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Move 379:  A Maze

Smooth Caverns--Morning, Day 38 (Marpenoth 21)

The group made the decision to avoid the flooded area for now. Echo cast two invisibility spells, one on Renn and one on herself, and the five of them headed down the tunnel. After about a hundred and fifty feet, they came to another cavern. Inside this cavern was what looked to be a maze. There was a stone wall, fifteen feet high, that seemed to split the cavern in front of them into two paths to their right, and a wall almost parallel to it about ten feet farther into the cave, making a chute between them about ten feet in width. The inner wall continued off to their left beyond the distance they could see with their lights from the entrance.

"Left?" Echo asked. Her voice sounded confused and worried.

"Left is fine by me," Jana shrugged. "I got no better ideas."

Azrun nodded, "Left is ok with me too. Renn, you don't happen to have that danger sensing spell available do you? A Maze is sure to have traps and stuff in it."

"Indeed I do," Renn's voice came from the front of the group. "Left is as good a direction as any to go, in my opinion," he said with the warmth of a smile in his voice. Renn began to chant a spell.

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