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Move 39:Still Scattered to the Winds

Milborne-8 Eleasias 1374 DR

Arachne visited the Temple of Torm in Semheis' absence. After that she hung around at the Baron of Mutton, waiting for the others to arrive.

As Arachne left the temple, she could see that Garyld had been true to his word; two men were working with shovels over in the cemetary as she left.

Dirkaster had yet to make an appearance in the Baron of Mutton this afternoon. It was very quiet, the only customer most of the afternoon was an old dwarf. He was very likely the same one that the party had seen in the town's other tavern the night they had first arrived. He was sullenly drinking ale, his cane beside him on the floor.

In the meantime, Lasiar and Torro had done what they could for their companions wounded by the gnolls. The flind and one of the gnolls had escaped on Puddlejumper, with Pug's body. Luckily, a group of farmers gave them a ride to town in their wagon.

Much later in the afternoon, a couple of farmers came in with Lasiar and Torro. They were helping Lasiar and Torro carry Kaileer and Maisar. All four men were wounded. After getting the unconscious elves to a room, the farmers left.

Laisar profusely thanked the farmers for their aid, offering them each a prayer of blessing as they left the room. Lasiar then made sure that the elves' bandages did not loosen and tightened any that were. After seeing to the elves' comfort, Lasiar gently examined his own wounds. "Torro, could you give me a helping hand with this arrow." As Lasiar tried to remove the arrow from his shoulder, with or without Torro's help, he said through clenched teeth, "I apologize for my "take-charge" attitude earlier today. I didn't mean any offense when I ordered you to help with the wounded. The situation and my concern for our friends overwhelmed me, and I spoke without thinking." After binding his own wounds and Torro's, Lasiar suggested, "I'm going to fill my stomach with a warm meal and mead before I turn in for the night. Are you coming?" With that said, Lasiar left the room and walked to the common room to order some food. He ate his food with relish, occasionally sneaking glances about the room for any interesting characters or conversations.

Later in the evening, a group of five people wearing the same holy symbol as Gala came into the Baron of Mutton. Three of them, two women and a man, were unarmed and dressed in bright robes. The remaining two men carried long swords and wore chainmail. Their surcoats bore the ensignias of members of King Azoun's army. All five immediately retired to their rooms, commenting that they were setting out early in the morning, heading for Scornubel. They had traveled from Parlfey's keep and were exhausted.

Lasiar inquired after them to Barthlew after they had gone to their rooms, but he got no information about them from the barkeep.

Dirkaster finally made an appearance as well. He got his supper and a large mug of ale, attacking both ravenously. One of the serving girls swore that she saw a ghost near the temple earlier that day, setting Dirkaster off on the tale of the Gleaming Glade again, where the wood is blighted by the curse of an evil priest who lives beyond death. The story was one of his favorites, as Torro and Arachne could tell Lasiar, since both had heard this story before. 

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