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Move 353:  Exploring the Smooth Caverns

Smooth Caverns--Early, Day 37 (Marpenoth 20)

Renn finished chanting and presumably moved away from the group into the caverns. After allowing enough time for him to get slightly ahead of them, the others followed. This time, no ropers attacked from between the row of vase-like pillars that stood on the six foot high ledge around the entrance cavern. Here, as in the short tunnel they had entered through, the walls were fluted and scalloped, wholly unnatural looking.

The party took the passage to their left as they entered. They went about sixty feet before they reached another fork. To their right, the ledges and pillars continued along the cavern's walls into the darkness. To their left, a tunnel, about twenty feet wide, led off into the unknown. They saw a copper coin on the floor near where the passages split.

Jana walked over to the coin and stood quietly, listening.

From nearby, Renn said, "We hadn't planned on branching tunnels. Should we come to another, I'll put two coppers down in the passageway I go through, but won't stop."

Azrun looked around casually at the stone work, "Quaggoth probably have a keen sense of smell, so watch yourself if you see any."

"Well, I'm not as quiet as I'd like to be, but I'll do what I can," Renn chuckled softly.

"Okay," Jana replied to Invisi-Renn. "We'll make a chalk mark or something to make it easier to find our way back, too. Uh, Azrun, you wanna take care of that?"

Azrun put down his shield and pulled off his pack. After digging around for a minute he produced some chalk, "Got it. We're going left, right?....uh...we're going left, correct?" He shook his head and made a mark on the inside of the left passage way.

"Left is good, give me a count of sixty to get ahead of you," Renn replied.

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