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Move 340:  More with the Glassy Rock

Tunnels--Very Late, Day 35 (Marpenoth 20)

The group of very tired adventurers discussed what to do now. A couple of suggestion about various ways of dealing with some of the rock to verify Arachne's theory that there were tunnels behind it. Aloysius stood away from the others, at the very edge of their light.

"So are we gonna smash, continue on or what?" Jana asked, twirling her mace impatiently.

"I doubt we'll find a good site for resting. I suggest we do so now." Olaf said quietly.

Arachne indicated that she would be happy to mark with chalk her best guess where a side tunnel is to be found under or behind the glassy stuff, for someone tosmash. She also indicated that she would be willing to be put down by Azrun and get ectoplasmic to search behind the glass for a sure thing in terms of side tunnel.

Echo said, "If we can get into a side tunnel by smashing or Arachne's mind magic, we can rest there.  If not, I think we're going to have to rest here."  She looked around at everyone else. She glanced to see what Aloysius was doing.

"I agree. Either we smash through to the side passage or Arachne zaps us in, either way we need a place less exposed." Blacky said

Azrun looked around, "Let's let Arachne scout out one of the side tunnels.  If she finds a good one then we can use her door to get in there. That way we really don't leave a trace of where we went. It might help evade whatever Echo is feeling."

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