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Move 38:Scattered to the Winds

The Patchwork Hills, Morning, 8 Eleasias 1374

The decision was made that Gala, Jana, and Azrun would return to the barn to meet Aloysius. Arachne would go ahead to Milborne to get things started and the others would follow behind with the body.

All of them traveled together for the first part of the morning, until they reached the northern edge of the bog. Gala, Jana, Horse, and Azrun went west. Kaileer, Laisar, Masiar, Torro, and Puddlejumper went northeast. Arachne changed into a large bird and flew ahead of them....

Arachne made her way to Milborne and found Semheis absent. According to Garyld, the young priest had gone to Baldur's Gate for a holy day of the church. Garyld volunteered to find gravediggers for Pug and Arachne went about other business in town.

Kaileer, Lasiar, Masiar, and Torro followed a few hours behind Arachne on the road. North of Harlaton, they were attacked by a group of four gnolls led by a flind.

Azrun, Gala, and Jana returned to Denfast's farm to find Aloysius. He was not there when they arrived, but a few minutes later he showed up, trying to play a trick on them with invisibility. He was covered in blood and mud and had a scroll that he unsuccessfully tried to get Gala to look at. The others were very angry with the wayward mage and did not seem interested in the story he tried to tell them several times.

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