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Move 370:  Land Ho

The group splashed over to the dry corner of the cavern they had found. They had to climb up a slope to get out of the water. The dry area seemed pretty small; there was only about thirty feet between the water and the edge of the cavern. They were not able to see all the way across the cavern with their lights, however. What they could see appeared to be empty.

"Watch out!" Echo whispered fervently. "I saw something move."

Azrun's eyes widened at Echo's warning, "Great....what now?" He began scanning for movement in the darkness.

"Oh, crap." Jana held the staff out behind her. "Take this," she said, "So's I can use my sword. Echo, where'd you see it?"

"I saw it too. Any idea what it was?" Blacky asked drawing his twohanded sword.

"On the edge of the light, to our left," Echo whispered just loud enough to be heard.

Jana tried to get someone to take Azrun's staff. Thanks to timely warnings from Blacky and Echo, no one was surprised when six tentacles, attached to another roper, this one even more rocklike in appearance than the others, shot out at Blacky and Renn. Two of them hit Blacky, and one hit Renn.

"Dammit," Jana growled, dropping the staff if no one took it, "I'm sick and tired of alla these damned tentacled, creepy-ass things." She grabbed her shield and advanced on the critter, walking as quickly as she could through the water, her shield in front of her and her sword drawn.

Azrun ran to Renn first, dagger drawn and tried to saw the tentacle off of him.

Azrun sawed at the tentacle holding Renn, but he did not quite cut through it. Blacky started making motions to cut himself loose, but he stopped suddenly, all his muscles frozen in place. The roper pulled him in closer.  Jana dropped Azrun's staff and advanced on the roper, shield and sword in hand. She cut into the creature's stony hide. It looked like it took the full force of the damage from the blade, but it hardly bent at all under the force of the blow.

"I _hate_ sneaky-assed tentacled things!" Jana growled as she hacked twice more at the creature.

Renn drew his longsword and tried to slice his way free of the tentacle.

Azrun stepped back and noticed Blacky had gone silent, "Oh shit, this one is like them damn grell." He ran to Blacky and tried to determine what to do.  After a second he tried to pry Blacky's sword from his hand.

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