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Move 367:  Splish Splash

Smooth Caverns--Afternoon, Day 37 (Marpenoth 20)

Jana poked around in the water with Azrun's staff before stepping in. She kept prodding in front of her, checking for depth and anything that wanted to make a snack of her. She came close to losing her footing once, but she managed not to fall down in the water. Judging from how far the water came up on her, the slope continued down then leveled off when the water was about three feet deep.

"It's fu-fuckin' c-cold," Jana chattered. "An' slipp'ry's hell in some places. Toss me a rope so's I can tie it around myself."

"Who's got rope?" Echo asked. "Do we have enough to tie us all together like Azrun suggested?"

Someone tossed wet shivering Jana one of the several ropes they had.

Jana tied the rope around herself with shaky fingers. "No sense in anyone else freezing their ass off just yet," she said. She muttered something under her breath and rubbed her stomach before moving forward again, tapping ahead with the staff.

"Shouldn't someone else come with you, just in case?" Echo asked, sounding worried. "Maybe someone who can swim?"

Azrun stepped down into the water, "I'll go with her." He shivered as the water crept up his legs, "Brrrr.....there goes my singing voice and any chance of having kids....Well, shall we continue on, Miss Jana?"

"I've got so much metal on me," Jana replied, "it wouldn't matter if I or anyone else could swim or not. You guy'd need to drag me out. And I don't think it's wise for anyone else to get in here right now, since I'm probably already gonna get a helluva cold offa this," she said through chattering teeth. "Let's wait'll we know if it's even possible for us to walk to whatever's bothering Echo and Renn."

Azrun looked down at his already soaked pants, "Well, ummm. I can hold the light stone so we can see what's ahead. I didn't get sick from swimming around in that other pool when I found my dagger. Plus I haven't had a bath today either." He smiled sheepishly at Jana.

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