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Move 385:  Out of the Maze

Smooth Caverns--Early, Day 38 (Marpenoth 21)

Nothing else of interest occurred as the group made their way out of the maze. Within a few minutes, they were back out in the main tunnel. They were not far from the one that sloped down and was filled with standing water, the only area of this cavern complex that they knew of that had not been explored completely at this point.

Jana looked at the water-filled tunnel and sighed. "And I was just sorta feeling thawed out."

"Since the splashing will make it obvious where I am, I'll stay right with you this time," Echo said.  "Instead of hanging back out of the light, I mean."

"Are we ready?"

"We might as well get it over with." Blacky replied, obviously not looking forward to the cold wading.

"I don't know," Jana said slowly, "I'm halfway inclined to think you oughta stay at the edge of the water and keep an eye out for anything coming up behind us. We all need to be tied again and you could signal us by yanking on the rope or something. But whatever you think is best."

"You want me to stay here by myself?" Echo asked uncertainly. "How much rope do we have?"

"Actually," Jana said, "I was thinking I oughta just go by myself and check out the tunnel, leastwise as far as the rope'll allow. I mean, why should everyone get all wet and cold, colder, again?"

"I don't think we should split up," Echo said. She laughed softly, "I guess this is a role reversal, but that magical presence is still out there. I still can't tell where this one is coming from. We might not be able to get to you if something went wrong."

Azrun nodded, "I'd rather be cold and wet than guilty because I let you go by yourself and something happened. We ought to stick together through here.  Why don't we check this first tunnel out here before going back to the one where that roper was."

"One is as good as the other for me, though we should all go, I think," Renn said in agreement. "I've a number of Corellon's blessings still, though I've cast both of my most powerful healing spells already."

"Okay, okay," Jana said, holding up her hands in mock surrender, "y'all can all get soaked if that's whatcha want." She looked at the water and sighed. "Let's tie ourselves together and get this over with. Can I borrow that big ol' stick again?"

Once everyone was tied, Jana proceeded into the water using the staff to test the footing in front of her.

Azrun handed Jana his quarterstaff, "One big ol'stick, maam."

Blacky tied the rope to his belt and followed Jana into the water.

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