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Move 334:  On the Edge

Tunnels--Midday, Day 35 (Marpenoth 20)

The group began a discussion of the best way to get safely past the latest obstacle they had come across. A number of options were mentioned, and a couple of people volunteered to scout. Olaf offered up some rope to be used. They still seemed to be alone in the damp tunnel while they talked.

Blacky took one end of the rope in both hands wrapping it around his knuckles. " I should be able to keep Renn from falling if that's the plan." He said

"Are we all tying each other together, and then following Renn? I'm confused about the plan." Olaf asked.

"So am I," Jana muttered, eyeing the crevice nervously.

Echo looked around expectantly.

"I see no need to tie all of us to the rope initially," said Aloysius. "Perhaps we could tie the rope around him and have a couple of people on this end in case the need for a rapid retreat arises. Once we have ascertained whether or not there is a threat lurking alongside the path, we can determine whether or not tying everyone together is a sensible course."

Azrun rolled his eyes, "Ok, Renn has volunteered to scout ahead on the ledge with a rope around his waist. If it's clear, then we can all tie up to the rope and get across this thing." Azrun looked around to everyone, "Agreed?"

Echo fidgeted with the tail of her cloak. "Let's do it if that's the plan."

"I should be ready," Renn shrugged with a smile. He looped the rope around his waist and tied it into a knot.  After a couple of tugs at the rope, Renn softly chanted the workings of a prayer in Elvish.

He left his shield strapped to his backpack, and took to the ledge with longsword in hand.

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