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Move 372:  Fighting Blacky

Smooth Caverns--Afternoon, Day 37 (Marpenoth 20)

Renn chanted a prayer, but it did not seem to have an effect. Blacky continued after Jana, just as determined as before. Echo tried to stay out of the way. Azrun attempted to trip Blacky, a feat that was somewhat difficult to accomplish without getting seriously hurt due to the two big swords clashing against each other in that immediate area. He did not make Blacky fall, but he did seem to throw him off enough that he was unable to hurt Jana anymore. Jana, on the other hand, with the advantage of not having the roper to contend with and a slightly off balance opponent, thwapped him solidly with the flat of her blade a couple of times.

"Noooo!" Blacky cried, the meaning of which could be interpreted several ways. He continued his savage attack on Jana, looking a bit more wild eyed than before.

"Shield your eyes!" Echo called in Elvish. She started casting.

Azrun turned his back to the group and started away from the group, back the way they came. In Elven, "All we're doing is pissing him off more. Use Echo's distraction to get clear and I'll web him in there. Then we can fall back and think about what to do."

Renn drew his longsword, but averted his eyes as Echo began her spell.

Azrun turned around and walked back across the small portion of dry rock in this little corner of the otherwise submerged cavern. Echo moved in a little closer to Blacky and Jana. Renn drew his sword, and both he and Jana hid their eyes as Echo said to do; Blacky kept pressing his attack against Jana. No one saw what was going on, but when she finished, Blacky was standing stunned.

"Way to go, Echo," Jana panted. She held her sword ready. "Someone tie him up, quick. "I'll whack him if he snaps out of it too soon."

Echo whipped off her tattered cloak. "It'll only last a minute," she warned. She threw the cloak over Blacky's head so he couldn't see. "Rope?" she asked frantically.

"Indeed, nice spell Echo," Renn said with a quick grin. "Where's the rope we used to hitch ourselves together when we first came down into the water?" he asked quickly and moved forward, sheathing his blade. "I'll see if I can get that sword out of Blacky's hands before he comes around," Renn added as he tried to disarm the stunned warrior.

Azrun trudged back to the group through the water, "Renn, you said it was a poison, correct? You don't have a spell for neutralizing poisons? Or Maybe we just need to give it time to run it's course....I don't know."

Renn nodded as he worked at getting Blacky's two handed sword from his grip. "I think it was a poison, even moreso seeing as my attempt to dispel any magic on Blacky didn't work. When the tentacle grabbed me, I felt a stinging sensation.

"And I can pray for such a spell, but not today unfortunately. If we get Blacky tied up, and can keep him bound until I can once again pray to Corellon for my spells, I can attempt to cure him that way," Renn finished.

Echo took off her cloak and threw it over Blacky. Renn took the sword out of his hands. Jana stood at ready, sword in hand. Azrun walked back over.

Blacky did not stay stunned for long. Before anything else was done, he started moving again.

Jana took aim and thwacked at Blacky a couple of times with the flat of her blade. "We need to get him subdued," she said. "He could hurt himself.  Well, hurt himself more."

With a growl, Blacky tore at the cloak on his head with one hand and pulled a handaxe from his belt with the other, again attacking Jana. "Subdue THIS you evil bitch!" He cried out as he swung.

Echo jumped. "I don't have another spell like that," she said frantically in Elvish. "Somebody knock him out or blind him. Does anyone have a light spell?"  She sounded close to tears.

She retrieved her dagger from where she'd dropped it and held it ready to use.

Blacky came back around, but he did not come back around to his normal self. He obviously still wanted to fight as he yelled while pulling the cloak off his head and grabbing another weapon. Jana tapped him with the flat of her sword, but the blow was ineffective. Everyone else stood by.

"Well, hells," Jana grumped. "We're gonna have to knock him out. Renn, Azrun, whack him with the flats of your blades," she said then smacked twice at him with hers.

Echo held onto her dagger. She watched carefully.

"I've no spells left that would be of use," Renn spat in Elvish, frustration in his words. "I'll see if I can manage to disarm him," he added as he advanced and tried to circle around Blacky.

Azrun looked at the dagger in his hand then moved over to where the Roper was, "Looks like your new buddy is down for the count, Blacky. Maybe I ought make sure just in case!" With that he started kicking the Roper. In elven, "If he comes after me, get the hell out of here...I'll make a break for it and web his butt in here with his pal until we can do something about it."

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