual from trying to jog a lot." Her voice paused then added, "Well, it pleased me, anyway..."

"Mayhap," said Aloysius hesitantly. "But we've already seen a good number of beasts that traverse the ceilings and float in the air. If something like that approached our flank now, we'd have no means to retreat if need be. Perhaps one of the side tunnels we saw earlier would be better suited?"

"I think Arachne's right," Jana said. "I think we oughta fall back to a defensible cavern, maybe try to get that cabin thingie open so's we can put all that stuff in it and get out more supplies."

Aloysius nodded. "Aye, the cabin. Stargazer had forgotten all about that. I agree. Let's do that afore determining how best to move ahead. Perhaps whilst we camp we can discuss the best way to deal with this rock."

Echo nodded. "Maybe it doesn't go very far," she said quietly.

It was decided to head back to some of the already explored tunnels and caves to look for a place to rest. After a while, the party found a suitable area, a side tunnel that was both broad enough and high enough to open the cottage if they so chose. Past that area, the tunnel closed in on itself again; within a few hundred yards of the camp site, it was narrow enough that they could not walk down it.

Jana surveyed the area. "What sort of perimeter can we establish?" she asked the spellcasters. "I'd like to know ahead of time if something's coming. Anyone have any spells that'll help with that?"

Echo shook her head. "I don't have any warding spells."

"Nor do I," added Aloysius.

"Let's open the cabin-thingie," Jana then suggested, "and replenish our food and water and put the cash inside. We oughta take an inventory while it's open. We'll need to decide what all we need to get and hold out enough money to buy it, since I think we're gonna need to go on a supply run pretty soon here."

Echo agreed. "We need to make a list of spell components we need. And new or spare weapons. Maybe some firewood."

Olaf agreed, "I will have a list of components myself, I don't think I prepared enough."

"I think I should get a spare two handed axe to keep in the cottage. Maybe we could get some sort of stove that uses oil for fuel, like a lamp does. That way we could cook some fresh food without all the smoke and mess a fire would cause underground." Blacky suggested

"That'd be wonderful," Jana agreed. "Wish we had some way to buy fresh food and keep it that way. I don't guess there's some magic spell for that?" she asked with an expression indicating she didn't hold out much hope.

The groundlight (a.k.a. invisible Arachne) had lingered at the constricted part of the tunnel when the group retreated again to a cottage-suitable space. So she was a little slow on realizing that a shopping list was being assembled. The cottage appeared in the middle of the open space, but hadn't opened yet when Arachne asked, "Do you want me to go now? Wait a minute..." The cottage disappeared again.

"I don't think we need you to go now," Echo said.  "After the ropers maybe. Is that right?" she asked uncertainly.

Jana nodded. "That's what I thought, too."

"Um, what's the list of stuff I'm looking for like? If I'm getting a _lot_ of stuff, then I need the cottage to transport it and we shouldn't open the cottage down here until I've been up and returned. If the shopping list is only for a barrel of things or so, then I can just use my Spooky Mind Pocket for transporting the stuff and I could leave the cottage here. Um... firewood's pretty bulky -- but it's cheap. I might run out of space in my pocket pretty quickly getting firewood. I could get _some_ though. Components are likely to be pretty small...  Eyelashes, strips of leather, what was the other one, a glass rod? Gee, I might have to go to that wizard What's-His_Name for that one. A two-handed axe doesn't sound too bad...the blacksmith? At worst, I guess I could ask him to make us one for my next trip. Same for a portable stove... Um, Blacky, maybe you could tell me a little more about what you're thinking of, so I can describe it correctly... Or maybe just hold still and keep thinking about it for a little while...

"Oh, and before I go... Echo, is there anything I should be doing up there based on the spell you cast for Jana? Um, anything I should tell anyone, anything I ought to look for?"

Echo shrugged. "I didn't get any information. It was dark up there when I cast it. I'm going to try again tomorrow. At a different time of day, I hope."

Azrun found himself a comfy spot on the floor and sat down and stretched. He looked back down where the tunnel converged on itself, "You don't reckon anything could come out of there do you?"

When the talk of a topside trip started Azrun looked to Aloysius, "Aloysius, perhaps you could create a proper list of spell components we'll need if we were to learn some of the other spells on those gems. Then Echo and myself could add to it what we need for our current spells. Oh, and Renn and Olaf too. Sorry didn't mean to leave you fellows out."

"Quite alright," Renn grinned. "I think I'm fairly well off on my components actually, but I'll think on what additional materials I may need.

"Oh, and I'll see about warding one of the tunnel entrances by our camp. If possible, I'll cover the larger of the two, but I mayn't be able to inscribe such a ward without expensive items. I'll do what I can," Rennirolas offered.

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