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Move 361:  Trailing the Roper

Smooth Caverns--Midday, Day 37 (Marpenoth 20)

With Jana and Blacky, both still heaving large wooden shields, in front, everyone set off down the right hand tunnel of the fork after a pause to give Renn a head start. Part of the tunnel was still brightly lit with the dropped light stones, but they quickly reached an area where the enchanted stones they held provided the only light. So far, there was no sign of the roper. At the edge of their light range, a curved outcropping of rock blocked their view of what was beyond it.

"Crap," Jana muttered, "I didn't think the things were this fast." She moved to the wall opposite the curve for the best possible angle, shield held in front of her. "I hate this," she whispered.

"So do I, but we've got no other choices." Blacky commented from beside her.

"Corellon's Sword! I need help!" Renn yelled from nearby.

"Well, that would be how fast," Jana muttered as she moved forward quickly toward Renn's voice.

"Oh, crap. Here we go again." With that Azrun nocked an arrow and ran down the hall behind Jana.

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