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Move 355:  Another Strange Pillar

Smooth Caverns--Early, Day 37 (Marpenoth 20)

The group gave Renn a short headstart then started after him. The tunnel curved before opening to a cavern that had a floor covered in the same smooth glasslike rock they had encountered before entering these caverns. In the part of the cavern within the range of their lights, they saw a pillar that was similar to the pillars in the area they had passed by without exploring.  It was about eight feet tall, elegant, smooth, fluted and vase-like, but unlike the other pillars, this one had sprouted a seven tipped star at its top.

Another tunnel lead away from this cavern to the north.

Jana looked around for one of Renn's copper coins. "Renn?" she whispered. "Which way?"

"Sorry," Renn replied softly and apologetically, and his voice seemed closer as he spoke. "I took longer examining these pillars than I'd intended. Going to take the tunnel on the left from where we entered the chamber, give me a slight headstart again, I'll get further in front of you all this time," he said quickly.

Azrun stopped and eyed the top of the pillar then looked about the room to see what else was around. "Curious, I wonder what the star is supposed to represent?" He stood and gazed at the star until the group was ready to move on.

"Don't apologize," Jana replied quietly. "I'm all about being careful."

After giving Renn another headstart, the group started down the tunnel leading out of the chamber with the star-topped pillar in it. The glass rock ended at the tunnel. The tunnel leading away from the cavern curved up and around much as the one leading into it had. After walking for about 300 feet, the party reached a fork. There were two indistinguishable tunnels, one to their left and one to their right. Two copper coins lay just inside of the passageway to their right.

Jana continued down the passageway to the right without stopping.

"Looks like we go right this time." Blacky commented picking up a coin.

Azrun paused long enough to make a scratch with some chalk on the inside of the tunnel then followed along.

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