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Move 378:  Wet or Dry?

Smooth Caverns--Morning, Day 38 (Marpenoth 21)

The group made the decision to continue exploring while they waited for Aloysius and Arachne to return. They broke camp and went back out into the tunnels. Before long, they were back to one of the forks. The downsloping path that led to the flooded tunnels was one option, while another drier tunnel immediately in front of them was another.

"Before we do anything else, I can cast a couple of invisibility spells," Echo said. "I can do me and Renn like yesterday or I can just do one of us and save the other spell."

"My vote is for dry this time. I just don't feel like slogging through cold water right now." Blacky said

"I'm in agreement," Renn nodded as he collected the remaining bits of his gear that were near his backpack. "By Corellon's grace I still have a few healing boons left. Three of my most minor heals, and one each for my other two curatives," Renn said. "I've other spells as well, but should we encounter more ropers, it's not likely that any of them will be of any use," he grinned shortly.

"If you want me to keep slightly ahead of the rest of you as we did when we first began exploring this area, then I'd appreciate being invisible," Renn said as he gave Echo a smile. "But if we're going to move as a group, I'd suggest just making yourself invisible and holding one spell in reserve."

Azrun nodded, "I'm all for dry, too. I'd prefer warm and dry with some sunshine....but I'll settle for just dry for now."

"I can make both of us invisible," Echo suggested. "I think an invisible scout and rear guard works. But both of us have to stay close to the rest," she added with a quick look and brief smile at Jana.

Jana grinned in return. "Sounds good."

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