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Move 388:  To See the Tree?

Tunnels--Midday, Day 38 (Marpenoth 21)

The group reunited, and introductions to the new people were made. After a flurry of conversation, a suggestion was made to finish up in this cavern complex. It met with some agreement, but a final decision still had to be made.

"If we're gonna go to that tree-thing," Jana said to the dry four, "y'all oughta know that while we were there, this thing with a big-ass mouth on topof it, it was kinds like a pillar sorta with three feets and three arms and a mouth on top and it bent over to bite and it felt like gravel when I got in a good hit. Oh, yeah, and it disappeared through rock, too. Then reappeared. Killed it, but there were more'n one of those roper thingies, after all."

Kanon looked mildly depressed his eyes downcast as he continued to speak, "That sounds like a rather unpleasant creature. I would still like to see the tree and statue if possible, however, if it would put people in danger a description will suffice for me and we should be able to continue on unless someone else wishes to see it." The priest looked in the direction of Echo and opened his mouth to speak and despite forestalling briefly spoke softly, "I know the trials of family all too well. I may not know the particulars of your problems and most assuredly should not know but know that Lathander shall be with you in your difficulties." Before anyone could inteject he said, "I may have been hasty in the town above in taking up the sword of the man Olaf and as well his quest. If any of you others that knew him much better than I would be interested in weilding the black blade I will most assuredly hand it over."

"It's nothing to do with my mother," Echo said softly.  "She's great. It's me. I need to get my head sorted out before I can talk to her."

"If there be any substantial risk in seeing this tree, then perhaps we should not," said Aloysius. "After all, 'ywould only serve to allay curiousity, and mayhap that is a luxury we can do without. I say that we take a while to return ourselves to full strength afore continuing on."

"If we're to look at the tree once more, let's do it quickly. We've a lot more ground to cover before getting to the prisoners and it sounds like other groups from above may be venturing down as well." Blacky put in his two coppers.

Dalgaer said, regretfully, "If the tree is out of our way, even by a little, I suggest we not return to it. I would like to see it, but the prisoners should take priority."

Echo, sounding a little hoarse, said, "It sounds like we're may be done here then. If we are going to make sure there's nothing in the other part of that last flooded cave, I vote for doing it while we're already soaked and miserable. Instead of waiting until we get dry and coming back to get soaked again. That'd waste another full day anyway cause we'd have to get dry and rest again before we start across those ledges. If most of us agree to just leave it, let's go camp and
not come back."

"Aloysius, are you done with that journal page?" she asked. "The rest of them might be interested if you are. Once we get to a camp."

"Certainly," replied Aloysius, "anyone who wishes to see it may do so."

"Okay, we can check out that last cave," Jana agreed, not sounding at all excited about it, "but no sense in anyone who isn't wet getting that way. 'Sides," she adds with a shrug to Arachne and Dalgaer, "the water'd be over your head. If someone carried you, they'd be unable to defend themselves.  Unless that mind-magic stuff of your can make you float," she added with a look toward Arachne.

Kanon nodded and then smiled slightly, "I forgot to mention. In addition to my service to the morninglord and the miracles it brings I do have the ability to breathe underwater." He reached up and drew out the shark tooth necklace and rolled it over in his hand, "Perhaps just about anywhere where there is no air. It has come in helpful at times. In conjunction with a minor prayer of my diety that allows normal movement in water for a short period of time it is quite effective." He looked around looking rested from his long trek and drew his lighted morningstar, "So are we on to this tunnel?"

Jana said, “You're tall enough to keep your head out of water, but that armor of yours isn't gonna be very fun to wade around in."

Kanon nodded slightly, "Wading is not exactly the use I had in mind but your point is duely understood. I will remain behind as you... wade."

"Hey," Jana replied to Kanon with a shrug and smile, "if you wanna come, that'd up to you. If you've got a way that won't getcha wet, more power to you. My worry though is Arachne and Dalgaer there. I wouldn't wanna leave them here by themselves."

Automatically, Arachne glanced up at Dalgaer, then quizzically looked at Jana.

Dalgaer said quietly, "If you are not gone long, we will be fine. But if this does not add to saving these victims, I say we should forge ahead. I thought most folks had stated the same?"

"We're now going to an area we hadn't finished checking, not back to the tree," Jana explained to Dalgaer. "We wouldn't want to leave something nasty behind us. Gods know there're plenty of nasty things ahead of us," she added with a sigh.

"I'll stay with them. I have no desire to revisit that particular cave." Blacky said with a slight shudder.

"Aye, it's only one small part of these particular caves that we haven't checked yet," Renn agreed. "We may as well work our way back there," he added, though he sounded less than enthusiastic.

"I can wait," Arachne agreed. "I hadn't meant to interrupt you if you were in the middle of an exploration when I ... um ... called?"

Azrun looked around, "If there's not more tunnel at the back side of the cavern we're going to have to go back the way we came. I really think we should at least take the time to allow the others to examine that one pillar and the statue. We can get moving that way and talk about it on the way there. Perhaps, since they're dry they can examine the pillar and statue while we check out the rest of the wet stuff."

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