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Move 332:  Planning Before the Sharp Rock

Tunnels--Early, Day 34 (Marpenoth 19)

The group stood in the tunnel at the edge of a patch of razor rock, discussing strategy and tactics. Several suggestions were made about how to proceed. Around them, the tunnel was quiet; the only noise and light in the area was coming from the party.

Echo nodded at Jana's plan. She pulled up her cowl asthe conversation went on.

"No, don't be, because you're already on roper-rescue, but you're able to use your mid-magic for your rescues, so we need to hold you out for situations when those of us who can't do nothing 'sides swing a sword aren't able to pull it off. You're our special weapon there."

"Sounds good to me, you're quite the tactician. I'm the obvious choice for rescue detail with you, so I'll voluteer. Lets go clear this out." Blacky replied.

"I'll stay in the middle with Arachne. That way I can cover with my bow and the web spell if needed. If that fits the plan," Azrun replied.

"It sounds as if we all understand our duties," said Aloysius as he assumed his new position in line behind Blacky. "Shall we proceed?"

"Let's go," Echo agreed.

"What warning I get won't be enough to completely avoid the trouble, but I do hope that it will give me ample time to warn and act upon my insight," Renn shrugged again. "Of course, what I truly hope for is that we don't meet any form of trouble whatsoever, but that's hardly to be expected," Renn chuckled as he took his place in the traveling order.

Olaf shifted his shield on his shoulder and said, "I'm ready."

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